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RE: It's easy to debunk the pizzagate debunking...because they aren't even trying.

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

Good article, concise and to the point. I especially loved your points at the end with reference to freedom. Freedom for whom? The only people truly free in this world are those who make the ridiculous rules for us to follow. None of which they follow.

And as you have rightly said if we want freedom we must fight tooth and nail for the innocent who cannot fight for their own freedom, those born in to bondage, sold in to sexual slavery (often by parents) and those stolen by the sick elite for their own satanic self edification.

This world reviles me on so many levels. But there is also so much beauty and strength shown by those radiant souls who, upon hearing truths like this, get angry and enraged and it is us all who must band together in defiance of the repugnant slime that has risen to the top of all of our societies.

To quote the movie Network, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gping to take it anymore!"

The rage that rises in me when I think of all the souls that are raped, abused, tortured, killed and used to perpetrate this on others. I never thought I could feel pure unadulterated venomous hatred to scum who do this. But even this is just the start. They want to make ALL of this and more normal. I mean FFS Dwayne "Hail Satan" Johnson even went so far to joke about child molestation and he was still praised for it.

After all of this how do we channel this disgust and rage in to positive outcomes? I understand the ability to share this knowledge far and wide but I've found times even doing that can fall on deaf ears. We need to band together for real action. Its at this point I would like to promote Veterans 4 Child Rescue. Please, please everyone look them up!! They're based in the US and they're a deadly mix ready to expose and fight vehemently to save the lives of these children.

I apologise for such a long rant but this is one of those subjects that makes my blood boil and my eyes see red!

So much love and prayers for you all and especially those trapped in a hell of servitude.


P.S. I had to resteem this, I presumed you'd be ok with that.


It's okay to rant; it helps purge the upset to manageable levels :)
And it's peachy-keen to resteem (thank you!)

It's going to take getting into the streets (under the banner of "human trafficking" rather than Pizzagate, due to the media stigma associated with Pgate) and asking hard questions to media pundits about why they don't ask hard questions in interviews.

Side note, I tweeted Megyn Kelly a link to this post and asked her why she didn't ask Alefantis about his instagram.

MandiReiSerra Mandi Rei - Author tweeted @ 08 Jul 2017 - 20:01 UTC

.@megynkelly, why didn't you ask Alefantis about his Instagram since we citizen investigators give it the side-eye?… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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