PIVX Alliance Payments -- How will Alliances support PIVX?

in #pivx6 years ago

PIVX Alliance protocol allows for individuals and organisations to officially Ally and be recognised by the PIVX blockchain itself. During the proposal process for each individual alliance it is possible to make an offer of payment to the PIVX blockchain and the community lead efforts. This short paper aims to highlight the methods for which these payments can be made and the benefits for PIVX.

A federated approach

PIVX uses a masternode governance model to come to decisions and reach consensus, It also uses this method to produce it's own development budget. There are currently 3 main areas which this budget is spent and they are : Development, Marketing and Support.
These 3 departments are totally autonomous and although they all interact with each other, none of them are reliant on the other and none of them share funds. For this reason It would be sensible to have an option to pay each of these departments individually if desired.

Multisig is the most secure

During the budget process each department must supply a PIVX address for the blockchain to allocate the payment for services. There is no current demand for this address to be a multisig address and this address is proven to belong to the department issuieng the proposal because this is where there budget funds MUST be sent.
For the purposes of PIVX alliance donations, participating departments MUST supply a multisig wallet with a minimum of 2of3 signatures needed to move funds. This wallet should be made public on the PIVX alliances website (www.pivxalliance.org) and where possible on the PIVX website. PIVX stakeholders should be encouraged to donate to these multisig wallets also to aid the development of PIVX. ALL wallets will hold funds in PIV and though they may be staked, all funds should be transparent and visible at all times Zpiv cannot be used.

Adding groups to PIVX Alliance Payments

It is possible and highly likely that in the future there will be more than just 3 teams vying for alliance generated funds, adding a team to the 3 that can be officially supported by funds should be done by a Masternode vote of it's own. Any team or project which would like to be considered should add a line to their budget proposal declaring such and adding the multisig. It is then up to future alliances to decide whether or not to donate an amount to that endeavour

Strain on the Governance system

All of these added proposals will put a strain on the current governance system if proposals keep requesting a refund on their listing fees, this can only be tackled by encouraging Alliance related proposals not to ask for refunds, this is a social issue and should be considered and debated during each proposals PPL or pre proposal discussion.

Open to change

Much like the rest of this Alliance protocol this document is a living document and should be updated and revisited regularly to make improvements

Thanks for taking the time to read


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