Heroes of this Cause who died as Tech Giants allow these pedophile rings to proliferate! Why not just shut down their accounts?

in #pizzagate6 years ago (edited)

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They silence whoever they wish and further the contacts they want promoted.

They have been trying to Normalize this since the days of P.I.E.

Their signaling with their acronyms is Always Very telling.

Sources throughout and at the bottom.

This is ALL Connected and Many of us work to show others either beginning their journey or continuing their journey How it is a Vast Web of deceit in which they use "honey pot" style tactics to induct, indoctrinate, program, proliferate and continue the ritualistic abuse down through the generations. Done through entertainment, rituals, parties, trips, government, etc.

It all tries to create a cocoon around any who will give them interest in the Distractions they provide through media, movies, their owned MSM, music, social media, etc. They easily entice, entrap and blackmail continuing their cycle of abuse and rituals that have literally been in place since the dawn of time. Since there was a fallen being, along with his cohorts they tamper with the human genome and try to prey upon God's most innocent of His creation because humans are made after God's own image and Satan Hates it and US!

Think of that. . .we ARE part of the God particle, but they are always searching for an alternate god, the anti-god, the anti-christ.

People placed in positions of influence, entrapped and blackmailed to take part in these alleged rituals.


They use their symbols to signal one another whether it be through their "secret clubs" like free masonry or touting their cabal, Kabbalistic beliefs. Constantly giving off aires of superiority in their "mystery religion."

https://www.britannica.com/topic/mystery-religion/Beliefs-and-practices http://www.equip.org/article/mystery-religion-what-were-the-mystery-religions/ http://pagan.wikia.com/wiki/Mystery_religion

They do so by trapping people and tricking them into sacrificing more of God's creation.

They tell each other and fully believe,

We know more than you susceptible, mere humans.

Their goal, as the fallen is to destroy as many humans as possible by leading them down the Most Destructive path possible!


Their goal, as the fallen is to destroy as many humans as possible by leading them down the Most Destructive path possible! One of those paths is to allegedly. . .

Decrease the population! One way is allegedly through Planned Parenthood. . .

Kill as many babies as possible.







Just look at all the programs they were involved in, many directly supported by the CIA like Lockheed, Dept of Energy, Office of Naval Research even in programs like Remote Viewing. . .CIA funded.



Reprogram as many as you can to prey upon the innocent to include fracturing the brain God created, so the prey will become the predator. . .if not. . .they are sacrificed on an alter dedicated to Baal, molech or whatever evil name satan enjoys calling himself with his baphomet agenda of transgenderism going into transhumanism.

Beware their agenda, as high Tech companies continue to protect them, orchestrators on boards infiltrate and pretend to be one of the Guardians. . .they are sneaky like the serpent!





Beware as they attempt to get you to sympathize and fall for their ploys to normalize, blur the lines, be dismissive of their vile behavior and titles like NAMBLA , whose name Says it All. . .North American Man Boy Love who people don't realize have been using mob style tactics since the Franklin Cover-up and Before!



If you're not familiar you can duckduck go. I do a few reports last year.

The Franklin Cover Up Johnny Gosch Pedophile Camps verified in IA, NV, NE, CA, WV by FBI Director

Beware their agenda like this co-founder of an organization allowed to distribute materials on the Streets!

Just like Tom O'Carroll their founder states,

Get a bucket BTW,

We thought our illegal interest in children, ought to be made legal, if it concerns relations with young people, who were consenting to relationships, so were willingly involved.

Right, because a child can make an adult decision? Those of us who consider our role as guardians of not just our children, but children of the world. ..as a child needs protection keep trying to be heard.

Regular people who Would Never think of giving themselves over to such predatory, self-serving practices know this innately!

No one has to teach us. . .doesn't occur in our mind. And NO it's Not a disorder, it's a selfish, willful allowance of their mind to absorb itself in what satan wants. . .destroy the Most innocent of God's humanity.

Notice how he uses the words, young people. . Yet another key phrase for these globalists, clearly luciferian, to make it appear appropriate, normal AND yet another of their Many Attempts to blur the lines, cause confusion and make people who even begin down a monstrous thought process to fall for their programming of. . ."well maybe it's okay." NOT On Our Watch!

This vile group even had women. . .which I know you all here are Already Aware Women are also big predators; had them passing out pamphlets pre-internet days on the street at news stands (well at least no internet for the general public). They actively went about trying to further their agenda. I realize this is no surprise to all here.

Those who haven't already heard of this organization, here is the leader in a 60 min. AU interview and this is just a short clip of the entire thing. There was a lot of other footage which can be found where others in the group speak of the high profile abusers connected to them.

Listen to him justify to all those who are evil how children of age 10 can consent.

Apparently he has "shied away from" endorsing the 4 year old age, in which I heard him in an interview once speaking on how to negotiate sex with a 4 year old. These people are depraved. . .it's a fact. I know I don't have to convince you, but many, even those who believe in the protection of children still don't think these kind of people are literally everywhere. . .I assure you, the Are.

In one of my reports at the bottom listed in sources, there is a section where he Did talk to the interviewer about negotiating sex with a 4 year old. It is stomach wrenching! **These people don't just believe this, They do and promote!

Clip titled Tom O'Carroll - Founder of Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)

Did a report on this last year and couldn't believe all these people were able to get away with.

Of course, I can believe it now. Rings like this of course all over.

Thank God Trump and Qanon are committed to bringing them down. The Light continues to shine and expose this evil!

Now we have that former BBC Director General, Mark Thompson as CEO and president of the NYT so they can yet another pedophile sympathizer over here trying to shape the mind of sheep.

