The Origins of Christmas Trees... Evergreen worship, legends, stories, a sad fairy tale and my opinion

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

yule fairy - by priscilla Hernandez (

As I told in my previous post some of the posts I will share in December are going to have a very Christmas or Yuletide (Winter) vibe. I am myself a December child as I was born mid December, so for me it's a very special time of the year, a time of new resolutions.

I write this article to draft a glimpse of the background story behind this tradition of using "Evergreen" during the closing of the year, Winter or Yule. But also I take the chance to say how sad is that millions of trees are chopped just for the sake of this tradition. If you must use a real tree, please consider to buy it in a pot instead of chopped off, even deprived of light it might make it if you plant it again after the festivities are over.

There are always ways to do things with balance.

I understand that for some people this is a very important tradition and I respect... I only call for moderation... There will be always be debate as Faux plastic trees are a poor alternative and also rise another kind of environmental concern... so as I say there are pros and cons... still sharing just my personal approach and then moving on to the origins. I'm also aware of the jobs that it provides in rural areas but there is something very sad in a "clone forest" perfectly programmed to be consumed, used and thrown away.

As for me, trees belong to the woods (not farms), growing and living

yule fairy - by priscilla Hernandez (

That is why I always take a fallen branch from the forest floor or use a tiny faux tree as ornament. Most of live Christmas trees that are sold as objects have grown for over a decade just to be used and neglected after a handful of days. I also cover one particular sad XIX century fairytale "The Fir Tree" by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen (who wrote also The Little Mermaid) which actually contemplated this very thought almost two centuries ago and that broke my heart at a very tender age. I include a synopsis and a link to a full read of the tale (now public domain) at the end of the article. I want to say that this is my personal opinion, and I'm not trying to preach anything to the ones following this tradition but always a call to moderation, because as usual things are getting environmentally out of hand (even Amazon will sell live trees this year) and vast surfaces in protected rainforests being replaced by Christmas tree farms, which is just sad. It could be argued that fake trees in fact (most of them ) are made of plastic which are even worse for the environment... but still we can be recycle it many years or be creative and use other materials like paper or fallen foraged materials from the woods. Growing 10 years just to be adorned and then cut down or burnt after a few days is sad. There are some that can be replanted and come in pots, but people usually want the bigger more sumptuous one. More than 30 million trees are cut down and sold in USA alone each year. Oh but they plant trees right... yes but that land takes away from wild forests land with higher diversity... so yes, there are pros and cons. and again this is just my opinion and is not intended to generate debate, keep on reading because this article is not only about my personal opinion but about the origins, stories and curiosities behind this tradition.

The Origins of Christmas Trees

christmas tree evergreen - by priscilla Hernandez (

The origins of of Christmas trees date to pre-Christian era, for thousands of years evergreen plants (mistletoe, holly) and trees (pine, spruce, fir) has been used during winter as "promise" of the life to come after the bleak winter, and thus keeping evergreen plants (including holly and mistletoe) is meant to brighten our spirits during the stark bare winter. They are symbols too of everlasting life.

Boughs of evergreen would adorn the doors of houses to keep away evil spirits.
It was considered in many cultures that the Sun God was weaker or ill during Winter. Egyptians would use evergreen palm rushes. Old Vikings also provided special powers to evergreen plants for the same reason so did the Druids of Ancient Celts.

Evergreen plants were used by Romans in Saturnalia Festivals (17th -23rd of December), and also by countries in the far North of Europe who used Evergreen as a token of "hope" during the bleak Yule and usually included December and January. Nowadays Yule starts 21st of December (Winter's Solstice) and last for 12 days... those are the 12 days of Christmas. There is no real evidence of Jesus being born the 25th of December though it felt sensible to adapt the already existing "Pagan Winter Feast" as after the Solstice days become longer and they could relate it with the light of God entering the World. But just to say date was picked as convenient and not as accurate

Christians later changed this meaning of "evergreen" to represent the everlasting love of god. And thus Yuletide became Christmastide.


