Pizzagate: America's dirty little secret

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Unless you have been under a rock for the last 6-8 months you have witnessed the rise to viral status, then the decline when hit with the #Fakenews attack, and now the slow and steady climb to epic indy news summits. 

After the Fakenews fall, many of the hobby investigaters, got frazzeled and left.. Now these were also the sources that were releasing daily *smoking gun* videos, of any loose or even no connection with any actual facts, while very important during the early days in getting the word out, they did as much damage as anything else. 

Now that the chaff has been purged from the wheat, what is left is some of the finest private/ hobby researchers ever to focus on a problem.. And I have had the honor of working in private with a few of them, and I pity the fool that stands in the way of this group.  Now what we have left is not a sprint to the finish, but a slow steady crawl, will things change after January 20?  I hope, but have my doubts.. And that brings me to this post.

I am not bringing forth new or breaking information, but I am bringing hope!

In case you have not noticed, it's not always easy to get "normies" or your average citizen to buy in on everything about PG... Yet... That is changing.

I have had a long but interesting career in law enforcement, I have seen it all.. I have also worked with some of THE most cynical people out there, and some real blue patriots,  I have also been able to discuss PG with a larger number of citizens... And most at the time, scoffed and did some sort of eye roll... Because of America's Dirty little secret.

Our Dirty little secret.

We, for the most part love this country. Tho this year has done more to divide it than any other since Vietnam war protest. But we love our nation.. We love what it stands for, We love what it does, We love every GOOD thing about it......good thing..

Now see we know we have a few issues here,  but let's just skip those shall we?  Look over here at this instead..

And that's our strength and our weakness.  Think of any urban renewal project, aww for fun, let's just pretend the 2020 OlympicS are coming to Chicago.. Now anyone that knows anything, understands oohboy, that would be a challenge... Unless we want to change events to the 20meter snatch and grab, or the 80 meter relay under fire... We have to dress this puppy up,  so we paint everything purty colors, we gather up as many drug dealers, felons, crackheads, gang bangers as we can and bus em to Detroit with a IOU for 100.00 and a case of MGD if they stay away during the event...we go plant trees everywher... We proud of our nation, so we gonna hide some of this uglY! 

We have seen the same thing done in churches, priest gets busted with his hand in the alter boy cookie jar.... Well, let's toss a little money at things and bus him on to Detroit.

Oh we have a rascist in congress?  Well don't tell anyon, and here lets pain him up all purty by placing these people around him.

Its the same situation over and over, we are proud of our nation, and rightfully so, it's a great one... And we don't want anyone to see our dirty little secrets.

We are learning that paint doesn't always work...

Now over the last few years, and after getting projects that a few bushes can't hide, and paint won't cover, real fixes do start to happen.. That priest is defrocked and sent to jail..things like this are taking place.

The American public just came out of an election that was one of the nasty one for the record books.. Average people are now seeing how dirty and grungy we are... now there are a couple types of people here... Those that have a hard time admiting our country has a dirty little secret.. These folks are learning fast...we need to keep chipping away at them with steady factual information.  This is the group that the outlandsish claims will hurt us with, cause they are just looking for a reason not to believe anyway.. But they are seeing the proble.

Then we have the "paint ain't gonna fix this crowd" 

this is a good crowd, these are the ones we have reached already, these folks know there is a problem, they are now full aware that some/several of our leaders and high ups are kiddie fiddlers and baby blood drinkers,  and they are at the point where they know, you can't cover this up... We have to keep showing them good solid evidence as we go, but also show them the problems with law enforcement, and provide them with hints of how this needs to be fixed, give them names and details of who to vote out, etc..

Then last we have the painters, bus drivers, tree planters.. This is going to be our most valuable group, these are the people used to getting things done, our activist... We need to feed them the best Intel, work hand and hand with them, let them help investigate, but push them to reach the masses! This is where we are lacking.. It didn't take long for a group to form, be named BLM and then start getting the media coverage... Now I disagree with BLM as principal, I am saying we need a group of anti pizza warriors forming up, taking to the streets, we need the spotlight, and I mean in a good way, not blocling traffi,  I think you get my point tho... We need a nationwide/international paint/purge crew to get it done..

So to all the PG detective, to all the PG soapbox preachers... I wanna say thank you, keep up the great work, and hold on.... Folks are learning about our Dirty little Secret...

and do you know what happens to kiddie rapists in prison?   I have seen it first hand... It's not gonna be good for them when they get there... 

Thanks again!!


There have been several times this should have come out, almost came out but every time the genie got put back in the bottle. I don't think that will happen this time. The internet and social media has made it so that those that know what's going on can reach multitudes and their desperate attempts at trying to cover it up are also being noticed. It's still a minority that is really aware of this but it's a much larger one than in previous instances and it's already led to pedo rings in other countries being busted up. I just saw the other day of some local arrests for child exploitation in fact. Now we have Alefantis threatening people's families and Hillary, Podesta and the rest are hiding under a rock somewhere. This shows just how scared they are and they know that their jig is up. Less than 2 weeks til Trump takes office and we might see some justice in this.

It's never been a "secret" for 6K+ years. It's just not talked about, because of 'Human Shame' in doing nothing. Experienced, Expected, Excused. Moving on (the populaces says) ... and until 'Media' changes, nothing "Changes". MHO.

Well not a secret for most of us in that sense, but there are those that just cannot see it...
Thanks for the comments

Nice to hear from a former law enforcement officer on Pizzagate. And nicely put. Especially the end. :)

Thank you! And thanks for the comments!

And wouldn't you just love to be able to work this case for real?
Tho it would get pretty frustrating... Early on I had seen some actual CP type stuff down a lead I was working... Tried twice to contact the FBI... Once in DC once a local field office... Still waiting for them to return my calls

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