Snow at Night (Pictures) and Storm Update


Well the snow is finally melting but the clean up is just starting. I had several trees break, my deer fence is broken and I have plants that will need to be staked up after being buried by over a foot of snow.

For western WA this is just crazy!

But the snow is also very beautiful and I tried to take a moment to enjoy it. The top picture is my small back porch at night and here are a couple additional nighttime pictures taken just using my smart phone with no filters or special lens. The snow and clouds were reflecting lights from the nearby city to light up the night.

My new pond covered in ice and snow.

Looking towards the forest across the street from my homestead.

The view from inside my newly fenced "backyard" area towards my new pond with my neighbors barn in the background.

The next weekend will be dedicated to cleanup and repairs. Hopefully, enough of the snow will be melted by then so I can get everything fixed up.

I have an order of a couple hundred trees and shrubs (wholesale, bareroot native plants) that I had to delay until the first week of March. That is late for planting but with the snow I just don't have many options. These plants will all be going into my hedgerows that I'm planting for privacy along a shared dirt road.

Time to Get Mulch

Storms tend to break trees which means that a lot of people might have wood chips to get rid of!

While I wish the snow storm had not come this is a great time to get free wood chip mulch. I don't have room on my homestead for another load (still have old piles of wood chips to go through). But if you need wood chips for mulch then the recovery time after a storm is a great time to find free wood chips.

Just call up local tree service companies and see if they have any to drop off. Another option is the site ChipDrop which makes it easy to get on the list for wood chip drops.

If you want to learn more about why mulching is one of the best things you can do for your homestead/garden then make sure to check out this week's blog post all about mulching. Mulching provides a number of great benefits that can boost your garden and homestead!

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