It's Here! Actually USPS Delivered It Across the Street

But my neighbor brought it over.

This purchase was inspired by @winstonalden 's post Pipe Smoking 101.

clay chuchwarden

It's a slipcast (made in a mold as opposed to hand rolled) clay Churchwarden, about 12" long from

traditional tavern pipe

There were even some wood shavings inside the bubblewrap just like the picture on the outside of the box.

clay pipe bowl

I chose this style of pipe because The clay and long stem is supposed to give a cooler smoke.

how to hold a clay pipe

Clay transmits heat extremely well, so you don't want to hold it by the bowl like a briar pipe.

The owner of the company included a nice letter along with the pipe explaining the history of the pipes they carry as well as some of the peculiarities of clay pipes.

For instance, clay pipes don't need to be broken in like briar pipes nor do they need to rest in between bowls.

While these clay pipes are functional, they're also fragile.

On the morrow, I shall venture forth to yon tobacconist for some sweet leaf with which to enjoy a bowl and contemplate life.

See, pipes make you cultured.


Looking forward to the full review!

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