Ancient Mystique---------->Sex Trafficking Stats and Satanic Ritual Abuse Cases.......In Depth

in #pizzagate7 years ago


Sex trafficking.

A term that should make parents shudder with awareness.


Whilst I like including all of my sources, this subject proved particularly difficult to find any concrete statistics, so I have put together what I have found from various sources (all listed at the bottom of the article).

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  • At least 20.9 million adult and children (numbers are reported to go as high as 70 million worldwide) are bought and sold every year, worldwide, into forced labour, Child soldiers, Organ harvesting, bonded labour and commercial sexual servitude.

  • Human trafficking is the third largest international crime industry (behind illegal drugs and arms trafficking). It reportedly generates a profit of $32 billion every year. Of that number, $15.5 billion is made in industrialized countries.

  • Around 2 million CHILDREN are RECOGNISED to be victims by the global sex trade --->How Many aren't 'recognized'?

  • 6+/10 trafficking survivors were trafficked for SEXUAL EXPLOITATION

  • Women and girls make up to 98% of these victims (Although the rate of men being trafficked has risen substantially)

  • In 2016, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children estimated that 1 in 6 endangered runaways reported to them were likely sex trafficking victims.

  • The term "Prostitution" is often lumped with sex slave--->when, really, that woman is forced to be in that position by any number of coercive and/or abusive means.

  • 86% of these likely sex trafficking victims were in the care of SOCIAL SERVICES when they went missing

  • USA sex trafficking hotspot map.png

  • Around 90% of prostituted women have been physical and/or sexually abused as children

  • 74%, the abuse was by a family member

  • 75% have addiction issues

  • In surveys, 89-96% women said they didn't want to be a part of the prostitution system but cannot, due to lack of healthcare, money, education and other basic resources. (Showing there is no difference between prostitution and slavery)

  • The average age of children to enter 'prostitution' is between 12 and 14 years old. (Let's note here-Children CANNOT CONSENT AT THIS AGE BY LAW) And Many victims are runaway girls who have been sexually abused

  • 158 countries have laws against human trafficking (By 2016)--->Yet The convictions of offenders is low to non-existent still

  • The ratio between victims and perpetrators is 5 victims to 1 convicted offender

  • Countries with percentages of trafficking 'trends':
    shares of forms of trafficking by region SS.png



The reality of this is-The Entire industry is driven by Profits. If nobody PAID for sex-

Sex trafficking would not exist.

And throughout my research I continually get led back to this guy, Alfred Kinsey. (Doco Here)
He is responsible for the 'sexual revolution in the 60's and was directly sponsored by.....YOU GUESSED IT

The other thing I come up against quite frequently is the pornography.

Advocacy groups have been warning of the detrimental effects of pornography since its major push started, however, with the help of the Tele-vision, the general populace have been programmed to be more tolerant of obscenity.

Did you know that when Elvis was alive, he wasn't shown from the waist down on TV because it was 'too rude'?

Slowly but surely, our morals have been eroded by the trash put in our heads. And look at what it has brought us too...


The basic lines of nature are being blurred with the promotion of transgenderism and gender appropriation.
Did you know that the LBGT community is currently transforming into the LBGTP or LBGTQA?

The P in the acronym stands for Pedophile.

The Q and A? Questioning and Allied......

Pretty much the same thing huh? They could be lumped into the same category especially if they get the message that people won't stand to have their children abused and thus-Have to choose a different path with least resistance.

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Act: Recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons;

Means: Threat or use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power
or vulnerability, or giving payments or benefits to a person in control of the victim;

Purpose: Prostitution of others, sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, or slavery.
(From the 2000 UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, ratified by 154 countries.)

An estimated 80% of all trafficked persons are used and abused as sexual slaves.
This human rights violation is driven by demand for sexual services and the pro t that is generated. The commodification of human beings as sexual objects, poverty, gender inequality and subordinate positions of women and girls provide fertile ground for human trafficking.
-Michelle Bachelet,
UN Women Executive Director 2010-2013



The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) defines* “severe forms of trafficking in persons”* as: sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age."

