[Piston-CLI] Quickstart

in #piston8 years ago (edited)


you have succesfully opened the piston-cli quickstart post on the Steem network.

The applications has used the parameters

read @xeroc/piston-cli-quickstart


  • read tells the application what to do (read is one of the most common commands) and
  • @xeroc/piston-cli-quickstart identifies this post uniquely. This identifier consists of the author (xeroc, prefixed with @) and the so called permlink that is used to distinguish posts of the same author.

Next Step

You can continue by reading these posts:

  • Add a new private key to post, reply, vote on Steem

    piston read @xeroc/piston-cli-quickstart---add-keys
  • Upvote a post

    piston read @xeroc/piston-cli-quickstart---voting
  • Reply to this post

    piston read @xeroc/piston-cli-quickstart---reply

Further reading

If you still haven't got enough input, you can start developing your own applications on top of piston by using it as a library.
You can read more on http://piston.rocks.

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