Modern science : no basis in reality

in #physics7 years ago (edited)

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Modern science has no basis in reality

The Universe is not accelerating in its expansion.
Red and blue shift do not signify the speed of the observed object but rather its age.
There is no Dark Matter or need for it to balance equations for an imagined expansion.
There is no Dark Energy for the same reason.
There are no Black Holes as this ideas was also concocted to satisfy an imbalances equation to explain misunderstood observations.
There is no nuclear strong force which holds atoms together.

A few of the many false ideas negated by concepts found upon solid foundations.

There is an astoundingly simple superior set of principles which have been overlooked, denied, ignored and inhibited.

These false ideas are the product of a scientific fraternity which has been educated in false methodology, restricted from considering the most important discoveries of the last century and manipulated into serving corporate and political interests, for the most part without realising their plight.

Science has been sanitised to appear progressive as any counter arguments are ignored or unpublished and preferred agendas are supported.


Today's institutions are more corrupt and misguided than those of Galileo's time. At least those of his day were acting in the interest of obedience to a higher intellect, real or perceived, for the good of all mankind, misguided or not.

There have been no real advances in our understanding of these and many other scientific principles in the last 100 years as all the new ideas are based on false models which are balanced and augmented by myriad assumptions and false premises founded on other false scientific conclusions.

Quantum Mechanics

The primary postulate for the origin of all we are aware of is the Big Bang Theory, which is considered proven by many yet it has more assumptions than measurements as Mike Disney has shown.

The Big Bang

Theoretical physicists have admitted the lack of unity in the scientific models of today. Gravity, theoretical physics, cosmology and quantum mechanics do not coexist with any degree of unity.

They are all based on false premises about atomic structure and forces, cosmic structure and forces and life and consciousness.

One of the most astounding evidences of this is the absence of life and consciousness in the "equation of all physics". An equation which supposedly explains everything and leaves out the most profound of all aspects of our reality can hardly be considered indicative of understanding.

Without correct definitions of all concepts involved in a scientific model, the results cannot be relied upon and the mathematics and imaginary concepts created to fill the gaps do not provide proof but rather relegate the model to the realm of fantasy.

Scientific discovery today is essentially and supposedly made through systems designed to discover what scientists expect them to and operate in closed systems which preclude the empirical method.

As the myriad of false discovery grows, the invention of constants, particles, concepts and forces balance the mathematical equations, lending elegance and plausibility to the concocted nonsense.

The genius Johan Wolfgang von Gotte wrote :

"Mathematics has the completely false reputation of yielding infallible conclusions."

This is simply an introduction to the profound. Click the second link for an education.
Primary Source :
Wallace Thronhill's presentations on the Electric Universe
The Electric Universe

Written with StackEdit.


Yes, as the post modernists say, feelings are much more important than logic and reason. And I feel these ideas are false...

The ideas I am promoring or those they negate ?

scientific ideas

They are loosing the narrative daily. Great post. Thank you

And thank you :) But be sure to watch the video.

In science, everything is a hypothesis, until proven.

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