A Pirate gift from a YouTube friend David Argento

in #piratesunday6 years ago (edited)

As the next part of Ching Shih is a bit behind, in keeping with the Spirit of #piratesunday I’d like to at least share a delightful and very thoughtful gift some time ago from another YouTube Friend and Stacker David Argento

His gift is this 1 oz Silver Bar – Skull and Crossbones

This Hand Poured Silver loaf styled bar is from Prospector’s Gold and Gem out of Ft. Collins in Colorado. Part of the original line of their signature Hand poured bars at quite fair prices.

Pretty basic loaf bar at was one of the bars I planned to pick up for my collection, but as sweet as he is as a perfect gentleman saved me the trouble of doing that. So in pirate fashion, my fictionalized version of this encounter.

3 R

From the call of the lookout he emerged from his cabin in his trademark gold trimmed red Georgian Frock coat with matching Tricorn hat. The large silver buckle of his Baldric sword belt slung over his right shoulder glistened in the afternoon sun. His English Cutlass hung on his left hip, his flintlock tucked within his waist belt. He scanned the breadth of the deck satisfied with the progress of the crew before making his way up to the poop deck of Sea Hawk to cast his eyes upon their next prey.

Captain David A Haverson handed his spyglass to his Watchman as he rested his left boot upon the rail apron. "She seemed to be at a leisurely pace at half-mast. We can catch that Brigantine from behind and steal her wind before she can set to full sail. Be ready boys!" The crew cheered in anticipation and tarried into their stations, cannons, rifles and pistols all primed and loaded, with pike and swords at the ready. The deckhand watched his Captain for the order to run up their Black flag anticipating the target ship's quick surrender. Too soon, the other Captain may try to flee, too late usually ends up in an unnecessary fight. The sweet spot in between gives them enough time to think reasonably and they do often acquiesce.

The crew of the ship do not seem overly concerned as the Sea Hawk closed in on their prey. Haverson nodded, "Hoist the colors!" The crew threw open the gun ports and openly brandishing their weapons in plain view. But the grin left Haverson’s face muting into a puzzled expression.


A crewman of the other ship visibly smirked and then shrugged his shoulders as if being entertained. The crew mate next him shook his head and made a slashing motion across his neck as most others still went about their business. They weren’t remotely alarmed at all. Then a woman appeared on deck and climbed up upon their starboard rail. Her left hand rested on the hilt of her sword, as her right grasped the main mast rigging. The starched white blouse contrasted her black-as-night corset dress skirt fluttering in the wind, her boot buckles sparkled in the sun. Her eyes appeared expressionless but fixed upon the Hawk, her gaze as if sizing up our capability on mere appearance. The crew by and large became captivated by her mysterious presence and her candor at their threat.

The Brigantine began tying her sails to slow as she drifted closer. The Hawk began to overtake the Brig's starboard position.

Haverson scanned the top decks for the captain. He could now see the deck hands begin to hoist their signal to surrender or defiance.

Then up went the recognizable image of the Jolly Roger unique to none other than Captain Flint. Beneath that rose another flag he'd never seen before, that of a Black Bird of death.

With some disappointment he issues the order to stand down. Afoot is the opportunity to see an old friend.


"You've been successful Flint, you wear a newer shirt!" Captain Haverson grasps Flint's hand and slaps a bottle of Spanish rum on to his right palm, "Fresh from a Spanish trade ship!"
Flint rested his left fist on his hip, "Yeah, yeah so what's your problem Haverson, you in trouble you can't get out of again?"
"None of that, Flint ole boy, how was I supposed to know you now sail a Brig. What happened to the Walrus?"
"They're off to do their own thing; I've retired from that and into the real adventure."
Haverson leans over to Flint, "Who's this lovely lady on board?"
"Why she's the Ship Master."
"Damn, you know a woman on a ship does to morale!"
"You remember Anne Boney, and Mary Read."
"Yea, and fine fighters too but..."
"She's got more than it takes alright, got a very fast blade, seen her take down more than her fair share of opponents including ranked military officers. And you know what it takes to capture a warship!"
"Best t'avoid them." Haverson shook his head and then looked into Flint’s game face, “No, you didn’t…”
Flint’s grin broadened, "But Very rich targets when y'do."

The Raven steps in behind Flint and coughs, “Ahem, are you gonna introduce me to our guest Captain Flint?”


With another grin Flint takes a step back, “May I introduce my Ship’s Master Ms. Tianna Mintauru or as otherwise known as, The Bloody Raven depending who you talk to.” Then turning to the Raven, “And this is Captain David A Haverson of the Sea Hawk. We go back quite some years ago as legal Privateers…”

Their guest stood back a moment to gaze upon that very Mysterious woman of rumor mentioned a year back in a gentleman’s establishment in Havana. A soul who was too frightening to behold in the moonlight, is said to cavort with dead spirits and perhaps in league with the devil himself, the very person that took down the Spectre warship, butchering about seventy men before personally killing Captain Meyer. Haverson lifted his hat and in a flamboyant fashion bowed to her presence. “Captain David Argento Haverson, at your service my Lady Mintauru.”


Piqued, she replied with a proper curtsy, “Then a pleasure to meet such a well-mannered and finely dressed man in these waters.”
“I my admiration…” Haverson reached inside his coat pocket and rummaged it’s depths, “I think it would be fitting to offer the Lady a gift appropriate to her station in life, after all we may be pirates but we should also practice some common civility.”

1, My own photos/pictures
2. Capt Flint and John Silver from Black Sails 2016
3. Captain Haverson as from the Captain Morgan Commercial 2013
W Wiki Commons
R Clip art vectors from 123RF
C. Free clipart from Openclipart


Okay so this was just my fun fictional pirate account of how it came down.
While this little loaf bar was my right down the Bloody Raven’s alley but that wasn’t all David sent me.


“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


David Argento drives a fancy car as well!

Other than Silver and Gold bullion , he uploads GoPro Drive Around in his area. A few were "Drive Arounds" the US Mint which is considered an illegal act. And he has displayed scale models of Favorite cars with his coins. And I comment as if I were riding shotgun in the passenger side. Vroom vroom 🚘

David is a gentleman alright. He will love the story! Is he in steemit? Awesome video, sis! The year is starting so very hectic for me. It is one or the other for me, either YouTube or Steemit. Arrrrgh!

I haven't seen him on Steemit. I'll link this article on his next Video comments. His last video was on his growing Gold Panda 'cache'. Not being a car owner, I enjoyed his virtual drives around town.
I'm adjusting to life with a breathing ventilator now, not sure if I'm getting significant benefit out of it yet. Time as well as spare cash is becoming scarcer for me too. Stacking is now down to a trickle this year if my Politicians decide to rob me further for their own greed and incompetence.

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