
awesome shot!

Parrots make a great object for photographers, especially the multicolored parrots.

Such lovely colors! Nature did a great job :)

To be honest, they scare me a little. Attracted by their colors, but their beak...

I once bought a painting created by challenged people. The colors, and the shape immediately struck me as being a parrot. The colors make you happy by just looking at the (watercolor) painting. I had to have it. When the painting arrived I noticed the title was 'Human' :) Still my favorit painting.

They scare me too, but I love the colors :)

Who took all these pictures ? Crediting a website doesn’t tell me who took the photos , please tell me you aren’t one of those people ?? Try to make money off of others work ??

It is a good habit on to at least provide the source of the images.

I understand you didn't like my comment on your image, but you added text to make it seem like you created the picture yourself, which doesn't appear to be true.

As you can see in my post, in all my posts in fact, the source is provided. Do a search for 'parrot' on and you will find all the images I used.

I asked you about the source of your image, because I have created a combined animal picture myself and wanted to know if there were more similar pictures created by the creator of your image. I was, and am, curious about the rest of his/her work.

Is it really that hard to provide a source?

And for those of you who are thinking what is this all about, here is the post

I got it off Reddit , if we’re using your qualifications for what a source is. And I never at any point alluded or said it was my work not once have a claimed that I made it so stuff your accusations buddy. Trying to talk down on people on the internet is pretentious , you need to slip on down off that high horse friend.

Thanks for the downvote. Very mature

If that is what it takes to make you understand how things work, fine.

Holy fuck bro let it go !

Glad to see we at least agree on that one

Agree on what ? You still not letting it go ? Piss up a rope faggot.

You suggested to let it go, I confirmed to agree to that, but... it seems you can't let go after all, seeing all the downvotes

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