Photoshop Tutorial: How to enhance eyes and achieve glassy effect on your photos.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

I learned this from someone when I was bitten by the photography bug way back in 2009. We jokingly call this the "jolens eyes" technique because the eyes look like jolens (glass marbles) . I broke it down to 5 simple steps, and only a basic knowledge of Photoshop is necessary.

Of course, it is still imperative that the photos you take would be sharp and in focus, a good composition also helps a lot. this technique is only meant to enhance the beauty of your photos, for your own pleasure.

I apply it to my animal photos

And to human subjects as well.

Heck, i even apply it to water droplets


Here are the five simple steps.
(I'm using my daughter's photo for this one, I hope she doesn't mind) :)

Open Image in Photoshop

Zoom in to eyes and clean up the eyes by using the DODGE and BURN tool
Create a NEW LAYER


Use the SHAPE TOOL to draw an ELLIPSIS over the eyes.


Apply Blur to the shapes, I prefer Gaussian


Chage Layer of Shape to Overlay


And that's it, you can adjust the blending of the layers to your preference to achieve your desired effect, from minimal to outrageous.





Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments section below.


a brief background:
My name is Erwin, a work-from-home dad living in San Pablo City, Philippines. We have three kids, Kirsten, Zeppelin (the start of this blog), and Vedder.

Zeppelin, or Zepp as we fondly call him, was born with a severe infection that resulted in the lack of oxygen during the first moments of his life.

He was behind developmentally in his first years, and was finally diagnosed with GDD (Global Developmental Delay) when he turned 2 by a Developmental Pediatrician

We threw in everything, including the kitchen sink, so he could have his therapies -- occupational, speech and as well as special education, with the hopes that he'll improve before 7 years old -- the time when the brain is at its most malleable. He's now past that age, and have only gained little improvement.

He has the cognitive skills of a 2 year old, language skills of a 1 year old, motor skills of a pre-schooler, and the appetite of a full-grown adult.

I love him with all of my heart.

Instagram: Special Needs Daddy

Shameless Plug

If you haven't read it yet, please do take the time to read the beautifully-written A Day In The Clouds which chronicles one of Zepp's misdaventures.

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