Dear Mainstream Media & Your Fake News Psyop on Pizzagate & Podesta emails

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

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The New York Times, CNN, the BBC and every newspaper involved in slandering independent news sites, since you are all rushing to the defense of Mr James Alefantis, while ignoring that the NYPD and FBI have been investigating 650, 000 of emails that were actually found by the NYPD after they seized the American Politican Antony Weiner's laptop while investigating the sexting scandal. There is a very large network of politicians involved in these scandals and they are all connected to each of the Podesta emails, James Alefantis and the Weiner scandal. However, the mainstream media jump to attempt to demonize Independent media now? We saw you do this when you and the politicians started calling environmental protectors, 'ecoterrorists', 'domestic terrorists' and when you started calling hundreds of thousands of engineers, firemen, lawyers and scientists 'extremists' for questioning and independently investigating 9/11.

Yet the main stream media will publish stories supporting the notion that Pedophilia should be accepted as normal, just because a Psychiatrist with a PhD says so? Just to remind some folks that may not know that psychiatry was created as a branch from psychology, but it actually emerged out of forms of torture based mind control programs rooted from the Nazis. Its an Industry of death born out of a form of torture and control and a way to normalize psychopaths in authority, in addition to making money for the pharmaceutical industry to invent new medicines for invented new mental illnesses. Except for pedophilia, as that's what all our authority figures in government and positions of power do and that's normal because psychopaths are normal and those that tell the truth are 'conspiracy theorists', 'extremists,' or 'nuts', more CIA 'new speak' words to hide the truth and give stigma to those that spread the truth. In that case, normal is the new word for pedophile it seems according to government sponsored Psychiatrists. Lets ask the victims of pedophiles instead and see what they say about it?


Who are main stream journalists working for these days? To deliver truth to the people? Or to deliver what they are told to deliver by the puppet masters? Last year, Mr Alefantis told the BBC he stored all his cooking ingredients in his restaurant, in the basement, whereas recently, he claims to not have a basement. The greatest advantage of telling the truth, is you don't have to remember what you said.

Aside from the 650, 000, that the NYPD found on Antony Weiner's laptop, there's still the Podesta emails to investigate further connecting Mr Alefantis's establishment to a much larger pedophile network, here is just one example Who are the main stream media trying to fool by over looking details that stick out like great big warts to those of us that use our brains? When has Wikileaks ever released fake emails? So how can any of these main stream journalists overlook details like this?

This is why we have an Independent Media, which many ex-mainstream media journalists have moved to because they also know what has happened to the integrity of real investigative journalism. If you are a professional journalist, you should know about the Smith-Mundt Act. The Smith Mundt Act was created for the US Information and Education Exchange Act of 1948, so the United States government could engage global audiences, in other words, broadcast propaganda to an international audience, however the act was repealed recently and modernized in 2012 to allow the US government to broadcast propaganda to the US and an international audience, its now called the ''Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012''. You can't get more fake news than that really now can you? Interesting to digest, when a recent 'conspiracy nut gunman' appeared at Mr Alefantis's establishment, coincidentally also happens to be an actor?

So with this valuable morsel of knowledge, perhaps the mainstream media journalists will understand why we have an independent media in the first place? We have to rely on ourselves for truth, ethics and investigation of the corrupt in power.

Most can see through the Fake News Psyop attacking independent media and Independent Journalists investigating Pizzagate. We however will use logical deduction of evidence already available to so many, thanks to Wikileaks and Independent Journalists and our independent thoughts to make up our own minds what we will and will not believe, especially from sites like CNN and the BBC who have in common squirming out of their own pedophile investigations.

We, in the Independent Media will continue to interview Police and FBI and we will continue to be joined by demonized whistleblowers that have suffered extensive forms of harassment from various establishments or imprisoned or risked their lives and the lives of their loved ones countless times to reveal the truth, because the truth is worth so much more than just the act of telling the truth, it is worth our freedom, it is worth dying for and its worth fighting for too, we will not be beaten down into apathy, especially with the current level of corruption in the global system. There are key gatekeepers abusing positions of authority in the judicial systems as well as in politics, police and FBI also. No matter how deep the corrupt global monumental volcano of lies go, to try and cover up authoritarian abuse of power in the judicial, political & it's fake mainstream media system all attempting to cover up child abuse, no matter which corrupt person they have covering each position of power, the truth will continue to spew out of its own volition to bring down this house of cards

The Links below are for further research-Listen to the first interview on those who are trying to keep the lid on this

Interview with Retired Navy Seal Erik Prince on the NYPD and FBI investigations into 650, 000 Podesta emails with incriminating evidence on Hillary Clinton and other members of Congress as well as James Alefantis- fragmentation in the NYPD department and Judicial system to stop this case being fully reopened

Let us not forget Ted Gunderson FBI Whistleblower who was one of the first to courageously speak out against the satanic cults

Powerful documentary- Speak Out, if you don't speak out about it, you are contributing to a society that wants this normalized

Examples of cover ups and harassment of pedophile child abuse whistleblowers in the UK
The Child Abuse Cover Up: A UK Police Whistleblower Speaks....oh and he mentions a BBC staff member connection

Don't forget Melanie Shaw a victim of child abuse who gets imprisoned illegally bypassing a fair trial by Nottingham police and judicial system when she sought justice against her abusers who also abused hundreds of other children at a children's home in Nottingham

CIA & Pedophile Rings

memes are the author's own


Mainstream Media Morons

welcome back. great post. thank you.

Thank-you for talking about this.
The truth is not always pleasant to hear, but it must be investigated anyways.

great article. Let freedom ring. Stop these satanic pedophiles.

Extremely valuable post. The effort you put into this is very clear, especially in terms of highlighting the media even before trumps inauguration. I actually just made a post about media and thought you might find it interesting check it out @preeinatree

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