Custodian Late for Work, Einstein Fused Space and Time

in #physics4 years ago (edited)

Protein domain development and interactions (molecular changes/ functions) can also be expressed in terms of REDOX reactions. Phyto-cannabinoid chemists often contemplated molecular changes while ignoring electrochemical reductions and oxidations.

The guy who emptied the garbage and kept a roll on the spindle the for following day (Carleton University), contributed research performed at the more "prestigious" U of zero (U of O, Ottawa). Prestige is not important, unless it was earned somehow.

Spending time in each building upon the campus during night shifts, afforded an overview of the sciences.

I throw green tomatoes when I am upset in discovery, others throw tomatoes at me for being off the path most travelled.

WOW ..I had not thought of it. The U of O, zero hertz.

Please remove watch before entering ..or Einstein will fuse space and time then perform a small Barnum n' Bailey miracle, bending them along with his perception.

While time is a measurement relative to more than one dimension/variable, a fundamental perspective does not require the fusion of space and time (aspects/measurements/dimensions).

Mechanical clocks required counterweights, the weight of the motions are meant to provide a specific resistance. Changing the ratio of charge gradients (-/+) about the timepiece can modify the resistance provided by the mechanism. Ooh, bent time ..does not necessarily mean that space was somehow shortened or lengthened.

If the custodian's watch is retarded by twenty-six seconds each time he cleans the lab, in how many workdays will the individual be five minutes late for work?

Had the "remove watch" warning on the laboratory door been heeded, experience would not have been possible.

The watch must be wound each fifteen workdays, it will be five minutes slow at the beginning of the twelfth shift.

While the quantities about our custodian are not exact, the scenario presents a useful theoretical perspective.

Awesome, experiments. I have a laser beam to not be able to bend and now a watch to be slowed.

A trichome stalk and head to weigh, wattage to be increased and a diversity of finely ground materials in bowls to be experimented. So far, biological matter and phyto-chemical compounds can be carried and extracted from that which converges to the oppositely charged electrode.

Two charges allow charge gradient ratios (CG ratio). Allowing superfluous charge such as that of reactive ozone (O3) molecules in the upper atmosphere. While O3 contains more atoms, it is physically located such that it is less dense than O2 oxygen that is found at lower altitudes and greater pressures (somehow O2 has a greater mass than O3, counterintuitive aspect the CG ratios convene).

What about crystal density? ..strongly imposed upon by the charge gradient of Earth, as are metals and materials so dense they come apart in the current charge gradient of Earth. What if the forces imparted by Earth's CG ratio were different several million years ago? ..or some 10^9 years of Earth's age.

Lex Fridman gave up without a debate, not much for me to learn there anyhow. MIT and Stanford have no one capable of open honest debate, failed academics indulge neglect of communication. Some are not strong enough to "skip the ditches."

They do not contribute and even thwart solutions then leave with the money, calling it a day of "work." Meanwhile our relatives are being fed into the furnaces that keep those who do not object employed. No objection, no need for a solution (academic failure). If no one acknowledges the problem, an imaginary government angel will grant a miracle instead ;)

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