pixEOS Community Update: Milestones

in #pixeos6 years ago (edited)


The minds behind pixEOS are some of the brightest in their fields, and we have assembled them together to bring to life a truly one of a kind platform. By carefully analyzing the best approach to make pixEOS a reality amid widespread marketplace uncertainty, the team has been able to succeed in cultivating a thriving artist community, meanwhile managing to successfully fundraise despite bear market conditions.

While we’ve had a busy and exciting few weeks, celebrating the new year while readying for the official launch of the platform, along the road to building the world’s first art, gaming, and profit-sharing driven auction house for non-fungible tokens on the EOS blockchain, many important milestones have been met.

GIF credit: C4 Chaos


Token Launch

During Q4 2018, pixEOS successfully launched its own native token on the EOS blockchain, creating a total supply of 4,658,241,350 PIXEOS tokens.

Token Distribution Event

Paying no mind to what is being generally perceived as a bear market, pixEOS is ramping up to be among the most successful fundraising startups in the EOS ecosystem to date.

On January 9th 2019, pixEOS completed Round 1 of our Token Distribution event. Community participants bought a grand total of 500,000,000 PIXEOS, with a minimum contribution of 100 EOS, at a rate of 1750 PIXEOS per EOS token.

Currently Round 2 of the Token Distribution event is ongoing, where a second offering of 500,000,000 PIXEOS tokens are available, with a minimum contribution of 10 EOS at a rate of 1,000 PIXEOS per EOS token. Round 2 is scheduled to close on January 25, 2019 or when the tokens are sold out.

Community Rewards, Contests, and Giveaways

Early on pixEOS sought out individuals on a global scale to form its team of experts, and as stated in our White Paper, in our outreach we hired at least 12 people directly out of our community. Now our colorful crew covers the globe, with team members operating out of Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Portugal, USA, and Venezuela.

Our team is still growing so we expect this list to grow with it!

GIF credit: Cryptosophy.tv

pixEOS has been busy rewarding creativity in the ecosystem to help our community. From day one we’ve arranged to airdrop thousands of PIXEOS Tokens across wallet services like Token Pocket.

To select cover art for the pixEOS White Paper, a contest was held. On November 30, 2018, pixEOS was pleased to announce the contest winner, and today Yusaymon’s** art is featured in the White Paper.

Early in December 2018, A total of 18,000 PIXEOS tokens were awarded to participants of the first official pixEOS GIF War competition held in the official Telegram channel. Thanks to everyone who participated!

1st place: @ayd33 82 won 8,000 PIXEOS tokens

2nd place: @stellabelle 56 won 6,000 PIXEOS tokens**

3rd place: @yusaymon 31 won 4,000 PIXEOS tokens**

pixEOS also held a sticker competition during December in which 25,000 PIXEOS tokens were awarded to the winners. On December 12, 2018 we announced the pixEOS Sticker Competition.

1st place: @follypandy won 12,000 PIXEOS Tokens

2nd place: @maxdapp won 8,000 PIXEOS Tokens

3rd place: @juliakponsford 5,000 PIXEOS Tokens

Everyone else who participated in the Sticker Competition also received smaller PIXEOS token awards.

pixEOS also offers community bounties to members who help us by submitting awesome ideas, finding pesky typos, and helping out in other creative ways.

Plus for every 100th member who joins the Official pixEOS Telegram channel, we award a corresponding amount of PIXEOS tokens. That means the 100th member of the group received 100 PIXEOS tokens and the 200th member received 200 and so on. So far 3600 PIXEOS have been awarded and the team is looking forward to the next centennial community member!

As the pixEOS community continues to grow, there will be more opportunities for members to participate in contests for prizes and receive airdrop giveaways. There are still thousands and thousands of tokens to give out and right you now can participate in our latest GIF competition!

