Finally, the weather has improved ☔️😁.

in #photography6 years ago

Finally, the weather has improved ☔️😁.

The rain is real. Smell, drip drops ....

It's nice to stand in the rain, lifting your face to the sky. Listen to thunder. Even through closed eyes, when lightning flashes.

And the smell! Unique smell of rain! It can be notes of freshly cut grass or an exhaust pipe, notes of early morning in the countryside or late at night in the city bustle. But the smell of rain will remain unchanged.

Rain is a charge, I really like it!

I like the smell of rain, I like to watch the rain, I charge the rain with energy. I like that rain pushes all people to the mink, and for a while quietly becomes quiet as the grass after the rain, and then as people and nature begin to gradually come to life. Rain is a charge, I really like it!

I love it when it rains.

What a silence when it rains. No one understands. It's Silence! Thunder, thunder, lightning, gusts of the strongest wind. Everything rumbles, resents, but one day - and silence. Only the sound of drops.


When I left the house there was no rain)

Then it began to rain and wet my hair ☔️

I like it when the rain falls down the body :)

During the rain, I feel freedom, it muffles the thoughts of unnecessary people, it allows you to revive the sun-dried emotions, the rain frees the soul and gives a sense of feeling.

I just like it when the raindrops hit my shoulders, as the water falls over my face, I like the smell of ozone after a thunderstorm ... I just like the rain and everything connected with it ... and I can not find any reasons do not like. ...

I really like the rain. I like this state of nature, I like the freshness that comes with the rain. I like wet umbrellas and their rhythmic movement through the streets. I like drops on branches that gently and brittle sit on these twigs. The nature of the rain always attracted me.

From the rain, you can get your own noise.

And yet many do not like rainy weather. And completely in vain prefer gray clouds of clear sun (from which accidentally burns furniture near the window in the southern room). Not that I did not like clear weather - I'm still a normal person, not a mystical melancholic. Just out of the rain you can get your own noise.

During the rain, it's good to sit by the window under a rug with a cup of hot tea.

It's nice to sleep in the mornings on a day off under the rustle of drops on the tin roof! In inclement weather I always rejoice that I am under a roof, warm and with a cup of tea. And then, having discovered in the house a lack of food, consider breakfast from what was found in the far corners of the refrigerator and a forgotten hiding place. Stimulated creative abilities, and, in addition, savings are obtained in the household!

The nature there is no bad weather!☔️


Very nice retranscription of this rain moment @yakubenko !
We are experiencing the same weather here in Paris, and with the warm cup of tea you told us about ;)
Thanks you shared those nice moments !

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