RANDYLAND in Pittsburgh
Randy Gilson is a master in the art of making something worthwhile out of what is seen as worthless. He began Old Allegheny Garden Society in 1982 when he saw his neighborhood specifically North Taylor Avenue, cluttered with garbage and abandoned homes. Inspired to connect people and bring beauty to his community, Randy spent the only unemployment funding he ever collected on whiskey barrels.
He filled each barrel with dirt and flowers and began placing them along the Mexican War streets.
As he continued to plant, people took notice and children volunteered to help, which created what Randy calls "peoplehood-people projects by people" or neighbors wanting to talk, work together and get to know each other where they wouldn't have otherwise.
Over time, Old Allegheny Garden Society grew into 800 of these pop-up nature reserves comprised of whiskey barrel, trees, 8 parks and 50 vegetable gardens.
Taken from "The Randyland Story"
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