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RE: Pedophile Professors at MIT. 2012 expose - Andrew Breitbart murder link?

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Spitzer's calll girl was not a CHILD. SHE CHOSE TO BE A HOOKER.

Are you bipolar? every few days you swear at me. Weirdo.

Why do you waste time attacking researchers into Pizzagate? Why don't you get off your weird ass and go do some WORK to save the kids? Or are they not your concern at all? Answer that you loon


Can't you read you stupid mouthjob?

What do you think happens to children who are raped? They go into prostitution to be PIMPED OUT YOU FUCKING RETARDED IDIOT. It's all a part of the SAME FUCKING THING YOU CLAIM TO BE FIGHTING. Do you lack all awareness of this shit or are you acting like a knuckle-dragging cock sucker for any other particular reason?

You're a complete PHONEY. You claim to care about children being raped, but not people? You are a fucking loser and YOU PLAGIARIZE.

I dont give a damn about your Eliot Spitzer obsession. I didn't even include him in this summary I spent hours editing. Why don't you go write a book about Spitzer since you seem to know so much about him. I am focused on the pedophiles - you can focus on Spitzer's call girl who you care about more than the innocent kids being raped and killed!

^^^^^ this fuckwit can't find the connection between rape and prostitution yet claims to care about #pizzagate and the children. You're a fucking loser.

go take your pills. you're WAY out of line.

I'm able to care about ALL victims of RAPE, loser. Why did you post something you didn't even bother to know the contents of? You posted it, I read it and corrected it. Then here you come all hot and bothered, don't even know what you're posting, then attack me, call a rape victim a whore then claim to not give a shit about rape victims. I mean why are you even bothering with pizzagate if you don't care about rape victims, moron? All rape victims are innocent. Anyone who argues with that is protecting a rapist. Now drop it and stop attacking me.

You sound like a whore.

She was a RAPE VICTIM, you fucking retarded asshole.

You're a lying piece of shit. I'm not attacking researchers into Pizzagate, fuckwit. I was attacking the claim that Eliot Spitzer was framed, stupid asshat.

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