Photostory: My artistic journey around artsy art gallery. Connected with Steemit (only for clickbait reasons)

in #photography7 years ago

So you have fallen for the clickbait. Welcome!

Also, I used word arts so many times in the headline because I don't understand what it means, but it sounds so cool. It makes me look like some intelligent person in front of other people. And pretending to be someone you are not (nor want to be) is the most important task in our lives, isn't it? Anyway, here is my short story (no one likes it long, right? Or my girlfriend was lying to me when she said that?)


We entered the gallery. I saw a lot of beautiful paintings I couldn't understand. So did Gabriele, my girlfriend. We were staring at one painting, and I asked, "Wanna talk about it?" She said, "No." That's how exciting our relationship is. About the painting... Well, it had some red and yellow in it, which probably represents blood and the sun.

The sun rises even after the deadliest war. The sun is okay to shine for no one.


We kept on walking to the dark side of the gallery. It was beautiful out there. I mean, just look at the ceiling, power socket, wall, and lighting. It takes my breath away... Wait... What do you mean I should be talking about art?

Sometimes we are fascinated by casual and boring things which no one else sees.

Don't believe me? Just remember that someone has fallen in love with me. That explains it all.


I needed some rest. There is no hidden message in this photo or anything else. I have flat feet and I get tired very fast. So I was sitting, thinking about how good it is to do nothing.

Always remember to take a rest, even if it means resting from your holidays, wife, or job. Love yourself first.


We kept wandering around the gallery, and we bumped into this something. I don't know what the purpose of this thing is, but I enjoyed looking through it. This thing framed me good and as the saying goes, "Always put yourself in frames to succeed." Wait... Never mind. I still like the photo.

Thinking outside the box is equal to thinking inside the box these days. So think inside the box and break the rules.


The guard was coming, so I had to pretend that I am interested in a painting to blend in. Of course, I did nothing wrong in the first place, but fancy uniforms scare me (just joking). When I was a kid, I passed a policeman and greeted him. Later, I told my mom, "You see, I greeted him, and that's why he didn't shoot us." So yeah, I have a phobia for uniforms since my childhood.

Honestly, I was just enjoying (not that much) Pablo Picasso's painting. "Why the hell did he become famous?" I kept asking myself. "Was it because of a clever marketing?" And this brings us to the point:

In order for Steemit to succeed we need great marketing efforts. With that, people will read our articles as if it were Picasso's painting.

Because the talent is clearly here! Yup, I am talking about myself... and (maybe) you too, guys.


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