Origins of the international pedo rings

in #pizzagate6 years ago

Obviously nobody in the British government would give a rat's rear end about Tommy Robinson's use of cellphone cameras if the British elites and government were not heavily involved in the stuff that is going down. This business about international pedo rings is no joke; it is gigantic, it is a major key to dealing with the US deep state and the British Empire or whatever remains of it, and it is the kind of problem that no economic policy will ever solve. A couple of shots at understanding the business.

And more complicated but more interesting, my associate Troy McLachlan's take on the business:

From Troy's intro:

NOTE OF WARNING TO THE READER In this book I will endeavour to steer you towards some of the more open-minded thinkers and writers investigating the sometimes horrifying origins of the more profound social problems facing our species today. As the above hints at, some of the subject matter discussed deals with the distasteful issue of paedophile networks the discussion of a disturbing occult connection to the planet Saturn and its influence on our collective march towards the terrifying elitist agenda of ‘justifiable’ man-made global cleansing.

I do however believe it is vital for us to understand how Saturnian mythology and cosmology has been warped by certain individuals and sects into a justification for such heinous crimes against women and children.

What I have dubbed as ‘The Saturn Death Cult’ (and what others may refer to as the Saturn Matrix) can be loosely defined as the accumulated financial and ritualistic operations and beliefs of certain occult sects and organisations involved today in the promotion of war for profit (Guns), monopoly of energy resources (Oil), illicit drug trafficking (Drugs) and the sexual exploitation of women and children (Sex) – the infamous GODS industry.

Discussing the extremely serious topic of the historical sexual exploitation of women and children (termed White Slavery by some) will, hopefully, arm us with better knowledge in our collective opposition to this ‘GODS’ industry.

“I am firmly convinced that when the people of this nation understand and fully appreciate the unspeakable villainy of ‘The White Slave Traffic’ they will rise in their might and put a stop to it. The growth of this ‘trade in white women,’ as it has been officially designated by the Paris Conference, was so insidious that it reached the proportions of an international problem almost before the people of the civilized nations of the world learned of its existence.”

Edwin W. Sims,
United States District Attorney, Chicago, 1910.
(Quoted from the introduction to: "Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls”, edited by Ernest A. Bell, 1910)

The 1910 author uses the term 'white slavery' but nobody needs to be terribly white to run afoul of this stuff these days. The chief of police of Washington D.C. recently warned teenagers to stay indoors after dark after some 25 black teen girls went missing there in a space of a week and a half, presumably snatched by deep state pizza moguls like Jeffrey Epstein or one of the Podesta brothers.

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