Steemers, I need your help. Really disturbing art - Podesta

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Please help find out if Alex Podesta is related to John and Tony Podesta. He's an artist who produces incredibly disturbed work with a fixation on childhood. His work implies he was interfered with as a kid. He's incredibly successful with shows all over the country and internationally, so he has received influential help...

He is stuck on bunny rabbits that made him "feel safe" in childhood.

He is married to a psychiatrist.

If we can find out more about the family it will help! Usually in cases like this there is intergenerational abuse.

Watch video, note the masks and click on images below.

The first pictures are titled "BAD BOY" - note the punishment instruments

Pedophile pose (Miley has also posed in the diaper changing position)

Older man/old man in the boy's space?

Titled "The front" ie boys pretending to be normal/happy?

- Antler-topped bunny heads. (A Study for Future Beasts)

Notice the fingertips inside the mouth - cannibalism?

Titled "Saints"

His wife, the psychiatrist...


That is some weird shit, I will try to see if this dude is related to the other Podesta's but wow, this is some weird stuff and full, absolutely chalk full of symbolism.

Like the two men riding the same "horse" bunny is basically the Knight's Templar seal:

Hi Titus, glad you're on it. That Knights Templar visual is a complete role model for his 2 boys and swords on the bunny!

I found an article where Alex spoke about his mother having 4 sons and 1 daughter. No mention of his father. It was an art website article about him. I didn't keep the link.

The pic of the bunny on the bed mirrors the Miley Cyrus pose I spotted recently (equally disturbing). He doesn't show off the bunnies on the bed in his usual online displays. Keeps that one low profile.

Note the old guy with white hair in 1 of the photos - the only time an elderly man is ever featured in his work.

Oh yeah, plus I mean what type of grown man is into this weird type of art, this all by itself without the last name Podesta should raise some eyebrows.

Have a look at his bio here:

Maybe it will give you some clues.

Thank you. I think we'll have to look at John and Tony's relatives to find out. All Alex's bio gives is that he stays far away from them geographically. Attack of the Bunnymen is his major theme. An old man is also depicted in one of his works. I'm wondering if pedos dressed up in bunny suits attacked him and he's been in trauma ever since?

I cannot imagine any normal adult male would feel comfortable looking at these images.

BarbBae Barb smith tweeted @ 07 Nov 2016 - 06:26 UTC

@0hour check out Alex Podesta's creepy bunny art

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I am crazy busy right now with you know what coming right on time, that I have nothing to say except that I am posting and upvoting every single post in this category I can until it gets "accidentally erased"

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