Crocodile and community game thoughts.

in #pixelart7 years ago (edited)

I am thinking of something like a community collecting game where you can win one of these creatures by making the most up voted comment. your character will then named after you and placed in a cute world. In case you win again you get items, a house.Would you like to own one of these fellas and rise your empire? Maybe it should also be possible to sell items to other users on steemit. Any thoughts on this?


This looks really cool! Let me know if you do more with it, I'd love to be involved.

Cool thanks! I'm still thinking about the final concept. For now the rules could be that everybody has to comment something interesting or funny and earn upvotes. Everybody who wants to participate has to upvote at least one comment. That way I can make sure that there will be upvotes on the comments. Like @fabiyamada said I could also sell them on their own. But I am not sure if people would be interested. In this case I also could do some kind of auction for a "pixel pet" which is presented in a blog post. But then there would be no value for the pet and no "game". Hmm it's fun to think about it. Any inspiration would be great. :)

It could be something like pet society, in steem blockchain. With micro transactions for completing tasks, oh SMTs would work I think.... :o this could be very big... But whatever you decide I am on it xD

I'm not able to do anything with blockchain. That's why I thought I will do this via my blog posts with the upvote system. Let's see how it will work out. :D Right now I am thinking about if it should be possible for pixelpet owners to take things away from other pixelpet owners. Cruel stuff.. :P The trading system would be also quite simple and I would just change the name of the pet owner if both parties are okay with it. There could be also prices for the pets since it's possible to see transactions on Steemit. But well, I think I will see this whole thing as an experiment.

Or like a tamagotchi!!

There would be a shitty mess all over the place then because nobody would tidy up! Haha!

It can be a combination of winning, buying and trading! Like baseball cards? I don't know. As I say, whatever you decide I am on it xD
How can someone own a pixelpet and the items?

I thought I would just add the username above the head of the pet and the items. You get a pet or item when your comment is the most upvoted. For now the pets will live in a Youtube video. :D I thought a Image would be to boring and I wanted that the readers stay on Steemit. Thats why I don't want to make an external app. I think its cooler when you see the world and doing the comment stuff at the same time. Hmm...but I am not completly sure about that yet. Updates on the world would be weekly or something like that. I am not sure if people would participate anyways. But I am glad you are in! :)

How about Dtube video?

Yeah I would definitely prefer Dtube, but I want to use the autoplay feature of the Youtube player. Also it's sad that the Dtube iframe is not supported yet..

This sounds really tempting :)

Cool! Let's see how it turns out and if enough people will comment.

Hmmm getting it by upvotes is not a good idea... Better make a formal platform :) and sell them... Like .5SBD or something. I would be happy to buy some.. XD it could be like cryptokitties... Cryptopixels! I know people who could work on it n.n

Hmm okay... But then it's no real game anymore. I liked the fact that the user can get items for their pets by winning the comment upvoting. For example this house in the pic could be yours and everybody would be jealous! :P If everybody buys their stuff the "world" will be full quickly. But I will have a thought on your idea. Let me know if you have more ideas. You're comment was already inspiring to me.

We can have a combination of both ideas. I will now read what justatouchfey tells below xD

yeahhh ...
soo Dope!!!

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