**After winning contests, both Stellabelle and Yusaymon have since gone forward to join the pixEOS team; once they joined the team their participation in contests and promotions ceased. When the platform is live everyone is invited to play on the pixEOS paint dApp, however in the spirit of fairness, core founding members of the pixEOS team will not be allowed to participate. The founding members are Fred N. and Jorge A. The rest of the team, including Stellabelle, Yusaymon, Fabi, Gama, Featured Artists, all the community managers and the rest of the team are allowed to participate and play the pixEOS games. The pixEOS team is completely transparent; if you have questions about contests or eligibility don’t be afraid to ask a team member in the Official pixEOS Telegram channel.

pixEOS Avatar

A growing viral craze around China, Korea, and the rest of the world, hundreds of users are already sporting their very own pixEOS Avatars to show their passion for all things 8 bit. Soon pixEOS will release an avatar maker, so be on the look out!

GIF credit: Zack Gall

Strategic Partnerships

pixEOS has made alliances with amazing strategic partners across the cryptocurrency ecosystem:

BigONE global exchange is a important partner, with help from whom pixEOS expects to reach a wider world of crypto-gamers.

Bitpie, a structured wallet platform featuring HD (Hierarchical Deterministic, protocol BIP32/44) technology has allowed over 15 billion USD worth of cryptocurrencies to be securely stored without ever having to touch the platform. Bitpie’s multi-chain asset wallet supports EBTC, EETH and EUSD pairing, which will be integrated with the pixEOS platform.

pixEOS is also distinguished as one of the first EOS dApps to be featured in The Cointelegraph.

In addition to investing in the platform, Cypherglass, a US-based EOS Block Producer, offers pixEOS ongoing guidance for smart contract auditing, platform development, gaming architecture, and tokenomic infrastructure, as well as amazing media coverage and promotion.

Dice is one of the largest social gaming platforms on the EOS blockchain. Dice users can earn dividends if they stake DICE tokens on the platform. PIXEOS and DICE Tokens will be mutually supported on both platforms.

EOS Cafe Block has joined forces with pixEOS as an EOS block explorer.

EOSDAQ is a Korean cryptocurrency exchange, whose partnership brings the pixEOS project greater exposure to a global marketplace.

EOSphere is a team of Australian EOS Block Producers and was the founding investor in pixEOS. EOSphere provides vital business development support to the pixEOS platform. It was EOSphere who acted as an initial ambassador between pixEOS and the EOS ecosystem, and pixEOS is proud to count on EOSphere’s integral support. Keep your eyes open for new exciting announcements about EOSphere’s partnership.

Another Aussie EOS Block Producer supporting pixEOS is GenerEOS whose work with transparent distribution via smart contract systems provides important insights towards integrating equitable commerce and profit sharing into the pixEOS art collective model.

Litex is a low cost cryptocurrency payment ecosystem built on the LITEX Network that will provide pixEOS 2nd layer integration for interoperability on the Ethereum blockchain.

Moran has an extensive PR and media networking branching throughout China featuring 45 top influencers and writers who sport pixEOS avatars and are educating their audiences about the pixEOS project.

The EOS Writer is another supporting partner with whom pixEOS is preparing numerous initiatives to boost both arts and writing.

Seal is a blockchain focused investment group who provides strategic and investment support to pixEOS. Other noteworthy startups backed by Seal include Effect.ai and Raven Protocol.

Token Pocket is an easy to use EOS wallet offering pixEOS users free access to wallet services on the EOS blockchain. In addition, Token Pocket runs secure PIXEOS airdrops from its Candy Box system. Inquire about your free EOS account in the Official pixEOS Telegram Channel.

Trybe is a decentralized media platform where writers can earn cryptocurrency for content creation and has an enormous established sharing network. Following a shared vision, pixEOS and Trybe cooperate together to create a robust ecosystem full of art, entertainment, and informative written content for all.

pixEOS also has support from WhaleEx, one of the largest exchanges in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

White Rabbit ICO group is a vital resource for researchers, investors, and traders and has provided important support, allowing pixEOS to extend the platform’s message to a wider audience.

Additional Partners and Supporters

In addition, pixEOS is proud to count on support from Chaince, CPU Emergency, DEXEOS, EOCAT, EOSex, EOS Israel, EOS Live, EOS Lynx, Find EOS Games, HIVE, Meet One, and New Dex.

