A Picture Is Worth A Thousand WordssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #picture3 years ago

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. . What is meant by that phrase is that when a photo is taken, that precise moment is forever captured to be revisited at the viewer’s leisure. When a photographer takes an image it is very different than when a friend tells you, “ Lets take a selfie!” Although, both a photographer and one capture that moment in time, a photographer tries to tell a story or a message as to look who I’m with; which with in itself is telling a story. Professional photographers want you to see what they feel, see and convince you that it is how you should feel about their subject. In all reality there is no difference between a professional photographer and a person with a point and shoot or a cell phone besides that a professional …show more content…
When speaking to different photographers they all have one idea in common in that they want to express their emotion onto you with out having to say one word, whether verbally or in a texted format. “When capturing a photo, I look for how the scene or subject speaks to me. Does the scene evoke a special emotion? Is there something pleasing to the eye?” Marcus Negrete explains, “How should said subject or scene be framed to give the desired effect?”

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