My Favorite Possession


The @steemitblog Photo Challenge #2 ( #photographychallenge02 ) asks us to pull out our fancy digital cameras and snap a photo of our favorite possession.

The challenge did not consider the possibility that one's fancy digital camera is one's favorite possession. This leads to a paradoxical situation in which I have to use my favorite possession with my favorite possession.

My favorite possession is a Nikon D90 DSLR. I've snapped thousands of photos in the last few years.

The camera has a Sigma 20-90 mm lens. This was the kit lens for a Nikon D70 camera. The lens has survived use on two cameras so far. Professional photographers will notice that the camera is on an auto setting.

I was left in the quandary of how to photograph my camera. Fortunately, the material world stepped in and provided a solution. A month ago I bought a fancy new Smartphone. It is a refurbished Samsung Galaxy Something-or-other; So, I snapped a photo of my camera (seen above). I then snapped a photo of the photo on my camera.


Professional photographers will notice that I failed to take the time to assure my second photo was in focus. Yes, I snapped the photo with auto-focus. My camera's auto-focus failed to focus on itself. I think my camera is camera shy.


Thank you for taking part in the Weekly Photography Challenge #2.

Keep following @steemitblog for new challenges every week.

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