A few recipes from me: "Soup with spaghetti", "Puree", "Baked meat"

in #photography6 years ago

Hello everybody! I took a break with the pictures. so I can not share with you a new watercolor art. Today I want to send you a prescription and photo food.

Well, are we going to the kitchen? 

Yes, I like to cook dishes, and this is to indulge my family. I love when I'm praised, they say "mistress." I am very pleased to hear that. In the evening we set the table, with the dishes I prepared, we sit at the table with the whole family, we enjoy delicious food, and we talk on different topics.

So, today I made soup. I really love this food only when it is full. I love that the soup was saturated with the flavor of gravy with morkvy and onions, a lot of potatoes, meat :)Sur with the gravy is very tasty, but to prepare the gravy there is nowhere to go from cleaning the onions. I have sensitive eyes, and I always cry when I clean and cut onions. I tried a lot of ways that the bow did not go into your eyes, and you know that some help. But about this later.

And now I will list the ingredients:

Meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, eggs, buckwheat porridge, pepper, salt.In order to make this soup does not need much time. Most of the time is spent on making broth, but when the meat is cooked you can do your own business, and when the broth is ready, then start preparing the soup.

 The first thing you need to start is to wash the meat well, let it lie in the water, then put it to boil. Meat is cooked not so long,  it will take about an hour. To begin with, do not go too far when the will begin to boil, foam appears, it must be collected in time, because the foam is all bad that was in the meat. If you missed and collected the foam I svutuju merge this water and dial another. When the water with meat has boiled, you can put less fire and go about your business, about an hour. 

I cooked a little meat, then poured out the water in which it was cooked. I do not like cooking on the first broth. I do not like this cook. I prefer a spooky broth in which there is nothing superfluous, only meat swims.

Preparation of ingredients

While the broth is brewed, you can prepare the ingredients for the soup. 

For example: vermicelli, clean and cut the pot into small pieces, I cut it in the form of a cube, rest and rub the carrot, and clean and cut the onion, cook and grate the egg. 

now I'll clean and cut potatoes. It took 10 minutes. Is not that much true? 

This time I will not do any more. In broth I will add a whole onion, when the soup is cooked I'll get the onion and throw it out, I need only the smell of onions. I'll also throw a cup of chicken into the broth, when the soup is cooked, I'll throw it away too. With these ingredients I need only smell and taste.

This time I do not rub the carrot on a grater, I cut it in thin strips, so the carrot will save more useful substances.

You need to cut the onions. This I really do not like. I always have tears when I cut the onions. Even after the food is ready, I can still have red eyes. My mother gave me one piece of advice. Which I want to share with you. If your eyes are aching with onions, and you need to brush it almost every day, then you can apply several methods.1 - Always before you cut the onion, soak it with cold water, and even more soothe the knife. 2 - Do not cut the mustache of the onion, in this place the strength of the onion that gets in your eyes is stored.In the next post about food, I will share with you photos how to cut an onion, that he would not make you cry. But this time we need a whole bow. 

 Now I have cooked the egg, and I rubbed it on the grater, so as not to smear the grater, you can put the egg in the a bowl and crush it with a fork, so much faster, and fall to the table less :) 

When the broth was cooked, I added onions, garlic and carrots. When washed up I will add other ingredients.

I also added a bay leaf.

Now when the potatoes and vegetables are almost cooked, I add vermicelli. Namely spaghetti.

I really love spaghetti, especially with pasta.

Now I've already cooked and spaghetti. At this point, I can pour out a grated egg. The egg is already welded, so it's ready. The soup should only wait until it boils and that's all.

In the soup, add a little salt and pepper. The main thing is not to overdo it. After that, low-salted soup can be salted, but you can not fix salted salmon, unless you add more boiled water. But it seems to me that this makes the soup not so tasty. Therefore, with salt and pepper, be especially careful.

Soup can be considered ready.

Baked meat in the oven

Now we turn to cooking meat. This time the meat has a different taste. Someone likes chicken - dietary meat, someone loves meat fattier - toist pork. I love both. Yes, I love meat, and I do not fit in as a vegetarian. But I will honestly say that I like fruits much more :) So with Vegmtirianism, not everything is lost. hahahah

The first thing you need to start is to wash the meat well, let it lie in the water.

Then drain the water, and let the meat stand a little and get rid of excess moisture.

