Day trip to a... cemetery. Visiting the grave of Eva Peron.

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

When you see that one of the top things to do in Buenos Aires is visiting a cemetery, you know that it must be a stunning place. That is exactly what Recoleta is.

Personally, I always enjoy a nice walk in a cemetery. It is not scary by any means. I would even say it is calming and peaceful. All the people are resting in peace after all, right?

So cemetery in Buenos Aires was a little different from that everyday normal thing. It is a cemetery of a high-class people of Argentina. Everyone is buried in huge monuments with their private tombs and stuff. I never felt that much luxury in my life I guess... Must be great being rich. A death still comes, though.

So we just kept on walking around, enjoying the bright sun of Buenos Aires and overhearing some stories from all sorts of guides.

I can only remember one story. Sadly, being a true illiterate, I only knew one person in the whole cemetery - Eva Peron. So when I heard a random guide telling a story about her dead body, I had to listen.

Apparently, right after Eva died, her body was kidnapped. Some military guys played cards on her dead body, lit off their cigarette butts … and MAYBE (not proven, but highly possible) had sex with her.

After that, she was hidden all over the world. You see, everyone wanted to get her dead body, but her husband made sure to keep it to himself.

So in 22 years dead body of Eva went to Italy, had her finger cut, was renovated endless times, had some people sleeping on top of her…

And this story ended one day when Eva was brought to the cemetery of Buenos Aires. Everyone was expecting to see Eva being buried with her husband Peron, but Eva's evil family claimed her body and buried her alongside with other Duartes.

Long story short - after death, Eva had to wait 22 years before finally being sent to peace.

We went to see the grave. Like one passing person said, "Pretty disappointing, huh?" Yeah, it was nothing special and I would say that we have seen many more stunning works of art in there. The story and the personality still remains unbelievable.

After spending some time, learning about Eva Peron, we continued walking around this huge cemetery. The tombstones and monuments just kept getting more and more beautiful. I cannot help but wonder if being buried in such a fancy place actually makes you feel better.

Anyway, as strange as it may sound - it was one of the better afternoons walks that I had in this last years. I normally hate walking, but this time it felt just great. Watching all the stunning "houses" for dead I realized:

All those beautiful monuments is not for the dead people. Is for the ones still alive.

As creepy as walking in a cemetery for fun sounds, I will stick with the idea that death is not that threatening after all and we all should find peace in it. I mean - look how beautiful it looks... it must mean something great.

That being said, seeing little coffins through the windows of the monuments, felt a little strange. The thought that kids die strikes with the most power… and that is in fact, a little scary.

Overall, it was a great day spent in a stunning cemetery of Buenos Aires. I really think that we should start celebrating death instead of crying over it. If you don't think so, go to a cemetery and feel that peacefulness surrounding you. Feel that death is not an enemy, but a righteous friend.

For more of my strange work, you can visit my lovely blog on Facebook!

Express your thoughts as nothing makes me happier.

And just have a nice day, my fellow steemians! :)


Interesting post and beautiful pics, thanks for share ^_^

Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it!

Great post as always my friend! Also, I voted for your contribution to fifty word frenzy...I can't wait to find out what worse thing is in that envelope LOL

I cannot wait to find out as well... as I am not sure yet :D

Interesting post, thanks for sharing.

Cool, thanks for share

You are welcome :)

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