Pizzagate bombshell article by divinecosmos

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

An important addition to the story that makes this pretty cut and dry.


summary - cabal in panic / hail Mary mode
reason - because “fake” news sites, allegedly under “Russian” control are in the lead

  1. An event more distracting than any 9/11-style catastrophe. [ALIENS] via Antarctic ruins ... remember 'Aliens vs. Predators' ? The Cabal that is now openly branding their opposition “Fake News” has been suppressing the truth of UFOs for well over 80 years. Any type of formal disclosure would be a massive game-changer that could create enormous distraction. It does appear that the Cabal has been holding onto this “card” all along, and may be about to play it.

  2. "entities like Facebook are going to suppress any links that divert from dying Realnews™ government propaganda" ... FB, Alphabet, Twitter, CondeNaste are the new wing of the old beast ... AT&T/CNN, Disney/Apple, EssoNy/NBC/GE, Amazon/WaPo, Colombia/MTV, FOX, NYT, The Economist ... etc ... Realnews™ is nothing but a last-ditch effort to sway the 15 percent or so of people who still even listen to state-run corporate media. As Pizzagate went into overdrive, the BBC joined NPR , the New York Times and other Realnews™ outlets in blatantly ignoring the voluminous evidence that exists – and lying by omission. Why give a shit about a subreddit or 4chan thread.

  3. “Majestic” is also a code term for high-level government secrecy, as in Majestic-12 or MJ-12, the group allegedly behind the UFO cover-up since at least the 1950s. JA has 'i love children'. And MajApe is JA.

BELOW are KNOWN key points of interest also mentioned in the article


IMO ... square one on the PG board ...

Alefantis’ once-public Instagram posts included an image of a baby hashtagged as “hotard,” and a man wearing a shirt saying “J’ (heart) L’Enfants” (I love children.)

If that’s not enough, how about a creepy all-steel freezer hashtagged “killroom” and “murder”, or a child with her wrists duct-taped to a ping-pong table.

These are only a few of the many disturbing Instagram images that are featured in so many of the Pizzagate videos.

We are not going to post them here, since almost every website that does is suffering aggressive takedowns.

Murals on the walls of Comet Pizza included painted images of women holding the severed heads of children—and winged demons.

The videos also report that a mural in the bathroom had a demonic image that said "Shut Up and F---," which is very inappropriate for a child-themed restaurant.

Those images have since been scrubbed off the walls, as a video confrontation with James Alefantis revealed on November 22nd.

Besta Pizza and the coffeeshop at Politics & Prose are owned by Andrew Kline. And it is that Andrew Kline – the Clinton appointee overseeing the prosecution of child sex trafficking.

Kline’s ownership of Besta Pizza was hidden three levels deep in government data ( 1 , 2 , 3 ), so it was not easy for civilian investigators to find.

As revealed in a Vanity Fair article from May 24, 2011,

“Special Litigation Counsel Andrew Kline, a Clinton appointee with an M.A. in human rights from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, was one of four attorneys in the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the Department of Justice, in the Civil Rights Division.

It fell upon the curly-haired, bespectacled Kline (now a senior adviser in the executive office of the president) and one other colleague to provide U.S. attorneys nationwide with training on prosecuting trafficking cases.”

If one of four highest-ranking attorneys in the DoJ responsible for arresting pedophiles is himself a perpetrator, he can help ensure that he and his friends never get caught.


On February 4th, 2011, Andrew Breitbart tweeted, “How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t [a] household name as [a] world class underage sex slave op cover-upper defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.”


“This kind of evil, this kind of true dirt on Hillary Clinton – look, you don’t have to make any judgments. Just release the emails,” [Erik Prince] urged.

“Just dump them. Let them out there. Let people see the light of truth.”


The greatest “plot twist” of the 2016 election was when FBI director James Comey announced that 650,000 new emails had been found on October 28th – just three days before Halloween.

Hillary’s campaign manager Huma Abedin was married to Anthony Weiner, who was caught in a months-long online sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl.

The 650,000 emails, thousands of which were Clinton-related , were found in a folder on Weiner’s laptop entitled “Life Insurance.” "


LINKed ? > bigbelly 'secure waste disposal'
same symbolic logos


JA is person of interest 1 ... but he leads to person of interest 2 &3 ... the keys to POWER ... the evidence is ripe in the form of valid emails that connect 'coded' talk. That alone is enough to get a Grand Jury raging with anger. And cracks to case wide open.

