📌Do you have what it takes to succeed? - in Life & on Steemit (Original wildlife photographs and thoughts)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

It's the thrill of the fight...

eye of the tiger.png

“Every champion was once a contender, who refused to give up ”- Rocky Balboa from 'Rocky'

People often ask me why I have this fearsome tiger photo on my Steemit profile page. The simple explanation, of course, is that wildlife photography is my passion and that picture is one of the best shots I took of a tiger. However, there is more to it than that.

That picture is all about having 'the eye of the tiger' in me. It is what drives me and is responsible for whatever success I have achieved on Steemit and in life. Not only that, I can bet, you will observe the eye in every successful person around you - on Steemit and in life.

What is the eye of the tiger then? Before I speak about it, let me share the hi-res picture I took on one sunny morning in December 2015 at Ranthambore in India.


See those blazing yellow eyes that seem to bore deep into you? Those are the eyes the tiger fixes on the prey and once a tiger does that, come what may - those are the last eyes that the prey will see as it dies an instant later - struck down with the speed of lightning by the tiger.

How cruel, you may say. Nope - it is not cruel. It is the law of the nature. What I am talking about though, is not the cruelty or laws of nature but the cold, precise and tenacious way in which the tiger executes it's task. It fixes it's eye and goes after whatever it has set it's eyes upon.

Made famous, almost to a cult level, by a song from the film Rocky, the expression 'eye of the tiger' has become synonymous with all of the following, as an icon of the human effort to be put in to succeed:

  • Setting a goal and going the distance to achieve it

  • Never losing passion and not giving up, enduring countless failures along the way

  • Never losing the hunger to survive and to succeed - however difficult the goal is

  • Always making the effort to be on the cutting edge and maintain advantage in any situation

The tiger, a fierce warrior and survivor, executes all of those points in it's daily life. Do we - in life or on Steemit ?

Let us talk of Steemit first - where we are all mostly in a controlled environment with fairly known elements of interaction, which would make it easier to understand this point:

We have over 500,000 accounts on Steemit now. I am not an old timer on Steemit myself. In fact, Steemit itself is a young platform so the eldest Steemians are just about a year and half old now I guess. In such a society, majority of the Steemians join because Steemit pays for good content through upvotes (equivalent to 'likes' of the other social media plaforms').

Don't we all have dreams of earning big SBDs - like the whales and the established 70+ reputation bloggers ? How many of us actually set our eye on the target, analyse what it takes and then execute all the hard work that is needed? By my estimate, not even 30-40%.

Most of us end up vote begging, follow4follow requesting or just plain circle-jerk-vote scamming.

Those who really succeed, have the eye of the tiger. They set their target, work for hours or even days on their posts. They strive to bring the best content in their post. They spend hours appreciating posts of other good authors and providing meaningful feedback. They spend a good portion of their life on building relationships. They are born warriors and survivors.

You will observe that many of the successful Steemians are also successful in life. It takes the same quality, the same eye of the tiger attitude to succeed in life as well.

So - "enough preaching" you may say and ask me if I have the eye of the tiger. Yes I do. I have set my goals and am tirelessly working on them. My passion for wildlife and spreading awareness about it reflects in everything I do. I have kept marching on the path of becoming a Steemian whose voice is heard by people.

I have had many failures along the way - discouragement by harsh comments, disappointment for my good posts going unnoticed, getting high votes but not getting any interaction, getting very little attention and encouragement sometimes on conservation causes .... I have taken all these in my stride and here I am - successful or not, I do not know but still a Steemian. I WILL keep marching... I have the eye of the tiger!!

So how does one get the eye of the tiger would be your question. All of us, I repeat, ALL of us are born with it. We all have it within us but we need to find it and activate it. Do you want to know the secret to activating it?

There are two things that help us find our eye of the tiger....


We need to find the right attitude to be a go-getter.

(Image credit)

If we look within us an see a pussycat, every time we face a problem, we need to unleash the tiger by thinking of the worst that could happen and mentally preparing for it. There is nothing that kills fear like actually looking at the worst of the danger.

Enjoying the thrill

Do you remember that feeling you got in the pit of the stomach when you took on a fight and won it? I do not mean a literal Rocky Balboa style boxing bout. I mean something that you had to fight for the achieve. You went up against the world and won... Didn't that feel great? Didn't that make you want to go and win more? That is what I am talking about. The thrill of fight, pumping of adrenaline in your blood is what being alive is all about. It is the excitement of the chase, the patient stalking, the end game - all of this goes into your having the eye of the tiger.

Believe me - you have it. Just find it and you WILL be successful!

In Conclusion:

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

- Survivor

Steemians, do you have the eye of the tiger? Please comment freely to share your experiences, knowledge and views to help others find the eye of the tiger. Thanks.

Note: All images except for the wildlife photos and the title image created by me are from pixabay.com.

Gif crafted by the Legendary @stellabelle for me


Spotting the right stuff to write and upvote the quality posts are all important skills to develop. A tiger does know how to place itself at a strategic place before a hunt.

Marvelous persuasive post @vm2904. I have no uncertainty you will get where you need to go throughout everyday life and on steemit with that demeanor.
Have an incredible day mate.

This post upvoted and resteemed

This post has received gratitude of 11.90 % from @appreciator thanks to: @vm2904.

Hay sir I am here for more then 2 month and I do agree with you that at initial we do face a lot of problems and slowly we get stronger. And at same time as you had talk about you and your passion of photography and what you think about eye of tiger is really motivation for all steemitian. Eben for me . Form now I am going to set my holes on steemit like you and thanks for such great post.

you says good thing.....✌✌✌

This is very true!
I think that rewards becomes secondary once your main target is to curate your blog.

The truth is that whales just love posting, I think that SBD isn’t their main target.
Of course, it is an added incentive but not the main reason.

Good post

@vm2904 you're famous in my book.

I never remember your name, just the lion @stellabelle made you, but I always know who you are when I see a post of yours.

By the way, just so you know I'm going to follow you on your journey to success...

Awesome inspirational post @vm2904. I have no doubt you will get where you want to go in life and on steemit with that attitude. :)

Have a great day mate. :)

That's a nice post. I always pay attention to your posts, because your post contains many important information that is very valuable to me. Thank you very much for sharing this valuable post with me. I hope that you will be with me for many more valuable posts like this. I hope you will be successful.
thnx dear friend @vm2904

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