Curd Chocolate Soufflé. The most low-calorie dessert, which is possible on losing weight and at any time of the day 😍

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Curd Chocolate Soufflé

The most low-calorie dessert, which is possible on losing weight and at any time of the day 😍

what could be better?) and it is prepared very simply and quickly 💡

Curd Chocolate Soufflé


  • ▪  soft curd 300 grams of any fat content up to 5%. I made 50 to 50. 5% and 0%.
  • ▪️ Gelatin instant 15g
  • ▪️ cocoa powder 15 gr, mainly fit parade, the most delicious. I often use hot chocolate instead of cocoa.
  • ▪️ sugar substitute 4 sachets (4 gr)


▫️ 15 g of gelatin, mix with water 100 ml of room t, mix and heat in a microwave for 1-1.5 minutes until completely dissolved. Cool to not be very hot.

▫️ In a deep bowl, mix the ready gelatin, cottage cheese, sugar substitute, cocoa (hot chocolate) and beat everything well with a fork until smooth.

Pour the mixture into a silicone mold or a few small ones and put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, until it is completely set.

Simple, light and tasty dessert is ready! For the whole portion only 307 kcal

 ✅ squirrels- 47, fats - 6.8, carbohydrates - 13.9.

Save the recipe yourself.💡 Vote for me ❤️ for my efforts 😏

Video. Cottage cheese and chocolate soufflé 😍

Ingredients: cottage cheese, gelatin, cocoa powder, sugar substitute

Cooking: gelatin, mix with water, mix and heat in a microwave for 1-1.5 minutes until completely dissolved. Cool to not be very hot. In a deep bowl, mix the ready gelatin, cottage cheese, sugar substitute, cocoa (hot chocolate) and beat everything well with a fork until smooth. Pour the mixture into a silicone form or into several small ones and put them in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, until fully cured.

Gelatin is a superfood for muscle building, weight loss and joint health.

Gelatin has many beneficial properties. It is used by bodybuilders to quickly build muscle, on the basis of which a diet is created for weight loss. In addition, this product is recommended for use in diseases of the bones and joints.

This product is an extract from animal bones. It is a protein in almost pure form, rich in amino acids and collagen. 

Gelatin also contains:

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Fats and fatty acids.
  • Micro- and macronutrients - iron and calcium, magnesium and sodium, phosphorus and potassium.
  • Vitamin PP.
  • Fillers (water, starch, ash).

Beneficial features

Fatty amino acids contained in gelatin are absorbed into the bloodstream and are well absorbed. The result is a positive effect on the body:

strengthening bones and joints; acceleration and increase in hair growth; improving skin condition; restoration of damaged ligaments; weight normalization; accelerated recovery after workouts.

Essential product for athletes

Weightlifters have been taking gelatin for decades, because it has a positive effect on the condition of the joints. This product contains large amounts of collagen. Under its action, inflammation decreases after increasing the load on the musculoskeletal system. Research results show that athletes who use hydrolyzed collagen suffer less from joint pain. As a result, workouts become more productive.

Soft cottage cheese

Recently, I noticed that many women buy cheese for cottage cheese for themselves and their children in stores. Are they really helpful? What is inside? Is there real cheese or just chemistry?

Curd cheese is such a lively and fresh product that has a very short shelf life. And, of course, for large distances, for our manufacturers and for retail chains, this turns out to be too unprofitable.

As it turned out, this problem is easy to solve, because modern industry is capable of much. Dilute, dilute and, if necessary, replace some components.

Cottage cheese is one of the main components of the diet for those who go on a diet. However, those who are not particularly concerned about the figure know that the food is healthy. Otherwise, why is he constantly recommended by doctors?

However, sometimes the opinion of the curd is exaggerated. Here are just a few myths and a few truthful facts, confirmed by scientific research.

Cottage cheese - an excellent source of protein

The longer the curd is stored, the worse the quality

Cottage cheese is great for dinner

Cottage cheese is an important source of calcium minerals.

Cocoa powder

Nowadays, everyone from an early age is familiar with a rich and fragrant drink, which is filled with energy and uplifting - with cocoa. Today it can be found on the shelves of almost any grocery store, but many centuries ago the cherished beans grew only in South America and were not even familiar to European residents. All this has changed with the arrival of the Spanish navigators in Mexico. The Aztecs offered the Spanish soldiers to try a thick drink with foam based on wearing cocoa beans with the addition of various herbs and spices. The sailors loved the drink so much that they brought home the beans and recipe, started growing cocoa and modified the drink before we knew it today: hot, sweet, with a rich chocolate flavor. After some time, the product began to spread throughout the world, and now it is known on all continents.

