Purpose & Pizzagate

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I wonder, have you found the evidence that human beings own an inherent obligation, that upon receiving consciousness we are indebted to something? Have you considered this? Are we here to serve a purpose, as in to have a job or to raise a family, or are we here to serve “purpose?” I am using that word in a different way. “Purpose,” as in something both inside and outside of ourselves. “Purpose,” as a thing in itself which we consciously or unconsciously participate in. It is this participation in the serving of purpose that defines one’s state of existence.

What would it mean to serve purpose rather than to serve a purpose, to earn life rather than to earn a living? I can make a suggestion, and this shouldn’t be believed (or disregarded) just because I suggested it, you ought to explore it and test it from your individual perspective.

We are here to make a decision: to serve either the purpose of love or of fear. All things fall within the parameters of this spectrum. This decision represents the naturally occurring human element we recognize as free will.

Does this ring true for you? If it does, where do you think you currently fall in this spectrum of purpose? Where am I placed, in your opinion? This is an interesting train of thought. The reason I am bringing it to your attention is that there are very powerful people amongst us. For some of these people, their power is derived from love, and for very few, their power is derived from fear. If you are a Christian, you will be familiar with the concept of “spiritual warfare.” I suggest that something similar is happening all around us, and I do not believe that you need to be religious in order to realize it. To see it, you need only curiosity, then courage, then honesty.

This “Pizzagate” story is wreaking havoc on me. It’s leading me to the realization that the people who derive their power from fear are much more sinister than I imagined. This is the “inherent obligation” that I mentioned: am I obligated to look into this abyss? Am I obligated to take action against it? I submit that I am, that I am not fulfilling my duty to the purpose of love if I choose to ignore these shadow aspects of our culture. Do you not feel this compulsion?

At this point, I’m not sure if it’s possible to know if the Podesta e-mails published by Wikileaks are truly indicative of an international, elitist pedophile ring, but it urgently begs the question. There are rumors circulating that Wikileaks has been compromised by the CIA, and this all arrives alongside the introduction of concepts like “Fake News” and the Trump-inspired “Alt-Right.”

It is also difficult to discern the truth about these “Spirit Cooking” celebrity dinners and the role of Marina Abramovic; is she simply a very (very, very) eccentric artist with a lot of famous friends or is this the publicly displayed threshold of an extremely disturbing rabbit-hole? Follow the link provided if you wish to judge for yourself, be forewarned that this content is unsettling: https://sli.mg/a/mdv0hG

Take a few steps back and look at all of this absurdity, what the fuck is going on? From my perspective, this is the western world’s ignorance of the natural order erupting and accelerating toward something terrible and irreversible.

The only solution to all of this is to stop. Stop believing in the artificial authority of these human beings, whether they be politicians, public intellectuals, celebrities, or news sources. There is absolutely nothing that can be taken at face value anymore – including this post.

Stop believing it, stop listening to them, stop consuming, stop allowing them to steal your money, stop allowing them to plunder your mind and energy, and start being true to yourself. Start loving yourself, develop confidence in your own faculties and resources, discover who you truly are as an individual, and objectively consider the nature of your interaction with others and your environment. The world is in desperate need of authentic human beings; self-made in totality.

If you did click the link I provided, these are the questions I would invite you to explore…

If there is even the slightest chance, the tiniest speculation, that your favorite politician or celebrity or other public figure is involved in pedophilia or cannibalism, what does that mean for you?

Why are these people being paraded in front of you, on your cell phone, television, newspapers, and magazines? Think about one of them, why is that person in your mind and how did he or she earn that place? Is it because he is exceptionally talented, beautiful, brilliant, and valuable? Is it possible that he did something to get into that spotlight, something superhumanly awful?

Can you know for a fact that these people are who they appear to be? Can you assert with utmost confidence that these folks deserve a place in your heart and mind?

I figure we’re at war. We are losing.


Very interesting perspective and much along the lines of the things I've been thinking/feeling since all of this has started coming to light. The provided link is very disturbing indeed... I completely agree on your point about spiritual warfare - just because most people don't believe in it doesn't matter in my estimation - THEY believe in it, that's what matters... I believe they use this so called 'art' as an expression of showing you what they're thinking/wishing/worshiping/doing behind closed doors. As from my research, these people believe that they have to tell you about it even though they also believe you're too dumbed-down to see/realize/understand it - which then in turn lends to them a feeling of a clear conscious because 'we told you, you didn't stop us or even care and in turn, gave us your silent obedience and consent'...

Thank you very much for reading and offering your thoughts.