Impressions of Yuletide season, the green and reds, and holy another evergreen used in Chirstmas that also date back to pre-Christian traditions.

First Christmas Trees as we know them were originated in Lavonia (now Latvia and Estonia) and placed in the Square for everyone to enjoy. First indoor trees are usually placed in Germany.
Later on Martin Luther , 16th-century Protestant reformer Luther was credited for starting to decorate the trees with "candles" to resemble the trees against the starry sky. This was the origin of the Christmas Tree lights (despite a very dangerous practise that was finally replaced by safer electric lights in the XX century). If you are a traditionalist and still use real candles on your tree, never leave them unattended... custom was responsible of a great deal of unintended casualties though no electric light can replace the warm vibe of those vintage Christmas Trees that our ancestors remember.

The origin of tinsel and the story of the Christmas Spider

As for the famous tinsel , the word means spark and before being made of plastic it was extruded from real silver hammered into a thin foil and then cut into strips.
It is believed that the idea of tinsel came from the sparkling frosted cobwebs. And thus in many European countries spiders are considered good luck and are related with Christmas this way. There is even an Ukrainian folk tale about the "Spider of Christmas Cobweb" that tells the story of a very poor family that found their bare Christmas tree all adorned by iridescent cobweb woven by the spiders during the night and how they never felt poor again grateful for the gifts life had provided them. That is why some ornaments are shaped as cobwebs, especially in Ukraine where the legend is originated. I will talk more about this in another post as I have a collection of frosted cobwebs I've made myself, but meanwhile it's not difficult to imagine how tinsel was inspired by it.

Frosted cobweb tinsel - by Priscilla Hernandez-2.jpg

Frosted cobweb on fir tree around my neihbourhood some winters ago

Oh Christmas Tree: The Christmas Carol

The Queen's Christmas tree at Windsor Castle (Illustrated London News, 1848) Steel engraving, Public Domain, Link

"O Tannenbaum" (literally "The Fir Tree") is a german traditional folk son which origin can be tracked back to the XVI century though was provided the modern lyrics by Ernst Anschütz in 1824. The song that now we know as "Oh Christmas Tree" was not related with Christmas but to the evergreen quality of the fir tree to represent the faithfulness in love. And thus "true" was replaced by "green" in the English translation as it became a Christmas song. There are many English variants. But I'll include here an excerpt of the original.

O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit,
Nein auch im Winter, wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are your branches!
Your boughs are green in summer’s clime
And through the snows of wintertime.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are your branches!

Hans Christian Andersen tale: The fir Tree (very sad fairytale, very real though)

fir tree andersen - by priscilla Hernandez (

Above an illustration of The Fir Tree in one of the Andersen compilations I own

For me one of the saddest and more pessimist fairy tales that Danish author Hand Christian Andersen ever wrote and one that as a child (as Andersen was the first book I ever owned) made me opt for a faux tree or just a fallen branch token. Childhood trauma about Christmas trees... ;-) But still a must-read.

The tale is about a fir tree anxiously looking to grow up, aspiring to grow tall, and it is told as if the tree has a will and awareness. And as sparrows chant of trees in warm rooms with decorations and being worshipped, the tree longs to be cut... until one day it happens and feels the delight of being admired with all the decorations then to be abandoned in a dark room.

That night many people gathered in the room around the little fir tree. They sang and told stories. They placed gifts at his feet. And the fir tree, trembling with joy, listened to the stories they told.
"I wonder what will happen tomorrow?" he thought. He longed for the next day to come.
The people returned the next day. This time they removed the popcorn and the candles and the dolls and the angels from the little fir tree's limbs. Then they lifted him up in the air and carried him up a flight of steps, into a dark, airless room.

And there in the attic is left forsaken, withered in the darkness until one day it's taken outside, and the fresh air reminds it of the forest, but then it's chopped and burnt...

