Adventures & Explorations #99

in #photography6 years ago

Next stop on my road trip up the Pacific Coast Highway in April 2004 (or at least the next place where I took pictures) - Morry Bay. Specifically, Morro Rock. Another childhood memory revisited. I lived in San Luis Obispo off and on back in the 1960s and Morro Rock was always a fun place to visit. In addition to this HUGE boulder, they also have some HUGE smoke stacks nearby (power plant). Can't imagine why I didn't bother to take any pictures of those. Oh, well. They're still imprinted in my memory.



Here's what the plaque says:

An important mariner's navigational landfall for
over 300 years. Chronicled in the diaries of
Portola, Fr. Crespi and Costanso in 1769 when
camped near this area on their trek to
find Monterey. Sometimes called the
"Gibraltar of the Pacific", it is the last in the famous
chain of nine peaks which start in the city
of San Luis Obispo.

California registered historical landmark no. 821

Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Rec-
reation in cooperation with the Morro Bay Chamber of Com-
merce and the San Luis Obispo County Historical Society.
May 26, 1968.




Is it volcanic? Sure looks like it to me.

I googled and answered my own question. Yes, it is volcanic. LOL

Thanks for saving me the trouble. :-)

My sister lived in Morro Bay around 1996. I helped her move there. Nothing was ever mentioned about Morro Rock. Probably too busy drinking wine among other things. :-) Beautiful place, love the area.

amazing pic .. car is so good .. snaps are nice

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