
Should make me feel cold, but it doesn't. Have the sense that I'm watching the snow from inside, and perhaps holding a warm cup of cocoa in my hands.

I think that's the effect of the frame. I get it too this time.
This holly bush was about ten feet from the house, but the only good shot of this scraggly thing was right next to it. I think this was the first time I saw 4 inches of snow in England. (We had another one about a month later - which was handled slightly better.)

Excellent work and amazing picture. "Crystal" clear. England not Wyoming?

I lived in England for 16.5 years, so yes, I have lots of pictures from there.
Thus far I have not found any holly in Wyoming, despite my looking for it. I don't know if the altitude causes problems for it or not... I would love to harvest some for a cheaper alternative to yerba mate tea. (Paraguayan holly!) - Just be sure to prepare it properly - our North American holly isn't called Ilex vomitoria for nothing! (The colonists learned to roast it first - when tea was heavily taxed. It works pretty well.)

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