1920 Russian Famine Photos (Not for the faint of heart)

in #photos7 years ago (edited)

The Russian Famine (1921-1922) an estimated 5 million people died. Peasants turned to cannibalism in order to survive. The cause of which are said to be multi-facetted–economic disturbance, World War I, The Russian Revolution, and disruption of The Russian Civil War and its communist policies. I think it's more of the latter that contributed to this famine. Communist policies that were enacted at the time are as follows:

  1. Nationalization of all industries and the introduction of strict centralized management
  2. State control of foreign trade
  3. Strict discipline for workers, with strikes forbidden
  4. Obligatory labor duty by non-working classes
  5. Prodrazvyorstka – requisition of agricultural surplus (in excess of an absolute minimum) from peasants for centralized distribution among the remaining population
  6. Rationing of food and most commodities, with centralized distribution in urban centers
  7. Private enterprise banned
  8. Military-style control of the railways

Here in lies the horrors of the 1920s Communist Russia famine in pictures:

Communist The Haves vs The Have Nots

In classical communist Marxist ideology, the kulaks (rich peasant farmers) were said to be the class enemies of the poorer peasant farmers. Vladimir Lenin described them as, "bloodsuckers, vampires, plunderers of the people and profiteers, who fatten on famine."

It might be too much for some, so the rest is of the entry is available here for those who want to see more.


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Very hard and difficult to perceive.

I know. People need to remember the horrors of centralization of power my friend. Especially now that most millennials believe that collectivism (socialism, communist, marxism) is the way to go. People these days don't have a sense of history.
It's harder for people to understand things in a mental level but these photos are something visceral and easier to understand for most.

thank for your post

You're welcome. Be sure to check my website, I have things there that might interest you.

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