Did I mention this was a traumatic fairy tale for me as a child? This was likely the origin of my conviction. LOL You are warned... if you are curious it's just a short read and as it's Public Domain it's available at Project Gutenberg Online Library at this link:

My Christmas Decorations

So here a snippet of my usual Christmas Decorations that will go up of course with Fufunchis. It's just a small faux tree, something symbolic and humble.

christmas fufunchis - by priscilla Hernandez (

Fufunchis have already decorated their Christmas tree

The Power of Christmas / Yule Spirit transcends our beliefs

yule fairy - by priscilla Hernandez (

I confess I'm not religious but spiritual, and also I'm not pagan but I celebrate Yule, The Closing of the Year. For me it represents the Wheel of the Year coming to an end, also Winter's solstice is the shortest day, but also the day light starts to return, days will become longer as Winter reigns... such contradiction and quandary... that the "dark season" is precisely the bringer of light.
And wether you are religious or not, whatever your beliefs are, this is a season to reconsider what we've done during the year, to build new resolutions and determinations... The year closes and it's always a time to think thoroughly of what it has yielded... To start afresh with new dreams and resolutions, to fix whatever we did wrong... It's a time of new hopes and new chances... As weather turns cold outside and we spend more time indoors it is a time to organize, to enjoy our family and friends along with a hot mug of chocolate. It provides a reason to gather, to go home, to hug our beloved, to be giving...

So if you ask me if I believe in Christmas Spirit, as an excuse to bring us together and remember the power of kindness, yes I believe in its power.

yule fairy - by priscilla Hernandez (

I wrote in my own song Grow

As seasons flow,
once more it all
turns bare and cold
but save green in your heart

And that's all the green I need in Winter

yule fairy - by priscilla Hernandez (

So let me think of Christmas trees like this

> - by Hector Corcin.jpg

All pictures taken by me or in collaboration with @hedac.
PD. My collar is faux fur. I don't wear real fur.

Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator


Wow, what a thorough and enlightening post!
That fairy tale would have traumatized me, too. I am actually a bit tree-traumatized, since I walked through the woods as a child with my family, where trees were being cut with chain saws. I will never forget the screaming of the trees.
So now I just go around hugging them, every time I get the chance :)

Merry Yuletide! :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Merry Yule.
Fellow tree hugger here.
Yes, Andersen wrote many sad tales and I was giveb his book so young , It is beautifully written though. Yes, let trees thrive the seasons and be coated in moss and shelter animals, if it must be taken down le it be useful. My partner had a real one as a child but was in a pot and was planted, so that is an option, to have a tree outdoors.

I am fine with fufunchis tiny faux tree for many years to come.

I just heard the other day that you can now "rent" Christmas trees - meaning they will be planted back into the ground afterwards. Why didn't anyone think of that before??

For that they must be in a pot and not chopped off and yes so much better, you can pay to plant a tree. So many more logical solutions but changes take time

Oh my! The terrible fate of the Christmas tree to be only adorned for such a short while then discarded.
I could see how this tale of "The Fir Tree" could have you decide to go for the Faux tree!
I use to decorate the natural Christmas tree that surround our house with goodies for the birds and animals.
Love the history of the Christmas tree origin you shared.
Evergreens hold a special place in my heart, adding color to the bleak landscape.
Often decorated with the winter snow in a winter wonderland!
young spruce totally laden with snow well house in background.JPG

May there be peace on earth and goodwill towards all mankind in the holiday season and all year long!

I hate reading (reading difficulties), but I slowly read the entire thing. And then I went and listened to your song 'Grow' :)


Absolutely stunning writeup @yidneth - Mr. Anderson may have been on to something there. Have you heard of this scientific research? It's about how plants perceive their environment.

We had a plastic tree when I was a kid. We used the same tree every year for what must have been 15 years haha. It's probably still in some storage ready to be dusted off.

Then I am honoured you found it interesting enough to read til the end. I am glad you liked Grow, saving green in our hearts during the bleak winter and be ready to grow when the time is right (metaphor too).
Happy you reuse the same, well done, same in my family, and I only have the rat plushies one. My partners family had one planted close to the cabin snd I may hang some apples and cookies for the birds.

