LIFTING THE VEIL | An Investigative History of the United States Pathocracy - By Timothy M. Silver

in #pizzagate7 years ago

....Before long I came to the understanding that I was not just learning about a series of unrelated clandestine agency abuses and financial crimes, but rather was researching various disclosures of an organized subversive network working behind the scenes. A bold statement like this requires bold evidence, of course, and I invite you to investigate the nearly 500 citations of publicly available, mainstream sources yourself and come to your own conclusions....

This is an incredible thesis looking at the connections between the global elite and dark satanic rituals.


By Timothy M. Silver

Chapter I: The War on Terror is a Fraud
Chapter II: The One Party State
Chapter III: Psychopathy, Power and Politics
Chapter IV: Operation Paperclip
Chapter V: MK-ULTRA
Chapter VI: Operation Gladio
Chapter VII: Operation Mockingbird
Chapter IX: The Phoenix Program
Chapter X: Iran/Contra
Chapter XI: Continuity of Government
Chapter XII: The Pedophocracy
Chapter XIII: Cults and Child Abuse
Chapter XIV: Trauma-Based Mind Control
Chapter XV: The Pathocracy
Chapter XVI: Solutions
Chapter XVII: The Awakening

For more from Timothy M. Silver please check out his website at


I went to the website... Not one mention of Mena AR or Bill Clinton. Not one mention of any Democrats, just "right wing" conspirators. This guy's stuff looks a little one sided. His allusion to Bernstein's "excellent job" covering Watergate failed to mention that it was a complete setup part of Operation Mockingbird. Also his knowledge about the Phoenix Program is not that hot... I know, I was there!

I'm not sure if he is taking any sides. The people he describes, if they do exist, don't care for left or right politics. They just care for human sacrifice and global power. This was written in 2014 so I expect if he updated it now it would include the Clinton and Podesta emails for sure.

In his defense he did research, write and publish by himself and for free. So expecting him to know everything about the Phoenix Program I think is asking a lot. In fact if you were involved in the Phoenix program I think it would be a great idea to write a steemit post about it. I'd love to read more about it. Especially from someone with inside knowledge of it all.

But yes on the whole it could have come across a little less bias I guess. Still a great thesis though imo.

He has the date for the beginning of the program a little off. What I was involved in was a precursor. I got my orders from Bill Colby. If I write what I know, I'll probably have a canoeing accident too.

Bernstein was spoonfed the info for Watergate. N. Vietnam had surrendered and the Dems (and their globalist sponsors) plan to disrupt America would have failed. Also all of what he's writing about is a part of an overall plan devised by Tavistock Institute. The MI6/CIA involvement is a part of that. If you look back on my blog you'll find a series (I think about 9 parts) about Tavistock and their myriad of institutions in America. What Mr. Silver says is true... He did a good job, just incomplete. But, then again, it's so big it would be almost impossible to cover everything.

Thanks for sharing, looks interesting!

I had a quick scan of the pdf, is there any reason that there are so many redactions of the source material (ie New York Times - redacted - date)?
Published newspapers such as the NYTimes, and the likes, are part of the public record, I don't see why they need redactions.

Which page/s are you referring to?

Well sheeeeeeet, I'm a bit mystified myself now. I just had a look and there are no redactions that i can find. I was viewing from work before...strange.

Great resource by the way, so thanks again

No worries. Random odd things quite often happen without explanation in the digital world.

@rebelskum thought i'd link you to this just in case you haven't yet seen it.

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