Well of course they Want this Master pedo protector at the helm as. . .the New York Times did an article in 2014 trying to get people convinced to label it a "disorder" rather than What it IS. . .A CRIME?


Others abound signaling Exactly what they are up to.


You can do a duckduckgo search and find more!

Remember when he was at the BBC and that reporter Liz MacKean died of a stroke? She had been involved in uncovering Jimmy Saville and BBC Killed the Story. MacKean died of "a stroke." That was just One reporter, there was also Jill Dando.

Here is a report I covered on MacKean last year titled,

Liz MacKean Dead Tried to Expose Satanic Paedophile Ring Savile BBC stopped story

Think of the list of exposers dying.. . .just a few I can think and there are So Many More heroes killed for trying to save these kids from these heinous abusers. Avicii, Bennington, Cornell, ultimately Seth's info would have reigned down on these pedophiles, Swartz (reddit co-founder),

Avicii timeline leading up to death, interesting events/Advocate for ending Child Sex Trafficking

Avicii Part 2 Oddities surrounding his death interesting events/ Staples calls out R. Kelly pedogate

*Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell's Eerily Similar Deaths Connection to a politician8

Minn after publishing a book trying to expose high level government pedophiles.

TFTP reports:

Mark Minne, author of the controversial book ‘The Lost Boys of Bird Island’ devoted his post-police life to exposing the corruption and horrifying pedophilia he discovered while working as a detective. Minnie and his good friend Chris Steyn, also a former cop turned investigative journalist, worked together on the book to expose a government and business community who took children to Bird Island where they were abused, and some possibly murdered.

I'm sure this was already reported on here, every time I go over this to remind myself of their wickedness I can't help but realize There are More of US than THEM! We Need to END this!

For those who had not heard or might have forgotten the details,

The book details the level of their involvement in the pedophile ring, abuse of the children, alleged acts of murder to cover up the crimes, as well as corruption and abuse of high-level state resources by the network’s members.

The book details the corruption within the last Apartheid government of South Africa and implicated officials all the way to the top, including defense minister Magnus Malan and the minister of environmental affairs John Wiley.

Before his death, Minnie announced that he was approached by many more people with even more damning evidence which he planned to reveal in a sequel of the book. However, he died before he could finish it.

The book was published earlier this month on August 5 and only nine days later, Minnie would be found dead. Officials claim they found a suicide note at the scene, but his family says they don’t believe it at all.

Tersia Dodo, a family member of Minnie told reporters that just days before he died that if anything happened to him, they must know he was killed.

Albert Johnson known as Rapper Prodigy tried to expose illuminati child sex rituals.

Here is a screenshot from an interview as Tech Giants have attempted to scrub this info and orchestrators in a place of control on various platforms, even those who "pose" as free of censoring do their "silencing" in another manner like Gang style tactics of Share blue and other Orgs funded by George Soros.

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Notice the Voodoo child sex rituals for Pedo sex tourists, where Johnson said, "I told ya'all!"

Remember when Hillary and Bill did their whole voodoo ceremony with a high priest? I'm sure you guys remember or like me, learned when they began their journey of Waking up about 2 years ago!

Here's just one of likely many!


** Aaron Swartz**


Jill Dando also from BBC, was a host on Crimewatch, who tried to tell her bosses of a pedophile ring at the BBC also comprised of elite stars. She was then shot in 1999 in the head on her doorstep in London. Case remains of course, Unsolved.

Was there some inside information Anthony Bourdain had about these high profile pedophiles in a position of authority?

Anthony Bourdain, his girlfriend Asia Argento Freaky Friday interesting tweets, info, video clips


Asia Argento's connections to symbolism


Many cover this info. ..but few want to hear or care. Many even claiming to be on the good side cause barriers to this info getting out there.

I realize many out there are doing their best and I remain grateful as these children deserve our help and prayers while shining a light upon their predators!

Everyone should be aware, as I'm sure Many are. . .posers abound in an attempt to gather patterns and info while attempting to cause chaos.

This of course as you know, is what they do to our children to groom and Absolutely the directors of platforms allow it or they would have Ended it.

Remember when facebook ran that survey? Outed them very quickly (as if we all didn't know already)

Did an article on this once and here was the jest of it,

Facebook asks users if they, "should allow adults to ask minors for sexual images" Are you kidding me? Yet Good People are banned, harassed and censored!

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Here is an article I did some time ago which has more details,


Sick of rules, censorship and even the pretense of helping cloaked in "guidelines and petty disagreements."

This isn't about these people who think they Run the Info or boards and have become the New disseminators of the info. . .this should be Exclusively About the Children.

I will Never forget the children abused and the valiant efforts of these heroes, who lost their lives Trying to Put an END to it.

I'd like to PUT an END to all the garbage and politics I see floating around along with prima donnas displaying their enormous egos while using their mod mob style tactics of ganging up on posters all over social media platforms.

If they Dare question why they allow media matter posers to infiltrate their boards, blatantly allowing Them to break the rules and attack those on the side of good. . .while the mods instead these these entitled moderators punish the Patriots rather than the infiltrators.

Appears there are infiltrator protectors at the top, just as in the "honey pot" system, we are all trying to bring down.

See sources below.

What are your thoughts on this? Are you tired of All who must continue to die in order to expose this wickedness? Who is with me? Are you being attacked, censored, experiencing gang style tactics by the board moderators who pose as being on the side of good?

Let me know your thoughts and experiences below. Godspeed!


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These people are SICK.

I can understand those that really prefer to hide from this information, they keep things hidden in plain sight, so those that don't want to see can ignore it.

Those that are involved in this, they will be stopped.

Yes! So glad to see other Patriots trying to expose them and wake others up!

Keep up the great work!

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