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RE: Dismantling Lazy Journalism from the BBC PizzaGate Article

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

"Sooooo.. emails aren't 'physical' you mean?"

"You completely ignored the ONLY tangible piece of evidence in this entire equation"

So you admit these emails are supposedly the only tangible evidence. The problem is those emails aren't evidence of anything other than buying pizza. That is why the journalist was indeed correct in their assertion that there is no evidence.

Inventing a secret decoder ring out of thin air to transform the emails into what you want them to say is not evidence.

If only you would apply the same rigor you used here with a little bit of reason and scrutiny to pizza gate you might have come to an entirely different conclusion.


Also- if the emails were just about "ordering pizza" as you say, why didnt the nytimes, BBC, or snopes declare that in their pieces? What gain is there to ignoring a key catalyst to the question being asked in the first place?

What are you talking about? Was that a typo? They didn't mention the emails?

Lol yea that was a typo but thank you for proving my point. (Edited)

But they did mention the emails. You aren't making any sense.

You've claimed the only real evidence is the emails yet the emails are not evidence of anything. The articles you reference actually do mention the emails but regardless of what the articles mention there still isn't any evidence.

Try and be objective.

The Podesta emails were mentioned three times in the email - but none of them referenced the specific coded emails in question:

In early November, as Wikileaks steadily released piles of emails from Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta, one contact caught the attention of prankster sites and people on the paranoid fringes.

WHAT caught their attention? They don't say. Is that not a vital piece of information for readers?

The other references of the emails point out that Alefantis and Comet Pizza are mentioned in the emails as well. But they don't tie that string to the use of code words in the emails.

Actually what caught their attention isn't all that important since it had to be rewritten using a fabricated decoder. Are you saying had he included a sentence saying that emails about ordering pizza had caught their attention? Yea, I guess it would have been a nice detail to add in order to give the whole pizzagate name context but I don't see any issue with not including it either.

The story isn't really in what those emails said it's what was fabricated after.

You seem not to understand emails as evidence. There is literally nothing in the emails that is evidence of connection to a pedophile ring. A wholly fabricated substitution cipher has to be applied.

That is not evidence that is just making shit up.

All that I'm claiming as a certainty is that the emails are evidence of a conspiracy. Numerous people using similar code language in odd contexts is something.

The pedophilia stuff is conjecture based on the most common usage of those terms outside of their normal usage.

You aren't being objective and I'm unsure you know what "certainty" is.

Your own comment betrays itself.

"I'm claiming as a certainty"


"code language in odd contexts is something"

So you are certain that it means something. Wow what a claim. Words mean something.

"pedophilia stuff is conjecture"

Yea, that's why what you are claiming to be evidence isn't and the journalist you critiqued did a far better job of remaining objective than you did.

I AM CERTAIN they're not simply talking about pizza, pasta, maps, dominoes and cheese. No explanation of the common use of those words could answer for the broader context in which they're used in these emails.

Words do mean something, as do legal requirements for conspiracy to commit crimes.

I don't write for BBC and I didn't pretend to be objective about his piece -- my stated intent was to dismantle it.

So what was Podesta and friends talking about in the emails?

"we can pretty much do our own journalism now, and do it more objectively than relying on being spoon fed from folks such as yourself."

That's what makes me think you are espousing being a better and more objective journalist yourself, and why I'm laying into you on being objective. The only thing I'm certain about with this fiasco is that there currently does not exist evidence in the public domain to support the allegations being touted.

Personally if I were to start making wild guesses at what might be a code or what might not be I would bet on drugs. Then again it could literally just be pizza.

This is good, I want to see the email text on msm, let the viewer decide.

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