I got the word I would be attacked a lot this week. "Character assassination."steemCreated with Sketch.

in #pizzagate8 years ago


Let them do it. Let them say whatever they want. I helped get the word out in time, and that changes history. FALSE NARRATIVE CORPSE MAGIC, owned by the people who lost the SELECTION, does not represent truth or knowledge or wisdom.


I just don't want to see it. I'm somewhere safe and will return to my usual Magical schedule next week sometime. It is tedious to reply to THOSE made-up theories about me. They use the same playbook all the time- it's called Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."


I don't recommend you read it. It will lower your energy level; it's a book about manipulating YOU and breaking YOU, rather than healing through love and insight. But, of course, many in the political class are still operating out of that old paradigm where they need to break and harm YOU, bend YOU to their will.
I CO-OPTed-OUT of that paradigm, as should each of you.


Anyone with A DECALCIFIED PINEAL GLAND knows I did not go through what I went through over the last 4 YEARS to promote an out of print, Internet CRYPTOGRAPHIC NOVEL I wrote 9 years ago. Anyone with a [BLOCK] knows I did not become one of the first SCIENTIFICALLY FICTITIOUS CHARACTERS to call out THE CON JOB in order to make money from a gold company's affiliate program. And anyone who is a friend knows I do not like George FUCKING Soros. I've read his books, he has a legendary financial mind (or did until recently), and he has used his wealth and power to make our world less safe, less beautiful, and more fear-based.


GOOD BLISS TO you all and thank you for being people of great integrity, people who aren't swayed by the flicker of dishonest people on TV and dishonest bloggers at Buzzfeed and elsewhere.


A new world is ahead. Not a new world order, as they intended. A free world.


~Benjamin Franklin Bacon

[A Work of Crypto Fiction By Frank Bacon]
[Block] THIS, THAT, & BOOKS.

Tip-o-the hat to Ryan


Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 9.15.36 AM.png

Gigitty ; )

Lester is a Cunt by the way. I back ewe on that.

BIG Time!

on record since 2018


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