I will check the article you recommend. I know a little because I am in fact a biologist, or former molecular biologist. I could not harm mice and thus never worked at it past research, could not. That is why fufunchis came to be

I kind of think if you want a live Christmas tree there's bound to be a tree in the garden that can be decorated, and for that stupid present pile well be creative and pile them up somewhere creatively XD

(I'm an awful person that tends to be a whenever gifter, kind of hate the societal expectation that gifts should only ever be given at specific times of year).

I'm from a tropical island though and the closest I will ever get to understanding these types of traditions is if I ever come across a character in my head-universe who might hold them and then dropping into their head for a bit.

Our families have plastic trees. Hoping the fact the plastic tree doesn't care about being in storage and can be used for decades if it's a decent quality tree (I'm pretty sure the one my parents have has been the same one for at least 10 XD) at least somewhat mitigates the plastic problem :S

Got that song queued up to listen soon as I have a moment :D I read someone describe you as having a perfect fantasy voice and I have to agree with them XP

What a beautiful post and one that mirrors my heart in so many ways.

Thank you for sharing the history of the Christmas tree; I personally believe Christmas is too commercialized with people buying and giving for the sake of spending and giving rather than for the true meaning of the intended season.

I will read the Hans Christian Anderson tale, but I already know it will break my heart since the little snippet of description you provided gave me goosebumps.

Thank you for such a touching post, I truly enjoyed it.

Yes, when I read that Amazon was starting to sell living trees I felt, this is just too much, so sad.
There are many things we do for the sake of traditions and some of them are wrong... here in Spain some people still defend bullfighting as tradition when it's animal abuse We live modern times and we know better of the impact of taking bit swaths of land for a monoculture of the same species saplings, not allowing even trees to mature properly.
Andersel tale is not very long, it will take you ten minutes tops, but it's a sad one. My brother earned a book of Andersen tales when young, I was barely 3, I was an early reader so it was among my first things to read ever when I managed to. If you need it, take what you need, but no more... that's how Nature should be, it should have its balance and ways to restore itself... but we always OVERDO

I feel we are kindred spirits in so many ways, just from your posts and our like-minded thinking.

We live in an area where logging, fishing, and hunting is enormous, and I detest it.

I am glad to find like-minded thinkers.... thank you.

Aww I think I understand what you mean... is there anything more beautiful than a deer... :( I'm against hunting too... there is no need for it... you could understand it if it were a need for survival, but killing for sport doesn't seem right...
We have cornered our fellow animals, we leave them without a home, we complaint if they invade our roads when they run away for protection or simply try to cross it... humans complain of their numbers when we are the ones overpopulating this wonderful planet and exhausting its resources...

but I believe there are other ways, and that belief is a powerful thing
especially when you share it with others

I don't ask everyone to agree with me, but here I speak my mind

It is so funny how we can view the same thing with such different eyes. I was actually going to mention the Anderson tale, as I grew up on the fairy tales and was often read old Victorian tales as a child. Many of them have violence and action, that usually are meant to give a lesson. I always loved them.

For me, the Anderson tale was a happy one! I think this mainly because my favourite grandfather, the man to whom I owe my green thumb and love of gardens, always told me that the tree's cycle of life was like that in the garden and with animals and people: We can HOPE to serve a purpose that brings light and joy to one another and that in the end we are all returned to the earth.

It's the same reason I thought the Disney version of little mermaid sad whilst the original version, where she is turned to sea foam, felt more beautiful poignant and real in the sense that if we want and hope for the simple and accept the inevitable, life can be full of treasure and adventure.

I am always torn with Christmas trees as well. We usually got one in a pot to plant out, as I Love evergreens in the garden, but sometimes there isn't enough space or time.