Useful and healing properties

Cocoa beans are a natural source of antioxidants that prevent an increase in the number of free radicals in the body and the fight against harmful effects of the external environment. Clinical studies have shown that the antioxidant capacity of cocoa is several times higher than that of apples, berries, and green tea. It is best to use the drink in the morning: the fact is that active substances, such as caffeine and theobromine, can disturb sleep or make it restless.


Regular and moderate use of the powder allows you to achieve a surge of vitality and quickly recover from intense physical exertion. Small portions of the drink without milk and sugar will become assistants in regular workouts, which are so important for losing excess weight. Cocoa also provokes the production of endorphin and serotonin - hormones responsible for good mood, this is important, as a diet low in carbohydrates is often accompanied by excessive irritability.

Pour the mixture into a silicone form or into several small ones and put them in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, until fully cured.

Put in the fridge.

Jelly - a tasty and healthy dish for children and adults. It is easy to cook, but an inexperienced cook freezes. In this article we will tell about all the tricks of the successful freezing of jelly.

Choosing the right thickener

Usually in the preparation of desserts at home using powdered gelatin or agar-agar.

With ground gelatin, it is difficult to catch the line between deficiency and excess. In the first case, the jelly will become a floating consistency, in the second - rubber.

Agar jelly is brittle and brittle.

But the best option still exists. In the culinary industry, pectin is used as a thickener and for good reason. It has a high ability to gel at low temperatures. It thaws at room temperature without losing its properties.

Therefore, to freeze it is better to prepare pectin jelly.

After 30 minutes, put the dessert on a plate. If the jelly is frozen.

Immerse the jelly in the hot water, immediately remove and turn on the prepared plate.

What is raspberry

Nutritionists say that raspberry has an antioxidant effect, and ellagic acid in its composition reduces the risk of cancer and prevents the occurrence of inflammation. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. Raspberry berries have an antitoxic, hemostatic effect. They also contain a large amount of copper - the main component of medicinal antidepressants. For anemia, hypertension, and intestinal diseases, the use of raspberries is invaluable. Regular consumption of berries improves skin color, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the muscles of the intestines and improves digestion.

Raspberries - very valuable berry

Raspberries - a very valuable berry, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. People who care about their health and prefer to be treated with natural remedies should not ignore raspberries, because this is a great tool for treatment.

This berry contains beneficial sugars: fructose and glucose, which are necessary for a person to nourish the brain and cardiovascular system.

Chocolate Sauce

Chocolate sauces are delicious, aromatic, sweet and salty. They excite the subconscious with one glance, stimulate the appetite and become a great addition to any desserts, as well as meat dishes. What can we say, even boring cookies will be delicious, and fruits are interesting if you add them correctly.

All girls love chocolate.

It is not surprising that he is considered the “best friend” of the beautiful half of humanity, well, of course, with the exception of diamonds. However, courageous men also love chocolate. True, they never recognize it. Well, “chocolate destruction” began in 1847, when a British factory made this confection. Then the French seized the initiative - they own the recipe for the first chocolate sauce. It is not surprising that in French it was gentle and elegant, and most importantly - easy to manufacture, because all the necessary components are always at hand!

Now very popular "Photo food".

I believe that making a quality photo of food is art, and not all photographers can photograph food correctly. It is necessary that the food in the picture had the appearance of real food. What would you look at the photo and you smell of this food, that you would like to eat it :) I'm not going to the photo. hahahahaha  In different countries and among different peoples their ideas about food - therefore the boundaries between edible and not edible are very and very conditional.  

A good shot of the bad is usually not an object of shooting, but a professionally composed composition. Even a picture of dinner can become a masterpiece if the background and angle are chosen correctly. But there are other important aspects of the ideal composition of photography.

There are several aspects that you should pay attention to when creating each product photo:

• The mood that creates the snapshot;

• a story that remains behind the scenes;

• rule of thirds, which is important for almost any genre of photography;

• location of objects in the frame;

• Viewing angle and image orientation;

• and, of course, a harmonious color palette. I want to stay again in the shoes of the cook :) 

Save the recipe yourself.💡 Vote for me ❤️ for my efforts 😏

Bon Appetit!  ⭐⭐⭐




That looks delicious! I will ask my sister to make one someday. :)

Yes, very tasty, and not at all harmful to the figure. In addition, I sent the recipe with the most affordable ingredients. You can decorate the dessert as you like, if you have fresh fruit or frozen. or just rub the cookies and sprinkle with the crumbs cookies, or grate around the candy or candy. You can not decorate at all) success to your sister in cooking dessert! =(^.^)=

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with pleasure))

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