Announcement: Pixabay Curation Magazine - Rewarding Pixabay Contributors

in #pixabaycuration6 years ago

Pixabay is an important website for many of us Steemians. We're able to choose between 1.4 million images to use on our blog posts, all free of charge. I want to ensure that Pixabay contributors are somewhat rewarded, for all the time and effort they've put into releasing their images into the public domain.

This is why I've decided to start Pixabay Curation Magazine, where I will feature some of the best images of Pixabay. The goal is to support these artists through these posts and to introduce them to Steemit. I'll explain all the details below!

Source: user NajiHabib on Pixabay

Pixabay Curation Magazine

The idea behind this is pretty simple. I will scour through Pixabay to find good quality images, which will be featured in my Pixabay Curation Magazine. Aside from just posting the images, I will add some in-depth personal commentary as well. My personal commentary will include a small review of the image and some additional information about the artist who made it.

The SBD portion of my magazine's post rewards will be split evenly among the featured artists after 7 days. Everything will be donated though Paypal and I will include screenshots of previous payments in upcoming issues.

The Steem Power that I gain through these posts will be retained. I will use my SP to upvote other posts made under #pixabaycuration. I encourage people to start up similar initiatives under that hashtag, where the goal is to reward Pixabay contributors.

Donation Message

When I send the donation through Paypal, I will always leave a link to the post where that specific artist was featured. This way, it also serves as a direct way of promoting Steemit, without being considered spam.

Use of Upvote Bots

I may make use of paid upvotes to promote some issues of Pixabay Curation Magazine, though the rewards from those upvotes will not be deducted from the donation made to the artists. I'll just consider this a personal donation, in case I do promote these posts. The ultimate goal is for these posts to get organic upvotes, so this initiative becomes self-sufficient.


I was thinking about publishing this magazine 2 or 3 times per week, but this number can definitely change. Doing this daily would be a little bit too much in my opinion. I'm open to suggestions

Isn't This Spam?

I'm absolutely not planning to just post images without any additional content. Every featured image will also include my personal input. Whenever it's possible, I will also pay special attention to include links to the author's professional services.


My goal is to be as transparent as possible, by including screenshots of my payments to the artist. I'll also keep a public spreadsheet to log my post rewards and conversions to dollars. The Steem Power that I retain will also be used responsibly. I'm currently already using my a 5000SP delegation (that I've bought myself), to support other creators on Steemit.

Pixabaycuration Hashtag

Everybody can use the hashtag #pixabaycuration for reviewing and rewarding Pixabay contributions. I will regularly check out posts made under this hashtag and reward them manually. I do expect that you also make a donation to the artists you've featured. I reckon that it will be very difficult for me to weed out abuse, so the rule serves as a gentleman's agreement.

Future Plans

My ultimate long term goal is to either build or fund a new Steem interface, which allows authors to share original public domain images straight onto the Steem blockchain. For that I'll probably need the help of @utopian-io contributors, if there's enough interest for this sort of project.

In the meantime, I just want to reward as many artists on Pixabay as possible. Their work often goes unappreciated, as people are not required to give any sort of attribution when they use their images. I hope that, through this effort, Pixabay creators get encouraged to release more work under permissive licenses and that they see what the Steemit community is capable of.

First Donation

Since this is technically also a Pixabay Curation Magazine post, I'm rewarding the artist who created the image I've used at the beginning of this post.

This was a great find on Pixabay, since I needed an image that represented Pixabay, but also had some community element in it. The 'likes' or 'upvotes' that surround the word Pixabay serve as an almost perfect representation of the content of this particular post.

The image is made by NajiHabib and published under public domain. He's only been a member of Pixabay for one month and has released 17 beautiful illustrations since then. He also does freelance work through Fiverr, you can check out his Fivver page here.

That's why I've sent him a $3.00 donation through Paypal. I deceded to go with that amount, since that's about the average price of a cup of coffee. Which is Pixabay's recommended donation. I will also share the post rewards of this post after 7 days.

source: screenshot of Paypal transaction

Final Notes

I really hope that this project will serve its purpose of rewarding artists who publish under permissive licenses. Aside from that, I'm excited to write about the artists behind these images. Many of the photographs and art on Pixabay is just beautiful in its own right and deserving of some explicit recognition.

