[Travel] New York Central Park紐約中央公園 -- Picnic on the Cherry Hill 櫻桃丘上野餐

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Central Park, a grandeur statement of landscape architecture 

Central park at the very heart of New York City, was a grandeur statement of landscape architecture that sought to bring nature into industrial city.


Portrait of my girlfriend in the park|幫女友在公園裡拍的肖像

A little bit of history on this gem

By the mid 19th century, American art, literature, and popular culture all echoed the necessity of green lushes in an industrial city. Many influential New Yorkers felt a need for a open-air space, like Paris' Bois de Boulogne or London's Hyde Park. In 1850s, after New York legislature sorted out the bureaucratic details, they held a landscape design contest. Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, an landscape architect and an architect won and set out to realize their vision of the "Greensward plan".

在19世紀中期的時候,美國藝術、文學等各界都響應著城市和景觀規劃的重要性,當時很多具有影響力的紐約客都覺得紐約應該要有一個像倫敦海德公園或巴黎布洛涅森林一樣的公園。1850年中期,官方舉辦了一場公園的設計比賽,由景觀建築師奧姆斯特德(Frederick Law Olmsted)及建築師卡爾弗特·沃克斯(Calvert Vaux)的『草坪計畫』獲勝。

Picture from Google

Central Park vs Prospect Park

People like to pick team and compare with each other. I guess this is how we spice up our life.

New York is divided up into five administrative boroughs. The most famous one is of course Manhattan. Brooklyn, on the other end of the spectrum, goes for a underground hipster vibe. As any hipster, you must claim you don't care about how other people think of you, but secretly wanting all the attention.

Park is one of the battle fields of the two boroughs. The New York Times even published an article on the subject. Both parks, in fact, are designed by Olmsted and Vaux. Some fans of Prospect Park even argued that Central Park was just a trial run. If you ask me, I don't care for the debate and probably will just opt for the one closest to me.




Picnic at Central Park!

Having a picnic in central park is a great way to relax and avoid the summer heat of August. (or enjoy the fall breeze of September) Last month, my girlfriend and I took a little trip to escape from the noise of the city.


Needless to say, Central Park is huge. It spans across 59th street to 110th street. There are plenty of great spots for picnic.


Avoid: the Great Lawn

It's the center of the park and offer great view of New York's Skyscrapers, but I'll avoid it simply because it can get really crowded. 



Picture from Google

Recommend: Cherry Hill

Cherry Hill is a modest slope facing a lake. It got the name because of the abundance of cherry tree. It's a great place for couples to hang out, and watch people attempt to row their boats on the lake.



After picnic, you can walk around in the park. Check out some famous sites like bethesda terrace and fountain.


We took some portraits at the terrace |平台前拍的肖像

In front of the Lake|櫻桃丘面向的湖前

End your day on a sweet note with cookies from Levain Bakery

Located at the intersection of 74th st and Amsterdam Ave, Levain Bakery is not far from the Cherry Hill. Their cookies are absolutely divine. Crunchy on the outside, soft and melting chocolate on the inside,  hands down the best I had in the states. 

最後我推薦大家用Levain Bakery的餅乾為這趟出遊劃下完美的句點,這家烘培屋位在74街和阿姆斯特丹大道的交叉口,他們的餅乾絕外酥內軟對是我在美國吃過最好吃的!

Picture from Levain Bakery


If you're interested in American Landscape Design:



If you're interested in quarrel of the boroughs and want to chime in:



Thank you for stoping by! 

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I hear that some parts of Central Park is dangerous and is a no go area, is that still true?

Only at night. It's all sunshine and roses in the daytime.

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