Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle: does it mean we possess telekinesis

in #physics7 years ago


Lately, I came across a book which was authored by Dr. Joe Dispenza which was titled breaking the habit of being yourself. I was reading this book to some chapters that I have to drop it because it really look like the foundation of this book is based on the misinterpretation of the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg with the observer effect. I couldn’t even read further, I will really like to make it clear and give some explanation on how Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle should be explain.

This book was started by the author (Dr. Dispenza) who gave the explanation on what he thought observer effect is, it is been speculated that an electron can occur in every place at once, but once it is observed, it electron position is fixed.

Based on this, Dispenza is likely to be with the opinion that intelligent minds possess the power to determine the universe as it is been viewed. And a motivational strategy is been used by him which was

You have the power to change the world!
Don’t get it wrong, you don’t, not simple like that.

The term “observer effect” was being use by physicists in explaining the challenges that human witness what they are really experimenting on, and these experiments can be controlled by visible light. There is communication between lights and electron, shining a light on an electron with the faith of it been measure will interrupt it by making change to it momentum. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is a rule of nature which is preventing us from taking the exact measure of a wave particle position, and at the same time making calculation of it momentum. Western science for some years now have been pondering on the idea that the world been made of balls stuff and the funniest things is that most of us still have this same thinking. But looking close and deeper we get to start seeing it that there are better theory to it. The world isn’t looking like been made with balls which were circling other balls. But appears to act like vibrations in spacetime.


The jumble in science originate from words failure (as I would say), maybe it was due to the fact that we are still acting on the definition which is best suitable to those words. So when the word “particle” is been use by someone, don’t have the thinking it is a little ball of stuff, this is a word which is obsolete and been use for lot of solid structural qualities. A problem appears when trying to take the measurement of the exact position of a sound wave. Can you tell me where a sound wave is actually located? Locating the wave position, is it really possible? Yes, the greatest spike of a wave can be estimated by cutting it to it simpler form. But there comes another problem, we cannot measure the frequency any more since it is already cut into simpler form. Having it in mind that

the frequency is the amount of crests or toughs over a given period of time

Since the wave is been compressed to it simple form, then it does not really possess a frequency. The explanation isn’t yet cracked , here is one of the best video have came across so far on this particular subject. Thanks to PBS Spacetime

It is basically been stated in heisenberg’s uncertainty principle that (the wave particle position and it momentum) both cannot be known. a video showing the principle in action by Veritasium.
The single slit experiment was demonstrated at which a laser is been pointed towards a slit. As the slit was narrowed, strange things start occurring and the laser start widening.

“At a certain point, you come to this limit, so that if you narrow this [the slit; making the position more precise] any further, you are going to break this uncertainty relationship. So what needs to happen is the uncertainty of momentum needs to go up …to ensure that we don’t break Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.”

In quantum physics we really don’t know much when it come to the why part, it wasn’t admitted to by the physicists and they may try excusing their want of knowledge by saying 2+2 can = 5 which implies logic should be neglect when it comes to quantum physics. It is funny at times, detecting something that is hard to explain and having the conclusion that the interpretation is not possible. We not finding a solution to it at that present moment doesn’t imply we have really found a paradox that cannot be interpret, it only mean we still have lot to cover (more work to do).

But we are certain of something, we don’t possess telekinesis

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