
Like most of them... it is simple they all knew... then it is highly unlikely that females used pedo to get male children to rape (some may have done some kind of tortures but it is really fringe) while for the male actors and their producers... the purge has just begun...

can hollywood be reborn? yes... of course the place is nice, just hash the weinstein groups... and good robert seems to be a pillar...

frankly, those make me laugh, not in the sense of the crimes and abuse they commited against naive american girls and boys who thaught that LA was rozy... not in their lack combat experience... when I compare them to even the most stupid jihadis group... they are such coward.

I am curious if robert would like a good old fashioned crucification next to the hollywood sign? would be nice to have them all there watching the birds and others reptiles and insect approaching slowly... until the feeding race start... or simply hanging on the sign? or maybe drowning at sea is funnier... but it's a bad idea... sharks may be the "taste" :D.

cruficication or hanging? your choice? and of course the sweetest, asset forfeiture :), as if their offsprings could keep anything...

I think they deserve to be crucified slowly,they do worse to there victims.

personally I am for pushiments... and if it means executions, so be it. just to have to catch them in the right state to be able to Death penalty those involved. remember they are just employees. not stars, not what ever... employees... to the bottom of this story...

when this story got me mad personally, is about the daughter of fallen soldiers of america (or someone on tour) who goes to LA and end up being abused, exploited or worst... untolerable for a peace of mind in combat ! I see the behaviors by robert and his friends as clearly act of war with the goal of weakening the complex.

free will, free speech = corner stone of the market, building blocks, absolute nonnegotiable fundational element... rape being a denial of the free will of another, is an act contrary to the market principles, and as such equally an act of war against the market itself. As such death as the only punishment.

and then it has to be put back in the context of America, to be free and able to purse each his own path toward happyness... and acts against the free will of another human being is clearly a breach and attempt to destroy america.

for me at the end it is the constant battle between the libertarian forces and the authoritarian ones... or resaid, during following orders is nonnegotiable, while once done, enjoy, the work of those taking the guard of the eternal vigilance to defend and protect the united states against all foreign and domestic enemies...

and if you want to a more etheral level, let's say that without free will, how sins are possible? or resaid the learning curve... and there, there is no hope for authoritarian to ever be able to accomplish any of their dreams or ambitions... they have no hope of succeeding... none... what so ever... they aren't God... never have, never will... what I am just saying is that what ever the path or choice that the authoritarian will take it will fail, in mysterious ways...

Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers!
Their souls are damned for all eternity.
Shame on them !!!

can first get off with the physical presence (aka corpse), I am open to all discussion, but priorities first... if you need to step up equipement for your research in their executions, it's not a problem with me, I am just curious if you will find something...

frankly I see no real differences, between what is necessary in england and fallujah... for me the attrition and ruining level only depend on the resistance of the locals... if they want to rally around may... great big bomb shuffling. I don't see them as humans... pratical you would say, as they fit biological characteristics and as such are perfect target almost real practices... they even bleed... I mean realistic.

It's really depressing to find out that people you were looking up to could made something like that. Hollywood and in fact the whole society on the Earth are getting more and more rotten everyday :(

but no, this is the point you don't have to fall on... it's just that they were used and promoted for this reason...

and what do you look up? this is stupid as shit, what did they do? a role... they acted... I mean... with recut... really... don't look up or down at anyone... just watch :). and then ask for justice for the victims, that could have been you a loved one of you...

then it is a good news, many descent honest actors are available, spreading the jobs and roles... but for the gang, like my above post... crucification, hanging, or lethal injection or electrical chair... you will see... it's fun, one less, less problem, less risk and good and real incitative for all to behave.

they all knew... and some even did.

cleaning... one drone stike at a time :).

and then you understand why those son of bitches want to take the AR19- ak2019 and others? ... fuck them... they are just good to be used as target practice... fuck them to death.

my only problem with the drives bys against those domestic enemies, is that it may reduce the value of real estates... holes in walls aren't great selling point...

A question if you had the full legal right, would you have what it takes to aim an AR15 load in merry strip, and click until she is just a dead mess of flesh and blood spread on the floor? remember this bitch was a agent draging young and innocent girls to the trap of those men... she is even worst... those and this gang, are just to be cash dried and executed... nothing to see... if someone need organs, please harvest...

Actors are not here for our entertainment ,there here to control and brain wash us ,though don't let it interfere with your favourite movies,just don't pay for it ,get an android box or firestick and download kodi.

hehehe, there are still so many produced already, that in the mass there are real gems :). for me the downturn started with obama and specifically with the movie about the potus attack on the whitehouse where the potus just cared about his whiteshoes and his nicotin chewing gums... it was a pathetic movie... then they went lower and lower...

on the pirating I strongly disagree, only pay and support and price signal the movie you like... it helps entire families to live by. I am strongly against stealing. you don't have the right, you didn't buy them, you steal... you are a thief.

the problems is when some actors join international criminal organization and use their influences to foster the objectives of those orgs. But some are clearly used by those orgs without their knowledge, aka they believe the front cover story and deny the real objectives, while others are simply black mailed and or failed to come clean and are exploited.

but yeah they all knew...

ultimately it is again a big insult to the market... since when anyone want profitability and returns be compromised for what ever illegal behaviors those employees did...

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