[ps ... he's giving an shout out to the Cult of IsIs]

2ndary / supporting evidence

  1. creep art work


“[The Podestas] are known for purchasing "awkward" works, such as video installations, that many other private collectors will not consider.

"It's easy to store them, but difficult to display them," says Podesta.

To get round the problem, he and his wife have excavated a huge subterranean vault beneath their house outside Washington.

[It is] a white space 5m square and 4m high in which it will be possible to show "very complicated video pieces" on all four walls.

In a Wikileaks email from January 31st, 2014, entitled “Last night was fun,” Tony Podesta wrote to his brother John,

“Still in torture chamber. Another question. Do you two wanna have feb 14 valentines day dinner?”

Dinner, of course, has a whole new connotation in light of the code words we have now discovered.

details on Pods art 'addiction' specializing in photos/video

he recalls. "I ended up leaving the campaign with a treasure trove." Collecting became a "form of addiction".

Today, he reckons, he and his wife have the world's biggest collection of Anna Gaskell ("maybe second to Anna Gaskell"). Other contemporary favourites include Gillian Wearing, Marina Abramovic, Sam Taylor-Wood and Olafur Eliasson, whose work Podesta discovered 10 years ago, when the artist was still at the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen.

They are always looking out for little-known artists. Asked to come up with a handful of names that are in the second rank now, but that will one day be in the first, they offer a list that ranges across the world: Britain's Darren Almond, Janaina Tschape from Brazil, Mads Gamdrup from Denmark, the Italian artist Loris Cecchini and Patricia Piccinini, a Podesta protegee who is to represent Australia at the Venice biennial.

It is tempting to see Podesta as a US equivalent of Charles Saatchi - another entrepreneur who has also operated with great success on the margins of politics. Specialising in photographs and video, Podesta is more focused, though he says that his most admired possession is a sculpture, another of Bourgeois's works, "a gloriously beautiful carved marble".

---bigger picture---

this route leads to the greater Hollywood 'cheez pizza' UNDERGROUND.
look at Disney/ABC kids, Mendez Bros, the Coreys

From there you get into the HISTORIC scandals and the connect CPS.domestic and

Then you arrive at the UK and VCity.

MSM not ignoring

For the last 60 years MSM would just ignore. Why does a pizza shop get such super cover protection?


Steve Pieczenik 11/2 Partial Transcript

“The Clintons have been involved in co-opting our Whitehouse, our judiciary, our CIA, our FBI, our Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, and our Director of the FBI, James Comey for some time now….

However, in order to stop this coup we in the intelligence community and others involved have informally gotten together.

With their permission, I am beginning to announce that we’ve initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

I am just a small part of something far bigger than myself.

It was the brave men and women who were in the FBI, CIA, the Director of Intelligence, the military intelligence, and the men and women in fifteen other intelligence organizations who were sick and tired of seeing this corruption in the Whitehouse, justice department, and the intelligence system.

We decided there was something we had to do in order to save the republic.”

Exactly why shut down all these sites if there isn't something to this. They are running scared. We have to push especially once Trump is in for an investigation

We need the IP addresses and some audit trail or something to prove it's from their server. Is this why HRC paid them 10 grand.

Have u verified this is real? I heard this was not verified as being real...and i heard this from people i respect as a precursor to listening to their thoughts.

Heard what is real? Pizzagate is very real. Divinecosmos has been around for years. Divinecosmos are a little suspect, but this is a very detailed attack on something the elite would really want silenced so I'm persuaded he's a good guy. I can't verify that one image above as I didn't try to log into this sick fucks special child porn distribution system, but the rest of the article passes my sniff test relative to the research of the reddit/steem/gab/voat community.

It's very graphic, like they are not trying to hide it at all. I too would like to know if this is real, whether it has been confirmed.

what is the source of this 'evidence'?

that's not a source. I meant how do we know that the image referenced in this article was not totally made up by people trolling you on 4chan? where's the proof behind the images origin? Did it REALLY come off of a Comet Ping Pong secret server?

Exactly the lack of sources and real evidence is becoming a problem. Who has time to sit and make all this stuff up. It's exhausting.

This is a load of crap. Anyone for a WITCH HUNT?

This is real. Do you work for media matters?

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