World Map-Criminalization of trafficking.png


Covers most/all forms: Countries where the specific offence of trafficking in persons is in force, criminalising at a minimum sexual exploitation and forced labour, with no restrictions concerning the profile of the victim
Partial: Countries where the specific offence of trafficking in persons is in force but legislation does not criminalise all or most forms listed in Article 3 of the UN trafficking protocol or does not define trafficking in persons.
No Specific offence: Countries where forms of trafficking in persons are criminalised through other offences due to the absence of a specific trafficking in persons offence.

Portugal is considered the hub of sex trafficking-Especially in children.

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Below is an extensive list of 'famous' people and/or politicians with sex offences and many well known and lesser known cases related to the sexual abuse of children, specifically.


@titusfrost has done an amazing 3 part documentary with over 7 hours of questions left unanswered, currently, if you haven't watched it-Please make the time. This is vital information for every single being on the Earth at this present time. These are the strings pulling apart the web of lies currently. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

@thehoneybee has an amazing channel on both SteemIt and Youtube. She is an Amazing investigator and has exposed-and continues exposing the Powers that shouldn't be, beautifully. And has a special interest in helping children and identifying offenders.

End Times News Report is also a great reported and exposer of these criminals.

@sgtreport is constantly interviewing amazing people all over the world helping our children.

Ole Dammegård has an awesome website and does great work too.

There are definitely names I have missed....Because they are many. And they all deserve a place in the blockchain. These investigators happen to be the most reliable and honest I have found so far and have a great base of information.

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Conspiracy of Silence-

McMartin Preschool-

McMartin PreSchool wikiSS.png

Little Rascals DayCare-

Little Rascals DayCare Wiki SS.png

Faith Chapel Ritual Abuse Case:

Faith Chapel Church Ritual Abuse Casee SS Wiki.png

Oak Hill Satanic Ritual Abuse Case-

Oak Hill Satanic Ritual Abuse SS wiki.png

Martensville Satanic Abuse Case-

Martenville Satanic Sex Case Wiki SS.png

Christchurch Civic Crèche-

Christchurch Civic Crèche SS WIKI.png

Wee Care Nursery School-

WeeCareNursery School Wiki Snapshot.png

The Country Walk Day Care Case-

Bernard Baran-

Bernard Baran Trafficking child abuse Wiki SS.png

The Bronx Five-

The Bronx Five-Wiki SS.png

Glendale Montessori-

Glendale Montessori wiki SS.png


Boys for Sale-

Jimmy Savile--->

@an0nkn0wledge gets a mad shout out for his extremely well-researched article about Jimmy Saville. Be sure to give his page a visit. Great Truther. ---->

Bill Cosby
Woody Allen
R Kelly
John Travolta
Bryan singer
Sean penn
Al gore
Oscar wilde
Brad pitt
Mike tyson
Marilyn Manson
Roman Polański
George best (soccer player)
Vincent Margera (Bam Margera's Uncle)
Shane Sparks
Will Hayden (Sons of guns)
Bryan Singer
Victor Salva
Terry Richardson (Miley Cyrus-wrecking ball)
Jeffrey jones
Stephen collins
Cameron Thor
Paula Poundstone
Jerry Lee Lewis
Peter yarrow (1/3 of American folk trio Peter, Paul and Mary
Michael Jackson
Sean Kingston
Elvis Presley
Tripp Eisen
Ian Watkins
Gary Glitter
Max Clifford
Jeffrey Epstein
Stuart Hall
Jonathan King
Robert Hughes
Jeremy Kewley
Rolf Harris
Malcom Fox
Milton Orkopoulos-
MiltonOrkopoulos-childcharges SS WIKI.png
Patrick Power
Patrick POwer-child sex charges SS wiki.png
And the list could go on and on.....

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Someone in my life used to say...For every rat you see---->There are at least 10 you don't....