I would like to elaborate a little more on this, mostly for my own personal reflection, but I would enjoy hearing your response.

I think these people deserve only so much of our mental space. Pizzagate, Abramovic, mass-media, politics, religion, chemtrails, Monstanto - whatever it is. These are all proofs of our slavery, the damaging symptoms of our belief in authority. One doesn't need to search for very long to find these proofs, a great degree of intelligence is unneccessary; a child could understand the injustice of income tax.

For me, from now on, I need only to keep this fact at the forefront: I am a slave. I purposefully wear it on my forehead every day. I think we ought to focus on that, we ought to avoid being distracted by further evidence of it, since this new evidence becomes a toy. Our slavery becomes a rubicks cube to play with rather than a thing to be overcome.

You seem to be a thoughtful person. I think the trap that people like you and I can fall into is this habit of perpetual revaluation. Perpetual seeking. We hold these so high, it's a treat to add a new piece of knowledge to our repertoire, and eventually this can take precedent over taking action. We must take action in our communities, even in small ways. Being intelligent and well-informed simply isn't enough anymore. If we do not act on the information and perspectives that we work so hard for, we are contributing nothing more than the people who are still asleep.

A sense of urgency must be maintained: I am a slave, this is unacceptable and I refuse to live a lifetime in this fashion - this is #1 on my to-do list.

Sorry for the delay, I don't disagree with anything you've said thus far. The only difference I might take in your approach, personally, is instead of thinking about being a slave, I prefer to focus on the power of positive thought.

I do agree that seeking knowledge has become somewhat of a hobby or even an obsession in my life and the problem with that is lately I've been focusing on learning negative things rather than positive things. That's a change I need to work on personally.

I also agree on the need to press pause on learning and put our current bucket of knowledge to practical use, which is something I struggle with in terms of finding a 'worthy' outlet for. I talk to people, try to spread what I've learned, but that doesn't always make an impact, or so it seems from my perspective. Seems I need to find another outlet.

I appreciate your perspective, its helped me realize the changes I need to make within myself before I can expect to see anything change without.

Thank you.

The questions I'm finding interest in, if all things are on this spectrum between love and fear:

Is love always "positive?"

Can you conceive of a time and place in which love demands violence?

I guess that would be subjective to some degree - i.e., would you consider self-defense or the physical defense of your loved ones "violence" if provoked and you were required to physically hurt someone to stop them from hurting you or your loved ones? Personally, I would not. Violence to me would be unprovoked attacks or physically acting first when unnecessary as a defensive posture. So I guess in short, based on the above, no. I don't think love demands violence, unless you define it differently than I do. As for the question of love always being positive or not - I would say yes. Could there be pain involved in love, absolutely, but generally that pain helps a person grow/evolve emotionally and ultimately, in my experience, becomes a net-positive.

These are just the opinions of one man, me, I'm sure many others will have different opinions.

It's not a question of if anymore.

I don't think there's such a thing as superhumanly awful, and if there was it still cannot be blotted out of consciousness, nothing merits being blotted out of consciousness, and the love of the world won't mean anything without a drop of fear to contrast it, it will be like the taste of water, the sentiment of love. I don't know what people "should" do, I do know solutions should be specific, very specific actually. I don't think it's wise to send out a thousand memes of "be yourself" and "fuck what they are doing, do you really care" or "fight the good fight even if we lose". These sentiments and those solutions just like those questions of pedophiles earning a place in one's heart, full of the same feels, are a reaction at most. I don't know what to do about this besides to say that DUH! Its real, but if I could, I would spend my resources on baiting these people, I'd make them an offer they couldn't refuse, so to speak, but then it all entails: SO what, they control everything. E V E R Y T H I N G, so it comes back to spreading more information, because everyone of these people are in positions of power and they have everyday joes wiping their ass, so it's about everyday joe finding out who's ass they're actually cleaning.

To your point about the need for contrast or opposites, then I ask, is there such thing as super-humanly good? What would the exact opposite or "opposing good" be to a satan-worshiping pedophile or a cannibal who performs ritualistic sacrifice of children? Even better, what's the worst thing you can think of that someone could do to another in this world, then conversely, what would the "equal and opposite" good be to that? Not to get too religious, but for me in my thoughts and experiences, it always comes down to Jesus Christ as the 'ultimate good'; the opposition to the most evil things in this world. In my researching, I've seen some evil stuff - evil is the only word that I can use to describe it - maybe even super-humanly evil.. So knowing there can be such evil in this world, based on the 'equal and opposite' principle, there has to also be such good as well, and that's what I try to focus on - the good.

