Quick Shot: No new news...Zombos

in #photos6 years ago

Back in a different life I painted miniatures for tabletop Wargames. Just finished selling these on ebay. They would have gone to a lot higher than they did, but for some reason some artists undercut themselves and other people so bad its hard to turn a profit on pro paint stuff anymore.


Nice hoard of Zombies there!

LOL! I love the way that sounded.

Hey SpaceTrucker... have you seen the Steem wargames run by @daklawboyz and the Steem zombie game run by @happyme. Everyone gets upvotes for playing and there isn't nearly as much painting required to join in.

sounds awesome I will have to check it out thanks for letting me know about it!

i could hear from here the BRAINS word! :D love the zombies from all gaming companies

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