Duck Whispering- The Lost Art of the Mwack.

in #photos6 years ago

There are a couple ducks that have been coming to visit over the last couple days.

Naturally, I noticed the fuzzy-butted baby duck and promptly barfed a rainbow all over myself and @sammosk.

Over the days, we have been tossing them treats in the hopes that they will let us get progressively closer...


It's working...

(A note: please don't feed ducks bread if you can avoid it, or only in very small amounts! It is junk food for them with no nutritional value! It can also be bad for their water! Fruits and oats are a better nommy option for our feathered friends.)


These little guys are Muscovy ducks! They are easy to domesticate and are generally not afraid of people! They are definitely what you would call "food motivated".



As you can tell by the duckling willing to risk all safety instinct in order to get to the tiny crumb of pancake I had on offer!

(In its defense, it was a very tasty pancake crumb.)


They now spend all day right outside the porch and the baby sings at us and looks in the screen! I would imagine that in the coming days there will be a lot better (and closer!) images to come!

Until then, I hope this picture tides you over. It is blurry. But it is hilarious.


"I am here for the crumbs."


Gif credit to giphy!


The duckling is seriously cute! Hope you get a closer picture soon. 🦆

I was wondering what kind of duck that was before you said it. Muscovy ducks are a fairly common domestic species that a lot of homesteaders raise. They're pretty cool birds.

Very cute and funny.

Ack what do ducklings have to be cute for.

And I'm so glad you put in the suggestions for better food to feed ducks, I can't seem to convince some people that they're not the only people that are just feeding them the "little bit of bread won't hurt them" XD

Quack. Quack, quack, quack. Quack-quack.
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