Jewish Ritual Murder in America - a Vermont Example

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

Jewish ritual murder often dismissed as BLOOD LIBEL by Jews, is the ritualized killing of a non-Jew by Jews when they celebrate Purim and Passover. The process involves capturing an innocent victim (preferably a Christian) and after ritual preparation that includes physical and psychological torture, to kill the subject while he is experiencing maximum terror so they can drain the blood and use it to make three-cornered Purim pastries.

The gruesome Jewish 'holiday' of Purim in the year 2016 was on March 23.

On March 22, Purim's Eve, the Burlington Vermont Police slaughtered a 78-year-old mentally ill man after keeping him isolated and contained in his own apartment for several hours theorists believe this was done for the purpose of ritually preparing him for sacrifice. They finally tazed him as he cowered in his bathtub and when this poor elderly man, who was having a psychological breakdown due to his poor mental health, jumped up in terror and rage they shot him dead.

Though Jews amount to less than 8 tenths of 1% of the Vermont population, they utterly dominate the radical-subversive state government of Vermont. (whilst all the while race-baiting minorities to rise up against "white supremacy" in countless ways.)

Vermont is the ONLY state that has a major 3rd party, the so-called Vermont Progressive Party. They are Communists and don't hide it.

Powerful Jews in Vermont include Senator Bernie Sanders, Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman, the largest city Burlington's Mayor Miro Weinberger and Burlington Police Chief Brandon del Pozo, to name but a few. When he micromanaged this cold-blooded first-degree murder, Jewish Chief del Pozo was new on the job, having been recruited from the NYPD by Mayor Weinberger to be his heavily armed and militarized strongman. He was clearly looking to send a message of terror to the community by spilling some blood right away.

Filming the whole thing with multiple body cams for what amounts to a Youtube snuff film they posted themselves, this helpless old man was killed after the police shot him with what theorists believe was a deliberately faulty tazer. This cruelly premeditated, planned reaction on the part of their victim gave these Jewish-commanded and Israeli-trained police the "justification" to gun him down in his own bathroom.

Again, this was all meticulously orchestrated by former New York City P.D. officer del Pozo, acting in his new job as Burlington's chief of police. The official videos (released to Youtube but not "searchable") clearly show del Pozo micromanaging every detail of this cold-blooded pre-meditated murder. (We have downloaded all the videos that were posted. They are safely stored in the cloud and are available upon request.)

As mentioned, Brandon del Pozo is a New York City Jew (just like Bernie Sanders) who runs a scandal-riddled and highly militarized IDF-like police department in what was, until quite recently, a small and rustic, majority white, northern New England city but which is in fact being systematically turned into a Brooklynized ghetto full of big city criminals and Muslim immigrants from around the globe. The heroin problem in Burlington and Vermont as a whole is a well-noted national scandal all its own. In the years since Miro Weinberger became Mayor, the city has rapidly declined into a dangerous, drug infested nest of crime and violence, all under his policies of high-velocity increases in "diversity" and the ruthless persecution of any pro-white dissenters - all this in a 96% white state!

Vermont is said to be the "least religious" state per capita. It is in Vermont that every vestige of Christian morality and western values are under attack constantly from Jews, Muslims, militant homosexuals, pseudo-intellectual post-modernist atheists, card-carrying Communists, etc etc. - even more so than in the nation as a whole.

The BPD today has more military-grade weapons, vehicles, and gear than most Peshmerga units fighting in Iraq. True. They have no compunction about unleashing this homicidal ordinance on private citizens and are often seen to behave exactly like the Israelis do in Gaza - when the BPD itself is not in the local news for lying, stealing, killing, perjury, drunk driving, planting evidence, suborning perjury, wife beating, sexual abuse of the disabled people etc etc.


Once people understand what the power-whore Jews of Burlington, Vermont did to poor old Phil Grenon on Purim's Eve 2016 they might be able to begin to grasp what the Deep State Jews just did in Las Vegas to a select large crowd of primarily conservative Christian music fans on the day after Yom Kippur, yet another bloody Jewish holiday. The Satanic tribe's schemes and plots are highly scale-able and often unfold on or just before or after Jewish "holidays."

It is not a coincidence that the recent mass-shooting in Las Vegas took place on a huge killing field in front of a giant illuminated pyramid the day after a Jewish holiday.

As the official story of what happened in Las Vegas continues to melt down in bizarre ways still uncountable, as the witnesses continue to die or disappear, all Americans and other Freedom Loving People should take the opportunity examine the information available on the Phil Grenon shooting in Burlington, Vermont.

Finally, those who commit acts of ritual human sacrifice do so for the occult power they believe is bestowed upon them by demonic forces as a sort of diabolical reward for their "wet work." Whether they actually collect on their Satanic rewards or not, whether common folks, believe it or not, understand that the killers do believe it, and thus it can and will and does affect you and everyone you love and care about. You might want to pay attention.

#pizzagate #pedogate #corruption #satanicritualabuse #sra #illuminati

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