I think the drawback to fake tree is it isn't very environmentally good, in that it is made from petrochemicals and won't ever break down or return to the earth, though I do have one I use at Toad Hall when I am there at Christmas (which I am not this year) but I got that one because I worked at a cafe and they were throwing it out at the end of the season and I saved it from the trash, then I felt it was sort of 'recyling' :)

I too, don't pretend to know the right answer nor would I tell anyone anyway to celebrate but I just love the season. I also cut holly, ivy, and pine branches, as I know this only invigorates the plant from which I've cut it. Again, my grandfather telling me how pruning gives life and in it's gift from Nature is our getting to enjoy what we've cut, whilst the plant feels new life and sends out more beauty for the world.

Happy Christmas, I'm looking forward to your Christmas posts!

I don't like that fake trees are made of plastic either, but I prefer them over cutting a tree a year... plus sometimes I just pick a fallen branch from the forest floor and that's it, the one I have for fufunchis as you can see in the picture is very tiny and will be used every year. I totally respect your input and insight about it and it's curious how we can have different perspectives from the first tale, for I believe that fir tree in the tale would have had a purpose as home of squirrels hahah ;-) or even as part of a timber but no as mere ornament for a few days...

Yes fairytales sometimes are not for children but metaphors of more adult things, I have myself a collection of them... I love victorian fairytales too, The Goblin market is one of my favourites, so odd! :)

thanks always for your amazing comments :) they make my day :)

Even as a child I hated the thought of cutting down trees. One year after I cried about it my mother chose one that one could plant . It was the only time she did it as she found killing them more convenient but I always had either the plantable ones or fakes. I love Hans Christian Anderson's work he wrote my favorite fairytale of all time The Snowqueen one of the few of his with a happy ending <3

Yes Andersen wins the award from "most depressing endings" The Fir tree is a solid contestant but "Story of a Mother" is just the cruelest fairytale I ever read. Yes plantable ones might be better... but really you read the "fir tree" and feel "nothing has happened". Then I read that they are now sold over online and was like... that's it... I have to write about it and speak my mind, it's nothing but my opinion and I don't intend to instruct anyone, just to voice my will.

nods they are and like that you plant a forest instead of ruining one. H. C.A suffered from clinical depression it really bleed into his work sometimes ...

Here in Denmark even some Muslims celebrate Christmas (which we call: Jul, the old norse name for the winter solstice celebration). Not the fanatical Muslims of course, but all the moderates, because their children want to, but also because it is so dark here in winter and so much of our life is influenced by the dimming light of winter and the everlasting light of summer.

Jul , Yuletide then turned Christmastide, so its multiorigin makes it not necessarily a religious celebration but as see it we celebrate the days will be getting longer again midwinter on. I am not pagan either but I love Nature and life and its cycles. A Dark season Winter is but also brings back light day by day so I am happy they can use that to join in celebrating the closing of the year. Thanks for your comment 💜

Woah, you put a lot of useful content and work into this post. Definitely saving this one to check out later. I love learning about historical traditions and ancient meanings for holidays. Doing this brings us closer together as a people, and makes us appreciate our ancestors.

Aww thanks for appreciating, and yes it is up there for a full read when the time is right. Merry Yuletide. I love traditions and folklore too

A beautiful and very informative post on my favorite time of year.

We had living trees that we planted afterwards. One we used 2 years and it lived 35 years after that. But then they started dying and after we'd had 3 die, we bought a fake tree, and have had one ever since. I don't like killing trees for decoration...

My brother provides me with boxwood and holly as I can't grow them here, so I have living decorations also.

I didn't know the tinsel was to represent spiderwebs! I love the spiderweb photo!

I am loving your series on this!

At least they could live something more beyond the twelve days of Christmas, but yes I agree, best option is just to leave them be. We have boughs of holly in the forest but I usually leave them be, maybe I "steal" a little branch with a couple of leaves, but it's the trees which break my heart.
Thank you we didn't have frost but dew today, and cobwebs were apparent today, actually that picture is from last year just around my neighbourhood early morning.
More Xmas posts to come :) (previous was Carol of the Bells) Will share more Christmas Carols, deciding which one to sing this year.

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