If you have any criticism or reservations about this initiative, please do share it in the comment section!


Ohh I truly hope you become more successful on steemit. Your contents keep getting better and better quality, and even more audiences come to you.
Hope this project goes well!

Btw I practiced on how to be more secured on internet from the tools you said last post and got surprised. Lol

Thanks, that's a really nice compliment! How did you get surprised by the way?

So I have several emails, some of them are important, I use the tool you suggested to check and found out it's not safe anymore. That tool said that some of my info such as username, password, accounts in some website I used might be public. Maybe that's why there was a time I got almost 1000 emails said there is someone try to compromise one of my account (registered with one of my emails) LOL. It also said other emails So I appreciate that!

So I have several emails, some of them are important, I use the tool you suggested to check and found out it's not safe anymore. That tool said that some of my info such as username, password, accounts in some website I used might be public. Maybe that's why there was a time I got almost 1000 emails said there is someone try to compromise one of my account (registered with one of my emails) LOL. It also said other emails So I appreciate that!

Excellent idea for a new #promo-steem type series. I will be sure to upvote as many of these posts as I can on SteemFollower. I can also help you by including your profile mention in my weekly "Steemit-Twitter Marketing Campaign" posts. If you have a Twitter profile that would be helpful so I can add you toour campaign Twitter list. I can also tweet out some of the posts from your series as part of the campaign for additional exposure. In my experience, the kind of series you are presenting will likely be best posted at 2-3 posts per week. This is just my opinion based on experience, and the estimated amount of work involved (according to your detailed description of the project).I know how exciting it is to laucnh a series - and how EVEN MORE exciting it is when that series is successful. Good luck...

Thank you for your in-depth reply, I really appreciate that you've read my post and came back with some really good pointers. About Twitter, I closed down my account a couple of years ago, not really planning to make a new one.

I'm going to stick with 2 times per week, I think that's a pretty good frequency. Yeah, it's going to be a fair bit of work, just to choose the images :P

This is a really cool idea. I hope it picks up traction for you. I know a lot of the people put stuff out on Pixabay not expecting to get compensated for it, but what a great way of showing them a little appreciation. Especially when they put so much heart into what they do and we take advantage of it every day. Between your other posts much more than twice a week might burn you out. You could also consider themes for example three to five of your favorite cat photos, or car photos or whatever. Might make it easier for you to sift through those 1.4 million pictures!

Oh yeah adding themes would be a really great idea, I'll think about incorporating that in some way. Maybe one day per week, I could have a themed issue. Maybe even leave that up for discussion in the comment section of the previous releases.

Yeah, that would be a great way to get even more community involvement!

I really hope I can eventually build something like Pixabay on the Steem blockchain. Maybe entice some pixabay creators to come over :D

That would be cool for sure!

Great idea. I wrote about a pixabay photographer some time ago because I was blown away by his images. Maybe you can review him too.

Always open for suggestions! See this is why I asked you that question in chat earlier today :P

Ik heb zelf een account op Pixabay ... en alhoewel 1 van mijn foto al redelijk vaak gebruikt is (naar mijn idee). Binnen 1 week meer dan 1000 keer ... heb ik nog nooit 1 cent via paypal mogen ontvangen. :D Dus het idee achter deze post vind ik helemaal geweldig. Ik was zelf ook al aan het stoeien met het idee om foto's aan te bieden die door middel van steem / sbd donaties gebruikt mogen worden. Want waarom moeten foto's gratis zijn? Juist het fotograferen is duur genoeg, als je het goed wil doen.

Awesome idea!!! I hope it goes well and encourages more people to join Steemit.

Cool idea, I use Pixabay all the time for my images. The artists are great.

I see that you actually credited the artist with the profile link. Not just "Pixabay" which 99% of Steemit users do. Kudos for setting a better example. It's the artists that make Pixabay.

This is a great initiative @daan, I often use Pixabay images and have thought it such a pity the photographer/artist is not getting rewarded, there's some amazing images!

Great idea. I use images from Pixabay and I will be happy to upvote posts the reward of which will go to the Pixabay contributors.

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