In that vain, I agree, you cannot completely blot out the evil from consciousness - its needed so you know that there can be an equal amount of good in this world as well - it just becomes up to you which one you allow to exist in your conscious, and thus subconscious, and thoughts on a regular basis.

There isn't such a thing a superhumanly good just as there isn't it's opposite. That concept seeks to paint one as more than and it's not getting anywhere since no universal moral maxim exists, and then even if everyone can be judged on and in consistency with everyone else, the act itself isn't proactive in the least, it's merit is clearly questionable. These judgements are stemming from reaction and emotion and belief and not logic.

Saying "for me in my thoughts and experiences" isn't inviting conversation, especially when your thoughts and experiences are tied to a myth and that myth is the basis for what you say as the opposite of most evil. One step further, the meme of me and my experiences is hardly non reactive, the stance of mitigating discussion in the corner of "subjective" vs "objective" is your choice. The implication of "for me in my thoughts and experiences" aside and putting wrongs and evil aside, granted this discussion is about pointing fingers, pegging blame, and that is not to dismiss it what so ever. The reality is that there's these people out there and that yes they could be called landlords of the planet, in fact to the rest of the universe for all we know these people, not "beings", are probably flesh and blood feeling thinking conscious ambassadors to different worlds simply because of an almost unfathomable amount of influence. Sacrificing infants, eating infants, injecting infant blood to stay younger, fucking and killing kids, hunting kids, murdering anyone who stands in their way, erasing those who dare to expose them, just the number of microbiologists that have died since 9/11 is outrageously high, and that's because these people have a hammer and they use it, they use it in our language, and so in turn on our mind, our thinking faculty.
So then.. Why are we so afraid of even looking at the depravity? What is it that scares us when we look at that depravity that we disconnect these people, these human beings and paint them as something other than a hairless monkey? Be it they have far more complex and incredibly specific functions or purposes than to have a family and all that, they too are simply doing monkey, can you say that they know what they are doing? Hell no, you will eat your words as soon as you open your mouth and say that. I am not saying to excuse their actions and responsibility for those acts. Their action's direct consequences, those which form their needs, but primarily for the need to be private and covering up their deeds at all cost is what we are seeing now. It is a simple mathematical equation describing exponential increase, could there be a reality where truth doesn't come to light? Where deceit and ignorance are all pervasive?
But first, what warrants this other worldly status of super and what is it communicating? What makes people reactive is either intended to or not and so it bears on this situation as it plays into their hands. Can people converse much in a situation precipitating with emotion of fear or one where fantasy is purported as reality?
Fear vs love is flawed because you put fear as opposite to love and said, fear is nowhere near love, cast it out. Maybe you are the director of these "emotions", but outside the idea of "control" there is attention and focus. Yes, completely unhindered about "should" and "could" and very much empty of all other concepts. Focusing and becoming aware of my emotions is about all I can do, once you start directing what you should feel you have opened yourself to suffering what you shouldn't feel. So then ,the moment you lose control, the moment fear has seeped in, there isn't anything but a reaction to repress that because of a certain "feels" which goes contrary to common sense. With that idea of should/could, you would need to pay attention and then cast out fear and replace it with love, and that is how you want to benefit, the value you gained from that is not just a better ability at turning fear into love, but you didn't let those fears wreak havoc on your consciousness..
Somewhere in that idea lies a lesson about the wisdom of detachment, misconstrued as it is. What about the maxim of embrace your demons, welcome and treat your fear like a guest?LINK Do I think these child molesting baby eating individuals have demons and they are embracing them in the form of baby eating child sex? Maybe they embraced their demons and that led them to those actions? Their demons probably stem from the consequences of being so private or in others case of being found out, and their freedom lies then in embracing a more open life I think, the freedom from their demons is not running away from their demons, demonising these people isn't going to bring justice, isn't going to mitigate some anger, isn't going to help, their actions have repercussions and they are responsible for those consequences. The question is, what to do again, and all you can do is voice your concerns, spread the information, don't succumb to labeling ideas, situations or people as negative and let a certain fear of contamination direct what you can't look at, what you can't research, and ultimately what you can't understand. There's plenty of questions to be asked. How you choose your direction, are you inviting conversation by being specific, by being grounded in reality and not myth? As uninviting as I come off, it's up to you to question and understand in a manner that invites and doesn't provoke, or evoke sentiments but thoughts.

Lol, after reading that I don't even know wtf we were talking about anymore. I asked some pretty straight forward questions and got a pile of text-puke in return seemingly unrelated to any sense of discourse I thought I was engaged in. Touche, I guess?

