Physics: Unknown story of known sources

in #physics6 years ago

Unknown story of known sources (physics)

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by @amulla505

Physics is more familiar to us. For some, it seems to be funny, but many people have to be depraved like the idiots in the seriousness of physics. When you hear the name of physics or physics, there are several sources in the head called kilibha. There are no stories behind all these sources. Today's story is about three stories.

1. Newton's gravitational formula:

Scientist Isaac Newton one day was sitting beside himself in the apple garden. Suddenly fell on Newton's head from an apple tree. After that, Newton began to wonder why the apple did not go up the ground! From the small incident, the formation of gravity sources has begun. We have heard this story almost everyone. But many people disagree about the authenticity of the story.
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Apple was not really important behind the gravitational formula.
The real event is that in 1665, the Newton epidemic was attacked by the plague. The sick Newton then took leave from the university and moved to his village, Woolsthorpe, to spend his leisure time. There he first came to the idea of ​​gravitation. During this time, he continued to study the moon around the sun. One such day when he is busy with the moon march, then immediately fall from an apple tree to the ground. He observes the movements of falling apples. Finally, it concludes that all the objects in the universe attract each other as a precursor. Its name is gravity ball. This way we found Newton's gravitational formula.

2. Einstein's E = mc ^ 2 formula:

Scientists Einstein's most famous formula E = mc ^ 2 This formula is very familiar to all the students studying in the science section. But interestingly, Einstein gave the first formula, but he could not prove himself first. Then? Let's not know how this formula comes from. In 1881, JJ Thomson first believed that there is a proportional relationship between the mass and energy of charged particles. Then in 1884, British scientist John Henry gave a theory about the transformation of energy from the electrocardiogram. Other scientists used this theory to discover new theories. But many scientists have failed to give the exact interpretation of this formula.
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That is, light is something that simultaneously treat both particles and waves.

At the same time, contemporary scientist Haskell found out a new equation. He claims that the mass of radiation radiated from any dark matter, m = (8/3) E / c ^ 2 Later, a physicist named Abraham modified it and proved m = (4/3) E / c ^ 2. Haskell's mistake was that he did not mention the explanation that the radiated energy was dissipated as heat, he did not mention in his equation.
When somebody did not give a proper explanation, Einstein analyzed other equations and gave the E = mc2 equation. But still he could not prove the equation. Later he tried to explain his relativistic theory and using the Doppler verb. He was able to prove the accuracy of the equation in 1905 by his untiring efforts and pursuits. It was then established that the breakthrough equation E = mc ^ 2 However, it must be conceded that it is undeniable that the role of Hasnrell was behind the formulla.

3. The wave theory of light:

In 1678 the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens said that light was a kind of wave. But this statement did not survive. Because at that time Newton had great influence in scientific society. As a result, Hyunde's wave theory was buried under the influence of Newton's particle theory. The wave theory became popular after explaining the distortion of light. French engineer Augustine Frankel established a detailed mathematical equation of wave theory. Solve these equations with the help of pans, if the wave theory of light is true then its shadow will exist. Then Frankel's friend Argo proves the existence of a shadow through practical testing. The wave theory of light gets some recognition in it.

Later, scientists began to believe in the electromagnetism examination of the Farad, a type of electromagnetic wave. It gets the full form of Maxwell's formula. Einstein's photonatology established the particles of light both religion and wave religion. That is, light is something that simultaneously treat both particles and waves. Now, of course, we all know that light is a type of electromagnetic wave that acts both particles and waves.

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