Fireworks - A perfect way to spend a night out with your partner [EN-ITA]

in #photography7 years ago

On Saturday evening there was a fireworks show in town and several people were going there so we did the same :).
I was waiting that my girlfriend was finishing work and then we went in town to have a dinner and then to find a place where to watch the fireworks.

It was a dry day not like the following days so I was pleased to see how warm the night was... a perfect day for spending time with your partner watching a nice show.

2017-08-12 20.07.20.jpg

2017-08-12 20.10.21.jpg

9.15pm - just few fireworks to inform the people that the show was going to start soon.

2017-08-12 20.23.38.jpg

2017-08-12 20.23.07.jpg

2017-08-12 20.24.12.jpg

2017-08-12 20.25.08.jpg

2017-08-12 21.00.08.jpg

2017-08-12 20.59.27.jpg

2017-08-12 20.25.15.jpg

2017-08-12 21.00.35.jpg

2017-08-12 21.02.49.jpg

At the end of the fireworks we went back home and the same night some drunk person drove his car/van against my parked car running away without giving me their details. So unfair :(


Sabato scorso c'erano in programma i fuochi d'artificio cosi durante il giorno io e la mia ragazza ci eravamo messi d'accordo di andare a vedere i fuochi subito dopo il suo lavoro. Alle 7.20 di pomeriggio lei ha staccato e quindi siam andati a mangiare qualcosa dato che entrambi avevamo fame. Dopo una bella bistecca di angus (io) e diverse tapas (lei) siam andati a cercare un posticino dove poter vedere i fuochi in santa pace.

Stranamente la giornata era bella e non stava piovendo... cosa che invece e' successa ogni giorno prima e dopo sabato scorso. Ci facciamo una passeggiata vicino al fiume e poi troviamo un posticino dove avremmo potuto vedere i fuochi in tranquillità. Almeno questo era il piano... poi la stessa idea e' venuta a migliaia di persone che si son riversate proprio dove eravamo noi.. sedendosi davanti a noi e mettendosi in piedi a far foto proprio mentre io volevo scattarne un paio dalla mia postazione. Tutto il mondo e' paese.

Comunque i fuochi son stati carini e credo sia stato un modo carino e romantico di spendere una serata d'agosto con la propria ragazza.

Poi la stessa sera un ubriaco mi e' finito addosso alla macchina parcheggiata davanti casa e poi e' scappato senza lasciare gli estremi. Bella gente sta ovunque!

Spero vi sia piaciuta la mia storiella. Buon ferragosto a tutti voi!

If you like my posts please up vote and follow me as your help will give more sense to my work ;)

Do you like me.png

Medium: Canon Eos 100D


Thank you @webdeals for sharing
You look very happy with the lover
I hope you are forever like that
I can only say goodbye

thank you abudar! Yes I am happy with my girlfriend :D

@webdeals sorry to hear about your car, mate! That is the worst! At least you had an awesome time with your girlfriend. Focus on the positive!

I am trying to. But is a bad damage and will cost 2k to fix it.. not fair for something I haven't caused!

Agreed! I had something similar happen. Steem hard, and let the sweet sweet crypto pay the bill!

ehehehe good advice!

Great poste @webdeals I like this

thank you katy :)

Awesome photographs @webdeals, the fireworks photographs looks so attractive and beautiful.

thank you :) I am please you like them ;)

You are cool and happy on the photo!)
Very beautiful fireworks, I really like it! ))

Thank you deleni :)

Mi dispiace per l' le foto sono davvero bellissime!

grazie mille :) ho perso un po' di tempo a giocare con la fotocamera per trovare i corretti settings per scattare delle foto carine

Upvoted and resteemed @webdeals, i really like the fireworks images so beautiful.

thank you :) any help is always welcome on this platform :)

Upvoted. I'm going to resteem this now :)

thank you :)

Buon feragosto anche a te!

grazie caro :)

Really professional photos. Love it

thank you! Was hard to get them in a proper way...

please keep posting that type of content

cheers! I will try to ;)

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