Every single person (and this list is NOT complete) represents multiple child offences. Each one has damaged another being to the point of-literally-no return. Sexual abuse victims (if not killed) will never be who they were originally going to be without the abuse. They carry that pain and scarring for life. And experience it in every facet of they're lives.

SteemOn And BeBrave <3

I Love You All <3


(Source#1-Giobbe, E.; Harrigan, M; Ryan, J; Gamache, D (1990) Prostitution: A Matter of Violence against Women. WHISPER. Cited in Encyclopedia of Women and Gender: Sex Similarities and Differences and the impact of Society on Gender. 2. San Diego: Academic Press, 2002, page 882.)


Prosecute criminals


Hell yeah.
Time to send them where they belong IMO <3

What a disgusting web these people weave, we need to withdraw our support for this sick system. The media, the news and popular culture are all complicit in mankind's fall from grace. When I look around, the world has been completey turned on it's head, up is now down, good is now bad and bad is good. The world has been turned into a giant, depraved re-education camp and still people can't see it! As difficult as the truth is to voice the weight is on all our shoulders to speak it. Thanks for sharing @ancientmystique

Thank you for stopping by <3 It was a hard piece to put together...Just thinking about every single one of those kids. I want to mother every single one of them to happiness and health :( <3 dreams are never impossible....Right? <3

@ancientmystique .. I should have also added to my comment that this was both a brave and expertly researched post. There is my problem, as with my comment I've previously tried to write about this difficult subject but get so caught up in emotion that I'm unable to focus on the task at hand. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for giving your time, effort and indeed strength given to a subject that really deserves maximum exposure . Dreams are never impossible and I've come to believe every word of truth carries with it the potential to change the world. Thank you for being the change we all want to happen.

Excellent post @ancientmystique

Boys Town is worth investigating - it was a child sex ring that abused young boys from an orphanage in Nebraska. It ran all the way to the White House and it was covered up.

Keep telling the truth - great job!

That is definitely an interesting case. The fact that so many witnesses and professionals involved-Like Gary Caradori and his son dying in the 'plane crash'....Absolute Bullshit.
This ran from the Banksters and politicians to the church institutions trusted with these kids wellbeing and lives.

And the Alicia Owen's sentence? What a joke! NO ONE to this day has ever received a sentence like hers for the crime charged.

You know your stuff.

I'm very impressed, seriously - well done!

<3 Thank You <3 I greatly appreciate it <3

And thank you very much <3
I appreciate you stopping by and reading <3

Another brilliantly researched and written post.
It's never easy attacking these subjects but you do it with aplomb.
Great stuff keep it up babe.

<3 Thanks Perce <3 Miss ya Keyboarding dude! <3 Hope you had fun in the big F! <3

I'm looking forward to the day, the system that promotes and protects this behavior is wiped from the earth.
I recently heard a podcast where a group of retired military/police were getting decent funding through gofundme to help in the costs of persuing these creeps, but there account was suspended? great info there !
now Following for more
I am doing a fundraiser here in the next 2-3 weeks <3 So Keep your eyes open. We need to help these guys get the bad guys. They are our new Police. <3

I have more time than money these days, But it's a temporary thing.
I would much rather be on the front lines but would sureley land me in jail before long ( Big Grin )
I'll be watching for your future posts, Looking forward to many success stories.
All my Love to you dear friend

This is shocking, but we all know it. We refuse to acknowledge it as; we feel ashamed; as we are supporting these sick people, we are funding the sick people, we are watching the media produced by these sick people.

It needs to stop and the only way is too cut out their support. Together we will create a better world.


Well Said!!!!!!!!!! <3

Hi, i listed your blog in my top 20 new steemit authors here:

Wow!! what an honour! Thank you! <3

Congratulations @ancientmystique.☺

This post has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 23.92 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @ancientmystique. Vote for Aggroed!

Superb post. Shine the light on these bastards!

Thank you.

Time to scare the cockroaches into the light <3
Appreciate you stopping by <3

No matter who is doing these crimes, they MUST be PROSECUTED

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