All partners and supporters have been listed in alphabetical order.

Meet the Team

pixEOS has a team of all-stars hand picked from all walks of the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem. Co-founders Fred Nogueira and Jorge Alcario assembled experts in cybersecurity, information management, communication systems, and community building. These promising individuals bring together over 20 years of marketing, brand activation, event management, and community building, and are passionate about delivering a clean, seamless user experience, smooth token launch secured by the EOS identification system.

Co-founder Fred Nogueira brings to the table over 20 years of marketing, event management, and international business development. Fred also runs a successful event management company. He has experience working on projects including the development of a crypto messaging Dapp, and work surrounding crypto-security and wallets. Fred’s passions include retro gaming, music, and he considers himself a blockchain fanatic.

Co-founder Jorge Alcario is the project’s full stack developer. Jorge has dabbled in every aspect of software development and when he’s not coding games he’s busy playing them.

Stellabelle, a skilled technical writer with over 10 years of graphic art experience serves as the pixEOS project’s Writer, Artist, Video Creator and GIF aficionado. Author of the book, Un-Crap Your Life, she is a self-described blockchain addict, and has built entire crypto communities from the ground up, including a crypto artist collective called Slothicorn.

Matt Wright is pixEOS Business Development guru and, has over 12 years of related experience in research and strategy, as well as business intelligence. Matt also works with EOSphere and possesses strong faculties in project management, interpersonal communication, and negotiation. Matt’s capacity to identify opportunities based on the needs of organizations and work towards mutually beneficial arrangements is unsurpassed.

Igwilo Stan is a pixEOS Community Manager. As a cryptocurrency advisor and enthusiast he has worked with a number of projects. Igwilo completed his MOOC in Digital Currencies and Blockchain in the University of Nicosia, Cyprus.

Stanley is a pixEOS Community Manager, artist, and cryptocurrency enthusiast. As a believer in the disruptive value blockchain technology promises to deliver, Stanley is an avid researcher on multiple cryptocurrency projects.

As the pixEOS project’s UI Designer and Front End Developer, Fabi Yamada, AKA the Mother of Bots, helps to code the very fabric of the user experience on the platform. She is the creator of Voxie, the pixEOS Telegram bot, whom we all know and love today.

Yusaymon is the Artist and Graphic Designer at pixEOS. He is a nomadic cryptocurrency artist and distraught painter. As a full stack designer, awesome visuals from Yusaymon are always just around the corner.

Gama, works as a 3D modeler for the pixEOS project. In addition he is a talented photographer and professional software engineer.

Ethan is the Community Manager and handles Business Development in China. He was an early participant in the EOS gaming craze and now manages testing and promotion in China.

Deni is the Community Manager and runs Business Development in Korea. With a background in R&D at Samsung, Deni specializes in product launches, and has a myriad of experience surrounding business development and marketing.

Didi serves as Community Moderator and Community Developer for India. Didi has 4 years of QA experience and has been an active crypto researcher since 2017.

Jeremy Nation is the pixEOS Wordslinger, and one the latest additions to the team. He is among the fastest expediters of content in any ecosystem. His background in research and journalism spans cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, cybersecurity, and e-commerce.

Recently arrived on Earth, Voxie, is the team’s digital robot advocate. Voxie stands for mass adoption, and a fair united front of EOS projects and block producers.

Get Involved Today!

pixEOS is building the world’s first art, gaming, and profit-sharing driven infrastructure platform for non-fungible tokens on the EOS blockchain. Join our colorful community that thrives on inclusion, creativity, growth, and inspiration today and become a part of what has been called the Burning Man of EOS.

Join our ongoing GIF Contest: https://steemit.com/eos/@pixeos/pixeos-official-gif-contest-rules-10-000-pixeos-in-prizes

Article originally appeared on Trybe by Jeremy Nation with cover art from Stellabelle. GIFs featured in this article were created by community members participating in the latest pixEOS GIF Competition.

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