Your MRI is bullshit!!

Okay, maybe not completely, but here me out...

Too many people think that when they have a disc bulge, they have it for life. So often in my clinic I hear people tell me:

Client: "I'm pretty careful with my back these days, I've got bulging discs in my lumbar spine"
Me: "When was that diagnosed?"
Client: "Oh, about 10-15 years ago"


  • 2/3rd of disc bulges naturally heal themselves!! (See below picture)
  • Disc bulges are a normal part of ageing, and your likeliness of one is more likely related to your age than an injury (regardless of if you have ANY pain or not).
  • the majority of disc bulges are normal and do NOT cause pain, sciatica or any other type of pathology.

The problem with the mentality that "my disc bulges are with me for life", is that then the person stops moving and using their back. They always try and protect it and limit lifting and activity.

I've got news for you - that mentality is what's causing your back to be sore today. Your spine is a robust, strong structure that wants to be moved, stressed and used on a regular basis. Avoiding the natural movements that your spines wants to be put through causes joints in your spine to stiffen up, and causes muscles around your back to tighten up too.

Go see a physio and get a tailored exercise regime, and learn how to use your body again!!!

***Disclaimer: All advice/recommendations throughout this blog are "general" and in no way considered direct advice for your specific condition. Go see a GP, physio or other health professional for specific advice related directly to you. ***

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