Pointing out that sharing my opinion is "not inviting conversation" or not inviting you to share your opinion? Asking questions isn't inviting? Isn't that all you did here though; share your opinion that my opinion isn't somehow valid? Does that invalidate your opinion by default as well? You have a lot of thought on what other people need to do, I suppose you've reached the pinnacle of a secularist human and have nothing left to aspire to? Nothing left in life or death to look forward to? No worthy advice to seek or listen to? You've become the myth-god you're so against? The arbiter of logicality?

Your research has shown these people believe in Satan and Satanic rituals, right? They would tell you it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, it only matters that they do. They are having super-human experiences. Your choice of refusing to believe that they believe this doesn't change it any. They will continue to pursue their goals through their belief and participation in spiritual warfare in this plane of existence and any others, while you're stuck here refusing to acknowledge they are operating at a plane clearly beyond your secularist ability of comprehension, in my opinion.

I'm not going to respond to any more discussion of your opinion being any more or less valid, logical or mythy than anyone elses. Though I'm happy to continue any discussion that isn't based in lifting yourself above the rest of us who's beliefs simply differ from yours.

So it only matters that they believe in it, so let's repeat it again, it doesn't matter what you or I believe about it, or of it, it has no bearing on it, then why bring it up? To say that because of their belief they are having super human experiences? And I choose to refuse to believe that they believe that? What gave you that notion? Because I hadn't used the word worship, satan, ritual, and the implications of those concepts?
There's nothing specific in your points, let me reiterate the discussion:
Your Opinion:These superhumanly evil people, are mean and they hurt your mind space and soul.
They are not superhumanly evil people, they are people who do evil things and quantifying or qualifying the evil won't dispel evil, making them otherworldly and contrasting them with a myth or being able to quantify their evil will not bring understanding, justice, won't make conversation more interesting or novel, hell, understanding that evil is banal should be about all the understanding one needs, evil is systemic and thrives in secrecy, in these circles evil is norm, as you know, so let's say that it's a "superhumanly evil" thing and they in turn are superhumanly evil, they are so much more evil and doesn't make a difference either way. If you don't believe in them or if you do they will continue to pursue their goals.
So the discussion, has once again been cornered.

Pointing out that sharing my opinion is "not inviting conversation" or not inviting you to share your opinion?

Exactly, but you didn't even point out your opinion, you validated it into an experience, how can I say anything about your thoughts and your experience when you're making statements like "for me it always comes down to a myth being my compass for superhumanly good". Yes, get mad at me making a valid point, your experience and thoughts are of a myth. So what, the matter isn't about Jebus or whatever deity or myth you follow, it's not about their worship or how valid it is, it's not about their experiences or how "super" they are, and I never invited opinion, has never been a discussion about belief. I will point out that your remark about what it boils down to, isn't going to make discussion, fuck, how did you envision someone taking a remark like "I don't know about you but I believe in JC as ultimate super great"? A: I too believe in that. B: I don't know what to believe. C: I think it comes down to the golden rule. D: It wasn't a question of belief, ever, it was always about recognizing that superhumanly evil, that demonizing people, regardless of their actions will not bring understanding or value to the situation. And then what was your point? To Meet up with A and do bible study? To discuss jesus to b? To agree with C and echo the sentiments therein? Or to laugh at that audacity, of calling your sentiment a myth, and call my arguments into ridicule because gosh darn logic, gosh darn do I even have anything to live for. Weren't you the one giving out free advice to everyone in the form of memes from the last 25 years of self help garbage? I clearly remember reading your "purpose" or "a purpose" as, yeah, clearly you have it figured out if you freely give unwarranted advice.

How about you point out exactly what you're laughing at, or exactly what my opinions are which erupted your hemorrhoids.

Here's some other inviting information besides the mention of Erin Rothschild.

echoing my point: that these people aren't super anything, more like super lame child molesting child murdering baby eating individuals.

I wonder, have you found the evidence that human beings own an inherent obligation, that upon receiving consciousness we are indebted to something? Have you considered this? Are we here to serve a purpose, as in to have a job or to raise a family, or are we here to serve “purpose?” I am using that word in a different way. “Purpose,” as in something both inside and outside of ourselves. “Purpose,” as a thing in itself which we consciously or unconsciously participate in. It is this participation in the serving of purpose that defines one’s state of existence.

Google Erin Rothschild and listen to the interviews, she speaks about her purpose in a different way than you, but the same as in what purpose means: reason/objective/justification.

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