Pitbulls: A Misconception

in #pitbulls7 years ago

Millions of people argue that Pitbulls are naturally a violent and aggressive dog breed. That they are bred for fighting, they have locking jaws, and are not safe around kids, dogs, or other animals. I too was always skeptical of these dogs until I found myself adopting one nearly two years ago....

-This is Roxy, a purebred Pitbull that I rescued nearly two years ago. She is one of the calmest pups I have ever encountered and has been nothing but gentle since I got her. She is great around my family and neighbors and truly is a member of the family.

-This is Ruger and Roxy together. Ruger is a Pit Mastiff mix. Mastiffs are another dog breed that get a bad reputation. He is easily the most sociable dog I have ever been around. He weighs 120lbs and is true gentle giant!

-This is Boom, an incredible athlete and friend of many different other animals on my sister's farm. Boom plays with rabbits and chickens when he's not chasing a tennis ball.

Although they may be bigger and stronger, Pits are just like any other dog. Don't let these common misconceptions lead you to believe that they are a bad breed. Who knows, one day they could be your best friend!


This is Smith and Wesson. Both rescues as well, and the best pups in the world. Pit bulls get the worst wrap, but it has to do with the owners. The owners make Pit bulls mean.

Great quality post!...100% upvote and resteemed

They both look like great pups! Thanks for the share

Great post and very well written! Roxy is a beautiful looking pup. Like any dog, if pitbulls are well trained, they make for a great and loving dog. Thanks for sharing

If Pit bulls are well trained they make a great MANS BEST FRIEND...!

Some good looking dogs...Nice post

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