What your hair-do says about you.. (Original wildlife photos and thoughts)

in #photography7 years ago

Check your personality based on hair style

funky hair do1.png

“Invest in your hair. It is the crown you never take off” - Anonymous

I have never seen the two long feather plumes on the purple heron's head be curled up like horns!! I saw this heron perched up on a dead tree last week near a lake in India and noticed the plumes. Perhaps it was the wind blowing them up or has this purple heron been reading Cosmopolitan and trying out a fancy a$$ hairstyle to impress his girlfriend?

Intrigued, I took a shot with my Nikon P900 camera and started wondering about hairstyles and grooming. My thoughts naturally turned to human hairstyles.

When I was a kid, the only hairstyle my dad would allow on my head, was the 'soldier cut'. With high hopes of making my hair look attractive, I would imagine the barber to be a 'Da Vinci' of his trade. I would put my head in his hands (literally) and eagerly wait for a lovely 'hair sculpture' to emerge. Alas - all that emerged was barren land of hair cropped to within 1/16th of an inch level from my skull! Anyway - I have almost outlived that trauma now and will not bore you with those details. Let us stick to the subject at hand instead, but before that, Here is the full hi-res image of the purple heron:

So - have you ever noticed how people sport different hairstyles and grooming? I am not talking about the rather creative but extreme hair-do styles like purple Mohawks. Nor am I taking about having crop circle like patterns made in the stubble on your head. I am talking about the hair styles of normal people - those with jobs, families and in general, a life that involves interactions with other human beings, who will probably faint if you turn up in office sporting a purple/green Mowhawk!

Research has shown (I wonder why people feel compelled to research such subjects anyway. LOL) that the way we choose our hairstyles or groom ourselves indicates our personality traits. It may even indicate/ influence our success in life! Let us take a look at some of the most obvious ones -

Come on - admit it. This question has plagued us all over the centuries. Many pragmatic movie directors have attempted to answer it but all have fallen short of expectations.

Well - the answer is still not known! However, it is now known, based on research by the US Panel, as quoted in this source indicates that they do make more money!! They earn premium wages compared to other hair colors!!

This has been another debate over centuries. Slightly unkempt (carefully so) looks do create an impression of free spirit and an interesting personality. Consider cool too perhaps by the younger generation.

Contrast this with the fastidiously groomed looks of the 'Gentleman'.

Which one is better? Hard to say. It is based on personal choice. However, one thing is clear, from the survey quoted in this source that clean groomed looks attract better wages !

Well groomed students are even supposed to be making better grades as per the study quoted in this source!

Interesting factoids - don't you think? Perhaps people in a work/formal environment feel that the person who grooms himself well can perform better? By that logic, dogs who lick themselves clean 10 times a day, or monkeys who groom each other for hours, should perform much better isn't it? Just wondering about the perception.

What is your opinion?

What if I told you that it is possible to determine if you are an introvert or a sociable person based on your facial hair? You will say "Stop the BS man" probably. Well, hold your horses. A study quoted in this source says exactly what I just told you!

Are you checking if this applies to you? Are you a sociable person sporting a beard? Or an introvert with a mustache?

What is your conclusion?

By the way - this makes me wonder how we can apply these principles to understanding which ones among the ladies is an introvert and which one is more sociable? LOL.

An finally - something that the intellectuals have been waiting for:

With so many intellectuals on Steemit platform, there is much head scratching and tearing out hair in frustration going on on Steemit (about various things such as government apathy to crypto, Spam on Steemit, draconian measures taken by authorities on some issues and what not). It is is natural that many Steemians are, perhaps, on the path to baldness. So - here it comes - what does baldness convey about our personality? As per the study quoted in this source:

So, it is not so bad, isn't it? So what if we eventually go bald as we grow our reps & SP on Steemit, at least people will know we are intelligent!!

In conclusion:

Don't be casual about your hair,

Choose your hair style with care,

Be bald and an intellectual if you dare!

Steemians, please share your experiences and views on the subject. It will be great to get more perspective and a lively dialogue going. Thanks

Note: All images except for the wildlife photo and the title image created by me are from pixabay.com. I have added the image titles.


When I was at school, there were strict rules about boys having to wear their hair short. And thus, that is what I became used to.

As adult I lived in the Netherlands for two years, and in that cool climate found it convenient to let my hair grow to shoulder length. But when I returned to sunny South Africa, I found it so uncomfortable that I had it cropped short again.

Then I got a job as lab technician that entailed me working night shifts. In effect, back into cool weather, and so I grew the hair again. And then eventually once again found it just so uncomfortable that I had it cut short again. Which remained my style to this day, especially now that it is beginning to thin out a bit on top.

Guess I'm just lazy. I originally grew a beard simply because I was too lazy to shave. :-)


Hair and facial hair wise I am pretty boring and conservative, i keep it pretty short, partly because if I let my hair grow it gets incredibly curly
Ad secondly i work in a conservative environment

@tattoodjay. Same here. I keep it short and conservative. Thanks for taking the time to read

Always a pleasure read your posts

Very interesting info. I hate keeping my hair blonde it is such a pain so I am back to brown, but it would not surprise me at all if blonde would be more popular. Just hate what it does to my hair and every freaking person I know I swear has dyed blonde hair

Clean cut generally denotes a more kempt lifestyle and as such, they get hired for better jobs. If they're 'taking care of business' at home...

I run a kind of short 'Cloud' look from FF VII with a Guy Fawkes stache and soul patch. What does that make me? Add the fact that I often wear a fedora.

Thanks for the info! Upvoted your post but...

funny and informative :)

Nice this post

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