Pizzagate - Child sacrifice art just painted on building in Brussels

in #pizzagate8 years ago

The guy who posted this video believes that Pizzagate is some kind of deliberate revelation. I don't agree with this: I believe that it was an accident, and that the leaks were the last thing Hillary and co needed but who knows?


The satanic pedophiles are so brazen- they love shoving their 'religion' in our face. They are trying to normalize their core evil practices. I doubt that they intentionally wanted pizzagate exposed. I believe the exposure of pizzagate is a part of the plan brought forward by the forces that oppose the global elites who are indeed statanic/Luciferian pedophiles. This will prove to be their undoing. There is an army of us that WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO GO AWAY. They will be fully exposed and held accountable for their crimes- it really is the game changer and the first domino in the awakening of humanity. Please consider doing other decent human beings for the IP (investigate pizzagate) march in DC on March 25, 2017........

Amazing, isn't it? Even worse, the people of Belgium KNOW after the Dutroux case. 500 000 marched in the 1996 White March against the official corruption but were not able to do anything about it so this is really rubbing it in their faces.

I've heard some really ugly stories coming out of Belgium that include their royals-

Oh yes - watch my next post - working on it now - real witness testimony from that department.

sweet- can't wait to see your post- check out the post I just posted- it's getting REAL baby! And please post here as a reply once you post so I don't miss it- thanks

I will. I might even have just turned up some minor evidence for Pizzagaters BUT I'm heading into the grow room now so my research will slow down a little - it may be a few hours :)

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