 Even from the evening of yesterday, I took meat from the freezer, so that all the ice melted, for this I soaked the meat with water, if possible I changed the water, so that the meat to get rid of excess, such as blood, is something that I do not like. When the meat melted, and soaked, I laid it on a paper towel, so that the water would flow out, if there is no time to wait for all the water to drain itself, you can soak the water from the meat with a paper towel.The meat is dry, now it can be cut. I cut the meat into small pieces in the form of cubes. 

This time I did not pickle meat, although there are many types of marinating meat. But I just wanted to feel the real taste of meat without unnecessary spices.

 To ensure that the meat is not baked for long, and is well fried, cut into small pieces. The form can be different, for me the more familiar form is a square.  

add sunflower oil to the container.

Meat should be salt and pepper. It is important not to overdry

  The cooking time is 1 hour, the temperature is 220 or 200 degrees. if in an hour the meat is not ready, then put more, and watch when it is ready. after the meat was prepared for 1 hour, but still not prepared. when you send it back to the oven you need to deflect it more often, about every 10 minutes, because the meat can burn.Before you send the meat into the oven, cover it with a lid, or a foil. When the hour passes, it will be put out, then put on for 5 or 10 minutes for the meat to become covered with golden crust. 

To the meat was with a golden crust add honey. Who has fresh honey, you can simply anoint them with meat. My honey has become a little like sugar, so that it would be liquid. I added some water. Now it is liquid, and I can pour meat on this honey. Then the meat will be with a beautiful golden and crusty crust.

That's all. The meat is ready. The smell is very pleasant. I'm drooling, from the fact that I want to eat it faster :)

Boiled potatoes "Puree"

Puree. Goes as a side dish to the rest of the dishes. Mashed potatoes are the most popular and beloved garnish in our country.

In order to prepare a delicious puree, a lot of techniques and knowledge is not needed.

Ingredients: potatoes, water, milk, vegetable oil, salt.Potatoes should be washed well, and peeled. 

 Then cut into small pieces. But also not small. It is necessary to cut potatoes into 4 parts, this will be enough. Then pour the potatoes with cold water. Water should be poured so that all potatoes are covered with water. 

We put on the stove, initially on a large fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam. In the foam, all microbes are collected, so it is necessary to remove it.

Then you need to salt. 

To understand the cooked potatoes or not, it must be pierced with a fork, if it is easy to pierce is ready.

An hour later, the potatoes are ready. Check the potatoes can pierce it with a fork, if soft, then cooked. Then you need to drain the water. With the help of a special object, crush the potatoes. This is not all, if not distribute the grains of the grains. I want to get rid of grains, so I'll tell you one more way of cooking. 

Add the butter.

We add milk, 1 glass of milk. Before this, heat the milk, that it would be warm. From cold milk, the potatoes will cool down, so it will be better to warm it up.If you do not have milk, you can add water that has been drained from the potatoes. To do this, substitute a glass and pour water from the artillery with the artichoke, then pour out the rest of the water, you will not need it.Also add oil. Oils need not so much, about 10 or 20 grams. 

Milk should be warm. Therefore, before pouring it into a carofel, I heated the milk in a microwave oven. For this, it takes 30 seconds.

That's what I was talking about. To get rid of cereals, you need to potokti potato, but as it is not tovkti, vseravno these grains remain. Therefore, I advise you to use a mixer, it will break all the grains. Puree will look like a cream :) 

 I like what color turned out in mashed potatoes. It is yellow, and the continuity is similar to a gentle cream. 

Mashed potatoes are ready. This garnish is suitable for a festive table, and for every day. I nravityas that this dish is like a mixture of duck, it does not even need to be chewed. Delicious. I'm feeling like a child.

Bon Appetit! 

 I very much like to organize holidays. I love when the family sits together. I cook delicious meals. And in the evening the family comes. We sit down at a big table, eat, talk on different topics. That's what brings.

Delicious dinner in a warm house with family.

I can not send a new illustration to Steemit! To my great regret. I just did not have time to draw anything. I think you know, to draw a drawing you need a lot of time. Sometimes you can not create a picture in one day.Today I want to send the culinary post to Steemit. I noticed that there are a lot of users on Steemit who send messages with recipes and food photos.   

 Bon Appetit! 

Now very popular "Photo food".

I believe that making a quality photo of food is art, and not all photographers can photograph food correctly. It is necessary that the food in the picture had the appearance of real food. What would you look at the photo and you smell of this food, that you would like to eat it :) I'm not going to the photo. hahahahaha  

Let your dreams come true.

A lot of happiness! Be healthy you and your family!

Heat and comfort in your home! Success on Steemit!


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